Building Graphics: Mosque


Pthooey of Tomainia
Mar 31, 2002
Oulu, Finland
Allah is our Rabb and our Ilah; there is no Rabb and no Ilah except He. To Him alone we make Ibadah; and only His deen we adopt and sincerely follow.

With these words I'll present you a new building: Mosque

Have seen mosque graphics somewhere but I think no one has posted it here. So, this building is based on a mosque in Turkish town of Golcuk which became famous in 1999. These days the Mosque is considered as a divine miracle by some - with preview there's an image which may explain this behaviour.

Have fun, and remember to respect other people's faith!


Yee who accept Allah to be part of your game may enter here

Here's preview with a shot of the miracle:
Beside you so much beautiful buildings and wonders:goodjob:, I has copied nearly all.
... You know, you've been so kind and helpful, I've been trying REALLY hard not to ask -- but you've just completed all the city graphics requirements for my mod! (I was planning on being ecumenical and using the synagogue for the mosque, God being great in every tongue and all! -- and LouLong did provide a very fine icon.)

Many, Many Thanks,

Originally posted by Ukas
Oz, you can just ask. Then, maybe, in some day you will return a favour....:satan:

Hmmmm ... the offer of vestal virgins wasn't sufficient??? *sigh* then again, it IS top-of-the-line graphics work ...

I only feel I must warn you that one of my university nicknames was "Mr. Mephistopheles" and NOT after the cat in the poem/play ... :D ... so, just name it!

All The Best,

- Oz
Originally posted by Ukas
Oz, you can just ask. Then, maybe, in some day you will return a favour....:satan:

Hmmmm ... the offer of vestal virgins wasn't sufficient??? *sigh* then again, it IS top-of-the-line graphics work ...

I only feel I must warn you that one of my university nicknames was "Mr. Mephistopheles" and NOT after the cat in the poem/play ... :D ... so, just name it!

All The Best,

- Oz

Relax Oz, I was just kidding :mischief: - civ3 construction is something I do for fun. Besides for a long time I've wanted to know more about architecture as an art form, but it has stayed in the background as I am already busy following the contemporary art. I found this as a easy way to get introduced to it, a shortcut almost. I am surprised how much I've learned during the process.

I am working on the Tomainia mod and for that I will eventually need help - my English is self studied, and I will need someone to check the entries I will write for the mod. Preferably someone who speaks English as domestic language. For this I'll try to recruit someone in c&c forum when the time comes. If you want to help, I'd be grateful, but really, there's no obligation. :)
Originally posted by Ukas

I am working on the Tomainia mod and for that I will eventually need help - my English is self studied, and I will need someone to check the entries I will write for the mod. Preferably someone who speaks English as domestic language. For this I'll try to recruit someone in c&c forum when the time comes. If you want to help, I'd be grateful, but really, there's no obligation. :)

Actually, I'd be delighted! -- Will you have Freedonia as a neighbor to Tomainia?? I'd love to see a Groucho leaderhead and a Chico domestic advisor! :crazyeye:

Best :goodjob: ,

Say, it's not a bad idea. :lol: It can happen...

Thanks for helping me then. It will take a while when I get it ready to test (I prefer to make it as polished as I can before). I will send you the texts before testing and adjusting it so there will be no hurry for your part. :)

There's a link in my signature to preview of the mod.
Let me give a quick background for the mosque picture Ukas used in his wonderful work;

There were two big earthquakes in 1999 in North-Western regions of Turkey, pillaging Adapazari (Sakarya), Izmit and also hitting many parts of Istanbul, killing over 20.000 people. The first earthquake's magnitude was 7.4 on richter scale (which is enormous). The second earthquake happened somewhat to the south of the first one, and about 1000 people died in that incident; only 2 months after the first one.

The quake that hit Golcuk was the first one. Although many houses nearby were pillaged, this mosque didn't collapse and only suffered few minor cracks on the interior walls.

However, since I am from Istanbul, my trips to the area during that awful days showed me, that the ugly disaster called "earthquake" ruins the people's lives. Ironically, in some cases, houses that actually survived were demolished by the collapsing towers of the nearby mosques (these towers are called "minare" in Turkish).

Oh, besides, Ukas' work is wonderful, and please, nobody should bash Ukas for the main graphic he chose to use.

Great great job there Ukas. Please keep them coming...
However, since I am from Istanbul, my trips to the area during that awful days showed me, that the ugly disaster called "earthquake" ruins the people's lives.

I bet, I am only too happy to live in a place with stabile ground. I hope people will not think I take these issues lightly, that wasn't certainly my intention.

please, nobody should bash Ukas for the main graphic he chose to use.

You mean some may think it is blasphemy? That again was not my intention - I am not a religious person, but I do my best to understand different views of life and have high respect to other's faith. Although sometimes I come up with graphics like Holy Inquisition wonder in effort to mock violent fundamentalist behavior.;)
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