not much in there that hasn't been said differently in other interviews
Here I respectfully have to contradict:
He is speaking about the evolution of some empires such as India, from Maurya to Chola to Mughal. This means a point of view from the present civ India backwards to the past. So the fix point is the civ India in our present times and not a civ that did send "some splitters of broken glass" to India in the past.
I have to add to this point, that the question in former versions of the civ series about what “version” of such an empire should be used for the civ in that article, can be answered differentiated by the era-specific setting of such a civ, looking at the territory of the modern civ and cutting out times where this territory was occupied in the past by other civs that are in the game (quite the opposite of the setting that is now proclaimed for Civ 7).
Interesting are also the statements why Civ 7 went the way of civ-switching instead of leader-switching:
He said, the concept of keeping the same civilization with different leaders across the Ages, would be limiting to only selecting civs who have clear representation across all three Ages - like China or India. If selecting America, for example, which leader should be taken for America in 4000 BC?
In the same interview he speaks that they always wanted to include an early North American native culture such as the Mississippians, but never had any idea how to create a leader for such a civilization that left no documentation on specific people.
So it seems that the - in my eyes - much better concept of leader switching at Firaxis failed, because they were not able to find a leader name for an American civ that starts in era 1 with the Mississippians. Too bad, that Firaxis never had the idea to name such a leader the "Leader of the Mississippians" or alternatively give him/her the first known name of such a leader in that territory.
Even the statement, that having the leader staying the same across Ages lets the player develop a narrative about the opponents since they remain constant, is working for constant civs and changing leaders very well, too, as it is proofed by the Civ 3 mod CCM 3 and the extensive game stories in the Civ 3 succession games forum at CFC.
Really too bad, that Firaxis choosed the way of civ-switching, because they had no clue how to fix the problem of leader names for civs without written documentation.