I honestly think the previous France UA is more interesting. Its so fun to go ceremonial burial + authority + crusader king and go on an absolute conquering spree when the musketeer's come online in early renassaince. The stacked city capture bonuses are so fun, especially with the newly spawned GWAM's and even more

from ceremonial burial when you pop them. You can get perma 40%


starting in early renassaince, which is very strong and remains very strong the entirety of the game. The civ is very weak early though, but the huge midgame bonuses make up for it. You just have to survive until medieval/renaissance and play very defensively, it's like a minigame in and of itself because France is probably the weakest early civ. But yeah, the late power spike makes this civ quite inconsitent, because if you get a tough start it will be incredibly difficult to win.