Pluto Rising

Pluto Rising officially released! 1.003


King of the Plutonian Empire
Mar 11, 2004
I can't remember if it is my absolute first, but I do have a spinoff that is a game mod, which starts at the usual 4000 BC, but with Plutonian and Mars units and the extra maps, and they were both made using the CivConverter to carry them over from MGE to Test of Time.

I should note that overnight (3 am my time, your post is 4:30 my time, so you should be safe), I had to reupload the scenario with a tweaked city.txt, because I forgot to remove some out of context city names, so the one person who downloaded before then might wanna re-download. :)

Edit: I do have a question though. If I just want to edit the text of the page in the future, do I still need to re-upload the file, even if it has no physical changes to the scenario? I've noticed that the only "submit" button I could find was in the file upload box of the edit page.
So, in a classic case of being a first timer to the Database, I unknowingly made both .scn files reveal all battles to the player, here's a fixed plutorising.scn file, for those who have already downloaded. :)


I do have a question though. If I just want to edit the text of the page in the future, do I still need to re-upload the file, even if it has no physical changes to the scenario? I've noticed that the only "submit" button I could find was in the file upload box of the edit page.
Nope, you can change the description and it'll keep the old file.

I've been following your queries in the TOTPP thread, so I'm eager to see what the final product looks like. :D
I'm into the year 2036, and does your reputation ever hold up. :crazyeye: Heretofore I never knew global warming in Civ2 had stages!

Originally I thought Engineers upgrading to a non-terraforming unit was a mistake, but after digging through the rules am I correct in saying you want Earth to be unsalvageable, and terraforming accomplished chiefly through global warming?
Correct! :D

One thing I'm still debating with myself is to whether or not flip the terrains used for Swamp and Jungle on Mars (Basin Ejecta and Terraformed respectively), so to use GW to terraform Mars, like what is already done for Pluto. My original intention when I first converted this scenario from MGE was to have lots of cities to conquer late in the game, but GW on Mars with the current terrain sorting completely kills the colonies, since Basin Ejecta has zero food production. However, I did make this scenario as part of a storyline about the Plutonian Empire, and what I have as canon for it on another gaming site, which is that Mars isn't actually terraformed for at least another few thousand years, while the other Earthlings are exiled to Belle Terre for those years. So my choice is to either preserve the canon part of my story, or make an exception for the sake of gameplay, and make GW terraform Mars.

Granted I could create batch files for switching between storyline modes (In this case, simply flip flopping the Terraformed and Basin Ejecta terrains to the end user's preferences), although that's still beyond my skill set for the time being. :)

Had TNO been able to allow suppression of GW for either specific maps or all maps, My intention would have been to suppress it for Earth and Belle Terre (the alien Earth). That was so I could manually drive GW with Events on Earth, and prevent it entirely on Belle Terre. For the next version that I upload, I'll include a secondary events.txt that doesn't include the end result of Earth being uninhabitable, as I would prefer to try to give players some choices in how the scenario plays out, to hopefully reduce repetitiveness (and have still more cities to conquer too! :D ). The batch files will be included in a much later version for sure. :)

As for the Engineers, there are four such types, the ones from the Original game, Geo-engineers which has the Engineers flag, Plutonians, which has the Engineers flag, and a "hacked" Boeing airplane also with the Engineers flag. They can all use O to transform, but with ToTPP, I have made it so that certain terrain types can not be transformed until someone discovers Terraforming. The difference between these units is that Geo-Engineers and the Boeing plane can build spaceports, but Engineers and Plutonians can not. When the Plutonian Empire acquires Mars Colonization, they'll be able to build Geo-Engineers alongside Plutonians. This is mainly so Plutonians can be automated with K, without having to worry about them building spaceports in unexpected areas and letting an enemy unit sneak into your territory. ;)
PlutonianEmpire updated Pluto Rising with a new update entry:

Pluto Rising 1.002

Changelog: 1.002:
  • Tweaked Rules.txt:
    1. Updated American Leader and gender, to reflect likely re-election pattern.
    2. Replaced "Ultra-light" unit with something more spacey. Units.bmp adjusted accordingly.
    3. Swapped slots for the "Terraformed" and "Basin Ejecta" on the Mars map; Global Warming cycles on Mars will now auto-terraform Mars. Terrain3.bmp adjusted accordingly.
    4. Renamed "Native Mosses" to "Terraformed Pluto" on map 2 (Pluto).
  • ...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I'm into the year 2036, and does your reputation ever hold up. :crazyeye: Heretofore I never knew global warming in Civ2 had stages!

Originally I thought Engineers upgrading to a non-terraforming unit was a mistake, but after digging through the rules am I correct in saying you want Earth to be unsalvageable, and terraforming accomplished chiefly through global warming?
Have you been able to finish the scenario, in terms of reaching the end of the 1980 turns available? I got as far as 2150 AD or so before it started to glitch out big time, so Im wondering if I made it way too long.
Not yet; I'm only into the 2030s, and that's after two restarts when I realized I'd been microing wrong. :p

Early game's a bit of a slog, but once the Plutonians can start landing troops on the continents it picks up fairly quickly.
Hi all, I'm overhauling the scenario, but was forced to use a 3 year old setup save in order to replace the maps, because the current one for Pluto is outdated thanks to New Horizons. So far, my biggest issue is that now, the AI are completely unwilling to settle cities on Pluto (Map 2). They will settle cities on every other map, 0, 1, and 3, but not 2. I vaguely remember fixing an issue like this before, but do not remember how.

Can anyone help, please? :)
roughly half of your civs are set to perfectionist in rules.txt, could it be coincidence?
I'm not sure. Heres my save file referencing this issue. The lack of ai cities problem is on Pluto (map 2).


PlutonianEmpire updated Pluto Rising with a new update entry:

Pluto Rising 1.003

---- Changelog:

- Update City Pops with January 2020 data

- Tweaked Rules.txt
- Replaced two Units, "Spy" with Spider Wraith and "Singularity Bomb"
with "Spy". A singularity bomb feels a bit too advanced for this
scenario, so it was replaced with a weaker diplomacy unit. The Spider
Wraith is meant to be the more advanced Spy-type unit.
- Tweaked Terrain_.bmp
- Terrain1.bmp: The Swamp terrain has been replaced with AGW...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi, a very minor thing that I noticed is -- you can't build bridges/research bridge building in this mod! Is this intentional? Either way, I am loving the way I can play C2TOT without having my eyes bleed from the sprites/terrain.
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