3.12 Bugs


Dec 27, 2012
Hi everyone,

Found a couple of bugs in 3.12:

1. The Honour policy group opener does not seem to be revealing barbarian camps as advertised.

2. In a game today as Babylon I only received 1 scientist when I researched writing as opposed to the 2 advertised.
Under the Patronage social policy tree:
3. "Consulates" says that it gives a +20 to the resting influence of city states, which it does, but it also gives +20 instant influence with city states, which I don't think is intended.
4. "Scholasticism" does not give any science from city states that are friends, but not allies. City states that are allies do give science, but mousing over city state allies in the diplomacy pane reveals that, at least in the interface, the amount of science is not +3 per era, but varies depending on the city state. The science counter at the top of the interface, when moused over to reveal the details of science income, reflects earning the amount of science from city states as their sum would suggest, but again, what they suggest is not what the social policy states that they should give.

This policy seems to be behaving like its unmodded counterpart, in which you earn science from city states depending on their own research; this would account for the varying amounts displayed in the interface. An alternative explanation is that this policy is working as intended, but the interface does not reflect that.

Under the Exploration social policy tree:
5. "Pioneer Spirit" gives 2 defense units, 2 workers, and 2 settlers, but does not reveal the world map.

6. Red Fort says that gives all cities a border expansion of two (which I assume to be out to the second hex ring), however, the borders of all of my cities, even a brand new one with 1 population and no border expansion, were not expanded. That said, when I founded a new city, it started two hexes out, so the Red Fort does have an effect on cities founded after its completion. Perhaps it is working as intended, and if so, I would suggest editing the interface text so that its effect is more clear.
-Germany does not get additional votes (played till UN was formed and never had any additional votes).
-Enhancing religion also allows to set another follower belief which should only become available when the religious tree is completed.
-Wat Phra Kaew and Sistine chapel wonders not working at all.
-Golden Age does not increase faith
-Pioneer spirit does not reveal the world map, but works otherwise as intended
Fixed the text error with Babylon's trait.

Added the policy errors to github issue list.

Could not replicate any problems with the Red Fort.
It looks like Archers have high enough FLAVOR_DEFENSE values to be considered defensive units. This wasn't a problem in GEM when we had a vanguard line but now that we don't, various units may be considered defensive units depending on their flavor values.
I tend to consider ranged units to be "defensive" in so far as they're more valuable on defence than on offence. They're valuable either way, but that they can weaken an enemy advance before it can attack, focus fire on units to destroy them entirely, and hide in cities as garrisons while firing continuously all seem like very valuable defensive attributes.

Is that a problem? What units was it intended to provide? Spears?

It seemed to me like the bug with the policy was the map reveal, something I'd suggest we should just do away with and replace with some other effect anyway.
I tend to consider ranged units to be "defensive" in so far as they're more valuable on defence than on offence. They're valuable either way, but that they can weaken an enemy advance before it can attack, focus fire on units to destroy them entirely, and hide in cities as garrisons while firing continuously all seem like very valuable defensive attributes.

Is that a problem? What units was it intended to provide? Spears?

In GEM the units that it'd grant would be from the Vanguard line. However, I don't really have a problem with archers being granted either. I've already marked this issue as resolved in GitHub since further discussion would be on balance instead of it being a bug.

It seemed to me like the bug with the policy was the map reveal, something I'd suggest we should just do away with and replace with some other effect anyway.

3. "Consulates" says that it gives a +20 to the resting influence of city states, which it does, but it also gives +20 instant influence with city states, which I don't think is intended.
IMO mainline infantry units (e.g. muskets) with recon promotions would be ideal for pioneer spirit. Maybe with some bonus against barbarians.

When you settle offshore, you usually first have to clear the shore from barbs. After founding the city, you'll explore inland areas not visible from shipboard and/or protect your workers from barbs.

For all of this, infantry with recon promotions seems both better suited and more flavorful.

IF we drop the map reveal (which I find interesting personally), we'd have to add more anyway to keep the policy worth taking. 3 or 4 promotions for the 2 units would not be too much IMO. Or a third unit.

I get a repetitive crash while ending my turn. Only thing i can think of is that it is one of my cities which "adopted a religion" although it already had one (my own) + my own initial pantheion.


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