*** 32 CIVS *** Earth's Major Cities and Settler's Earth Basemap for Beyond the Sword


Dec 22, 2015
****** 32 CIVS ******

Get ready for a Civ4 mod that still feels like the original game, yet is hyper realistic !!
  • Choose between two maps -- One with cities already placed, and one with settlers on an empty map
  • Accurate, Aesthetic, Playable updated versions of the original Earth 18Civs map
  • Over 300 cities !!
  • Over 1000 resources !!
  • Extended Europe, Africa, Asia, Americas, Oceania
  • Historical goals for each civ
  • Wonders are limited to accurate locations
  • Includes CustomAssets Modpack that can be used with any map
  • Misc. enhancements, such as improved tile and specialist yields, accurate unit resource and tech requirements, and updated Civilopedia entries
  • Techs are limited by era, and for Settler'sEarthBasemap or random maps, also by civ for religion-founding techs
  • New buildings, units, and promotions
  • 32 civs are chosen for several reasons -- in coding, it's best to stick with powers of 2 to get the most out of computer bits, which are 1s or 0s
  • Also 32 civs fits better on the maps -- one map has Babylon and Germany, the other has Sumeria and Holy Rome
  • Stacks are now limited to 16 units, a power of 2
  • Civilization city lists and Great People lists are expanded to 64 and 128, both powers of 2
  • A lot more is planned!!
  • This is only version 1, and I am still adding minor updates. If the download link is broken, try again later because I probably was just updating it!
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