[Religion and Revolution]: Welcome ! (Read first please.)


Civ4Col Modder
Jan 24, 2011
Stuttgart, Germany

Welcome to Religion and Revolution !

Religion and Revolution is a huge mod for "Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization" developed by an international team of passionate modders. :)
It is based on TAC (The Authentic Colonization) 2.03_final but more about that later.

>>Release 2.4<< (provided by HermanHeydt)

Source Code and Readme are included.

The mod itself and our forum have both become pretty big.
Thus I will try to summarize / link the most important threads and informations here.


Team members:

  • Robert Surcouf
  • raystuttgart
  • colonialfan
  • KJ Jansson
  • Androrc the Orc
  • Schmiddie
  • orlanth

+ many partners that give valuable support. :thumbsup:



Of course the TAC-team.

Otherwise basically almost every modder out there. :lol:
Please tell us, if we use parts of your work and forgot your name. :thumbsup:

  • Isabelxxx
  • Willi_Tell
  • Writing Bull
  • Dale
  • Kailric
  • Aymerick
  • Jeckel
  • TC01
  • Dom Pedro II
  • NeseryozniyVET
  • Trachmyr
  • Dazio
  • M07
  • bernie14
  • ekmek
  • SaibotLieh
  • The Capo
  • Sanotra
  • Aeterna
  • Kathy
  • Roamty
  • Nightinggale
  • Tre59
  • vetiarvind
  • Commander Bello
  • Marla_Singer

Please also read the ingame-credits at the Encyclopedia to get detailed credits-informations.
Also please read Some Remarks about Distribuiton and Rights of Usage in the post below.

Special Thanks for Hosting the Dowload of our Mod:

HermanHeydt (a friend from our community)

Special Credits for Music:

René Osmanczyk (Composer of most of our Soundtrack)

Special Credits and Thanks also to the creators / publishers of the original game:

Firaxis and 2Kgames


Important Posts:

Overview of Implemented and Planned Features
Known Bugs and Problems


About Posting:

Please try to stick to the threads given. :thumbsup:
(Do not create new threads if not necessary.)

New threads are usually only started, when the team needs to do large brainstorming of a new big and complex feature.

Brainstorming Ideas and Wishes:
[Religion and Revolution]: Mod Development

Reporting Bugs:
[Religion and Revolution]: Bugs and Todos

About Helping or Joining the Team:
[Religion and Revolution]: Helping or Joining Team

For General Questions and Discussions not directly related to Features:
[Religion and Revolution]: General Questions and Discussions

Asking or Giving Tips and Tricks or Discussing Strategies:
[Religion and Revolution]: Tips and Tricks


Important Threads for our Team Members and Partners:

Organizing and Planning Tasks and Releases:
[Religion and Revolution]: Overview, Project Organization

Help Requests from other Team Members:
[Religion and Revolution]: Internal Blackboard

Information about Subversion:
[Religion and Revolution]: Subversion

Partner Communication (Feedback, Questions, Requests, Offers, ...):
[Religion and Revolution]: Feedback and Questions from Partners


  • MainMenuBG_nurLogo.png
    107.7 KB · Views: 64,001
How do I install the mod ?

First make sure that your colonization game is patched to official patch 1.01f. (available here)
(Everything else will cause heavy problems.)

Otherwise install it like any other mod.
Unpack the archive from the download link and put the mod into the /mods folder of the game.

Do me a personal favour please:
Do not rename the folder of the mod.
Leave it as it is "Religion_and_Revolution".
This will make it easier for me to analyse savegames. :thumbsup:

What is this mod ?

Well, it is currently by far the largest existing CivCol mod.
It is our attempt to unite many of the best ideas and concepts created by the CivCol modding community into one single gigantic mod.
We also tried to recreate some more great features from original Colonization that had been missing to CivCol for some reason.

But we did not simply throw everything together. Almost everything we included was heavily adjusted and improved.
We considered very carefully which features to add and how to implement them.

We want to create a mod that offers more diversity, more possibilites and more challenge.
Step by step we try to improve every single aspect the game offers. (Economy, Exploration, Diplomacy, Trade, Events, Wars, ...)
Some aspects of the mod already have and will continue to move a little bit more towards complex simulation, others a little bit more towards action.

But while doing so, we always try to think about usability, AI, performance, historical authenticity ...

We are not done yet, of course. :)

This mod is based on TAC ?

Yes, it is originally based on TAC and almost completely includes everything that is in TAC 2.03_final.
With its amazing size, love for the detail and outstanding quality TAC was a great base for this project.

However, we have heavily changed, improved or added to that base.
A very big part of Religion and Revolution is new features not known in TAC.
(In many cases adjusted / improved versions of features from other mods / modcomps but also often created by ourselves.)

We really have to thank all the modders out there for their great work.
Special thanks again to the TAC team.
Without all their hard work, this mod would not exist. :thumbsup:

Is it allowed to use our work ?

Yes, generally you can use our source code, graphics, images, ...

!!! However !!!

1. We do contain music that does not belong to us.
René Osmanczyk for example has allowed us to use his music.
If you want to use and publish it as well, you need to ask him before doing so.

2. We do contain a lot of work from other modders and mod projects (especially TAC).
Please consider that, when giving credits as well.
If you are not sure, who to credit, simply ask us and we will try to tell you.

Some Remarks about Distribuiton and Rights of Usage:

Religion and Revolution is a non-commercial mod project.
If you use or distribute Religion and Revolution please pay attention to the copyright.
We allow usage and distribution as long as Religion and Revolution remains non-commercial.
As a matter of course it is permitted to use Religion and Revolution in an own mod project
as long as the copyrights are not harmed, and it is a non-commercial project too.
If you use Religion and Revolution in an own mod project you have to make clear that you have
done changes to the original Religion and Revolution and eventually also to our base project TAC.

Would money help in any way ?

No. :)
People have offered us to donate money, but we cannot and will not accept money.
This project is for fun only.

What are the plans for the future ?

Well, we are still far away from having reached all our goals. :)
There are still a lot of big features / wishes on our list. (see Overview)
Otherwise there are also always new ideas coming up.

After we have reached those goals and are happy with Religion and Revolution base mod,
I really do not know. :dunno:

Maybe we will do a conversion of the mod to Fantasy or Science-Fiction.
Maybe we will simply stop the project then ...

I does not really make sense to think that far ahead now. ;)

Is it possible to participate ?

Yes definitely ! :)
Apart from the normal ways community can help and participate (feedback, reporting bugs, sharing ideas, ...),
we are also looking for partners, projects that want to have a cooperation or new team members.
It simply depends on the level of involvment you want to have and how far you share our vision.

Some Advice

We really suggest you read our Overview, FAQ, ingame Colopedia and Tips and Tricks before playing the mod.
If you do not, you are very likely to miss out a lot of changed concepts and cool features ...

Although we have tried to completely translate into German and French,
you probably get the best gaming experience and the most atmospheric texts, when playing in English.


We hope you will enjoy playing the mod just as much as we enjoy creating it. :rockon:
Spoiler :


Stirring Up Natives:
Spoiler :


New City Screen:
Spoiler :


New Europe Screen:
Spoiler :


New Special Units:
Spoiler :


New Natives:
Spoiler :


Many new Bonus Ressources:
Spoiler :


Native Slaves:
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African Slaves:
Spoiler :


Multiple Yields Consumed / Produced:
Spoiler :


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Custom House Screen:
Spoiler :


Winds and Storms:
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New Mapsize Gigantic:
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Wild Animals:
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Spoiler :


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Spoiler :


A few impressions from the game:
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Q: Why are there bonus resources for horses in the New World ?
A: We are simply interpreting a bonus ressource differently.
For us it does not mean "Horses are there" but "Very suitable for breeding horses.".
But do not worry, Natives cannot breed horses or cattle or sheep, before they got them from Europeans.

Q: Why can't I produce horses / cattle / sheep, although I even have a bonus ressource outside of the city ?
A: To produce horses / cattle / sheep you need to have a certain amount of these already stored in the city. (New feature Livestock Breeding.)

Q: Why can't I sell my treasures to Europe anymore ?
A: You still can, but you need to build a Dock in the city first.

Q: Natives are attacking my treasures and cities although I am not at war with them ?
A: Yes, that happens in this mod. It is the feature Native Raids. You should hurry to improve relations or react in other ways.

Q: There are many new units like Smugglers, Rangers or Conquistadores. How do I get them ?
A: These Units are only given by special events, triggered by very special conditions.
(In our Overview, you will find explanations to these conditions.)

Q: Expert Trappers do not give bonus on Furs ?
A: No, Expert Trappers in this mod give bonus on Premium Furs. They are hunting smaller animals like beavers or foxes.
Hunters give bonus on Furs and they will also produce more food in profession Hunter.

Q: Domestic Market does not work in my city. Nothing is sold to the colonists.
A: You need buildings Market or Tavern (for selling alcohol). Also you many colonists in a city to really generate demand for Domestic Market.

Q: I really have problems with the New City Storage. Do I really need to use Transport Units all the time to store my goods ?
A: Probably not. If you are trying to specialize your cities and use good settings at Custom House Screen, this should work out.

Q: Will Custom House sell boycotted goods ?
A: Yes, but at very low prices. It is probably still a good idea to lift the boycott in Europe by paying the king.

Q: I just stirred up Natives at a village but they are attacking my own cities ! What went wrong ?
A: You cannot influens against which "White People" they will direct their anger. Simply be careful when and where you stir up Natives.

Q: What do I need to do to produce Coloured Cloth ?
A: You need to have at least a Dyer's House and also Cloth and Indigo stored. A colonist in this profession consumes both goods.

Q: Is it possible, that you have a bug with Rangers ? Sometimes I cannot see Rangers of other players anymore.
A: No, this is no bug. It is a feature. Rangers can become invisible in Forrests. Only some special units are then able to see them.

Q: I am having problems with treasures. They cannot move on certain plots anymore.
A: There are several features that could be involved with that. Most units need roads to enter peaks for example. Also treasures cannot reveal undiscovered plots or enter Goody Huts.

Q: Why does that Native Village refuse to talk / train / get missioned / ... ?
A: Your relations to that Native Civilization are probably too low for these actions. You need to improve the relations first.

Q: My Privateer just got damaged / destroyed while being next to a city of another European player at end of turn. What happened ?
A: We have a new feature which allows cannons in a Citadel to bombard enemy ships in their vicinity at the end of the round.

Q: Why are all my ships damaged all the time ?
A: Our new feature Storms and Winds will damage ships, if you are not carefully navigating and simply sail through them without attention.

Q: A Native Village refuses to trade / bargain with me ?
A: You (or another player in multiplayer) have probably made them angry while overexaggerating with New Bargaining. Simply wait for several rounds.
They will eventually be willing to bargain again.

Q: Criminals / African Slaves / Native Slaves are not able to get trained at a Native village or found a new city ?
A: Yes, that was implemented on purpose.

Q: I read that additional information would be displayed in Diplomacy Screens and in Score Board but where is it ?
A: The game option "No More Varialbes Hidden" is not activated by default. You need to start a "Custom Game" and activate it.

Q: Why do I get so many normal settlers and indentured servants at the dock ? I want specialists !
A: Well, this is a balancing decision we made. We wanted to make it a little bit more challenging and have the player focus stronger on "Learning By Doing" and "Education System".
Hello guys,

I'm having some trouble to download the latest release (2.2).
I have been playing this mod since I found it, and now the Vanilla version bores me a lot! I was playing an older version of the mod, and deleted it while I was downloading the new one.. the problem is that, for an unkown reason, I cannot download more than 300 MB of it (file size is 400).. Is there any chance that you can put the mod in another server?

Thank you very much,
Hello guys,

I'm having some trouble to download the latest release (2.2).
I have been playing this mod since I found it, and now the Vanilla version bores me a lot! I was playing an older version of the mod, and deleted it while I was downloading the new one.. the problem is that, for an unkown reason, I cannot download more than 300 MB of it (file size is 400).. Is there any chance that you can put the mod in another server?

Thank you very much,

Disregard my petition, I could finally download v 2.2 from Infracta.
I cannot wait to play it.
Thanks you all guys!
>>Release 2.4<< (provided by HermanHeydt)
I am unable to run the mod, I have:

* TAC 2.03_final installed - works.
* Religion_and_Revolution (from above) extracted along side Tac in MODS category - doesn't load.
* Religion_and_Revolution + RARE 2.5 + RARE 2.5.2 along side all the above - doesn't load.

Did I missed anything? was I suppose todo anything but extract these to MODS folder, and generally any ideas what might be the problem?

Edit: Resolved, my old work laptop is just old, I checked this on my PC at home and all mods load up.
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New Version: Religion and Revolution 2.5 has been published!

You can download the new version here:

Hi Folks,

I'm happy to inform you Religion and Revolution is still alive and a new version of the mod has been published!

Here is the final changelog for Religion and Revolution, Version 2.5:

Please note that this Version is not only related to graphic improvments! I have implemented new features and invested hours and hours in balancing and improving the AI. I'm convinced that the new version is a big step in the direction of a more diversified and challanging game experience with colonization.

You'll find further install instructions in the main mod folder.

Units & Professions:
- specialist unit helebardier: unit deleted (simplification)
- specialist unit townguard: unit deleted (simplification)
- profession helebardier: deleted (simplification)
- profession town guard: deleted (simplification)
- Promotion "Promotion Homeland Guard 1-3" implemented
- correspoding "Domestic Defense Bonus" for units added
- new feature: a new feature has been implemented that is based on the "Modcomp: Not Allow Specified Professions per Unit" by Kailric which allows to deny professions for units - e.g. if you want that the governor cannot take the profession as a lumberjack - this is your feature!

Other changes:
- city graphic portugal early: updated
- improvement farm: graphics modified
- specialist butcher: unit graphic modified
- unit graphic settler militia modified
- unit graphic african slave modified
- unit graphic settler modified (female settler added)
- ingame map graphic slightly modified
- graphic for Port Royal changed (new graphic also by Willi Tell)

Founding Fathers
- Amendment of the appearance of a lot of founding fathers to a more reasonable order considering the requirements of the early, mid and late game

- New Civilization Trait "Agricultural" for Sweden (Swedish civilization trait changed from Forresters to Agricultural):
->+10% Food production in all settlements
->-10% Food required for population growth
- New Civilization Trait "Imperialist" for Russia (Russian civilization trait changed from Hunt tradition to Imperialist):
Imperialist (Russian civilization trait)
-> Free promotion: Homeland Guard I (+15% Combat Strength inside your Cultural Borders)
-> 25% Culture required for Territorial Expansion
The traits of Sweden and Russia have been changed to focuss a bit more on majaor aspects of the game.
- Amendment Trait "Undemanding": Food bonus no longer fixed at 2 for each settlement. It now scales with the bell-producing building that is present in the city (1 Food per Basecamp, 2 per Village Hall, etc.)
- General balancing and amendments of traits for the other European nations and overhaul of the traits for the native nations considering their diversity, historic situation, behaviour and - of course - the game balance.

- units: terrain boni and mali: decreased
- units: combat strength of all units modified
- AIWeight for some buildings modified (AI now handles buildings more effectively and produces weapons)
- a lot of balancing changes / amendments!

Features and Bugfixes imported from RaR Extended (Nightinggale's mod):
RaRE 2.5.2

- added yield change preview when mouse hovering pioneers change terrain buttons (drain marsh)
- added yield change preview when mouse hovering pioneers change feature buttons (plant forest)
- Crash when AI investigated building settlements on the edge of the map when the "Reduced colony distance" game option was on
RaRE 2.5.1
- Autoexport wasn't saved correctly
- Freeze when an AI transport tried to load a yield, which was required by the building currently under construction
RaRE 2.5
Features: (all done by Nightinggale)
- added ability to switch between 1 and 2 plot radius for colony catchment area (change of CvGameCoreDLL.dll required in the file directory of the mod)
- feeder service threshold change to supply construction
- import/export window now has buttons to set and clear multiple yields with one click (like clear all)
- autoexport to turn off export when there is nothing to export (no real gameplay change, but should prevent a late game slowdown)
- export threshold is no longer capped at 8 bit/255 (wladyslaw17)
- barbarian pirates now only spawn in areas with access to Europe (wladyslaw17)
- fixed issue where the feature had to be removed to allow building certain improvements, such as vineyards (Nightinggale)
- fixed broken hotkeys due to command order (ray)


Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you recognize bugs. Feel free to post your feedback here in the forum in our Feedback thread: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/religion-and-revolution-feedback-and-questions.468932/ in particular regarding the balancing and AI behaviour.

Kind regards

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Great to see this alive!
Wow, when I reinstall CIVCol I seriously did not expect to see that this is still alive. Awesome! All of you are crazy, but a very good kind of crazy. Like the best kind of crazy.
Recently, I started playing Colonization again and was pleased to find this mod that is still being actively developed. I appreciate the effort and will be watching for further developments.
I just found this mod (I'd previously played TAC a long time ago), and am redownloading C4C just to try it out, because it sounds super exciting -- everything a "Colonization 2" should've been!

A couple quick questions if I may:

-- I know in TAC flags didn't change post-Revolution (like they did on Col1), to my great disappointment. I also saw it was one of the features to be implemented in RaR... was this ever implemented?

-- Are there any incentives/better ways in RaR (as opposed to Vanilla/TAC) to play as a Loyalist, keeping your rebel sentiment low and being loyal to the King? I get that it would have clear disadvantages, but was wondering if you could get anything to compensate and make it a legitimate play-style. I remember in Col1, if you kept your colonies loyal enough, the King would at least occasionally lower your taxes, for instance.

I can't wait to give this a whirl! Thanks to all who work(ed) on it!
my great disappointment. I also saw it was one of the features to be implemented in RaR - was this ever implemented?

Unfortunately not yet.

Are there any incentives/better ways in RaR (as opposed to Vanilla/TAC) to play as a Loyalist, keeping your rebel sentiment low and being loyal to the King? I get that it would have clear disadvantages, but was wondering if you could get anything to compensate and make it a legitimate play-style.

To my view this is still a good way - since the king will increase his army and tax rates in case you will not do so. You should try to keep the king friendly as long as possible.
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D/Ling 2.5.1 now. :goodjob::thumbsup::D

New Version: Religion and Revolution 2.5.1 has been published!

You can download the new version here:

Hi Folks,

I'm happy to inform you that a new version of Religion and Revolution has been published!

The version 2.5.1 contains some bug-fixes. In particular the freed bug has been fixed by Nighttinggale.

DLL Sources and Makefile are included.

Best regards


=== Outdated / Info for Version 2.5 ===

Hi Folks,

I'm happy to inform you Religion and Revolution is still alive and a new version of the mod has been published!

Here is the final changelog for Religion and Revolution, Version 2.5:

Please note that this Version is not only related to graphic improvments! I have implemented new features and invested hours and hours in balancing and improving the AI. I'm convinced that the new version is a big step in the direction of a more diversified and challanging game experience with colonization.

You'll find further install instructions in the main mod folder.

Units & Professions:
- specialist unit helebardier: unit deleted (simplification)
- specialist unit townguard: unit deleted (simplification)
- profession helebardier: deleted (simplification)
- profession town guard: deleted (simplification)
- Promotion "Promotion Homeland Guard 1-3" implemented
- correspoding "Domestic Defense Bonus" for units added
- new feature: a new feature has been implemented that is based on the "Modcomp: Not Allow Specified Professions per Unit" by Kailric which allows to deny professions for units - e.g. if you want that the governor cannot take the profession as a lumberjack - this is your feature!

Other changes:
- city graphic portugal early: updated
- improvement farm: graphics modified
- specialist butcher: unit graphic modified
- unit graphic settler militia modified
- unit graphic african slave modified
- unit graphic settler modified (female settler added)
- ingame map graphic slightly modified
- graphic for Port Royal changed (new graphic also by Willi Tell)

Founding Fathers
- Amendment of the appearance of a lot of founding fathers to a more reasonable order considering the requirements of the early, mid and late game

- New Civilization Trait "Agricultural" for Sweden (Swedish civilization trait changed from Forresters to Agricultural):
->+10% Food production in all settlements
->-10% Food required for population growth
- New Civilization Trait "Imperialist" for Russia (Russian civilization trait changed from Hunt tradition to Imperialist):
Imperialist (Russian civilization trait)
-> Free promotion: Homeland Guard I (+15% Combat Strength inside your Cultural Borders)
-> 25% Culture required for Territorial Expansion
The traits of Sweden and Russia have been changed to focuss a bit more on majaor aspects of the game.
- Amendment Trait "Undemanding": Food bonus no longer fixed at 2 for each settlement. It now scales with the bell-producing building that is present in the city (1 Food per Basecamp, 2 per Village Hall, etc.)
- General balancing and amendments of traits for the other European nations and overhaul of the traits for the native nations considering their diversity, historic situation, behaviour and - of course - the game balance.

- units: terrain boni and mali: decreased
- units: combat strength of all units modified
- AIWeight for some buildings modified (AI now handles buildings more effectively and produces weapons)
- a
lot of balancing changes / amendments!

Features and Bugfixes imported from RaR Extended (Nightinggale's mod):
RaRE 2.5.2

- added yield change preview when mouse hovering pioneers change terrain buttons (drain marsh)
- added yield change preview when mouse hovering pioneers change feature buttons (plant forest)
- Crash when AI investigated building settlements on the edge of the map when the "Reduced colony distance" game option was on
RaRE 2.5.1
- Autoexport wasn't saved correctly
- Freeze when an AI transport tried to load a yield, which was required by the building currently under construction
RaRE 2.5
Features: (all done by Nightinggale)
- added ability to switch between 1 and 2 plot radius for colony catchment area (change of CvGameCoreDLL.dll required in the file directory of the mod)
- feeder service threshold change to supply construction
- import/export window now has buttons to set and clear multiple yields with one click (like clear all)
- autoexport to turn off export when there is nothing to export (no real gameplay change, but should prevent a late game slowdown)
- export threshold is no longer capped at 8 bit/255 (wladyslaw17)
- barbarian pirates now only spawn in areas with access to Europe (wladyslaw17)
- fixed issue where the feature had to be removed to allow building certain improvements, such as vineyards (Nightinggale)
- fixed broken hotkeys due to command order (ray)


Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you recognize bugs. Feel free to post your feedback here in the forum in our Feedback thread: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/religion-and-revolution-feedback-and-questions.468932/ in particular regarding the balancing and AI behaviour.

Kind regards

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New Version: Religion and Revolution 2.5.1 has been published!

You can download the new version here:

The only available download mirror for this mod at that site requires membership. Is it possible for you to change the mirror or upload it somewhere that doesn't force users to register?
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