[DLL] (7-NS) make settling on snow hills give the same yields as settling on flat snow

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May 28, 2019
Currently you get nothing extra on a snow hill.

Yields from city center tile when settling are calculated as follows, in this order:
  1. Start with the base yields from the tile, including any increase from resources on the tile.
  2. If :c5food: Food is less than 2, it is set to 2.
  3. If :c5production: Production is less than 1, it is set to 1.
  4. Add +1 :c5food: Food to cities on flatlands or mountains that have access to fresh water.
  5. Add +1 :c5gold: Gold to cities on flatlands or mountains that have no access to fresh water.
  6. Add +1 :c5production: Production to cities on mountains that have no access to fresh water.

proposing to make snow hills give 1 :c5food: if fresh water or 1 :c5gold: if no fresh water, same as flat snow and mountains

Moderator Action: Edited proposal to remove inaccurate info and clarify how the mechanics currently work. - Recursive
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that would be ok too. I suggested making it same as flat because snow hills don't have production like regular hills do. though you can still build mines, so either works
Hills never added yields to a city. max(1, 2) is 2 so hill cities have 2 :c5production:
Snow hills have 0 yields so snow hill cities only have 2 :c5food: :c5production:
Adding 1 :c5production: to hill cities means 3 :c5production: on regular hill cities.
Hills never added yields to a city. max(1, 2) is 2 so hill cities have 2 :c5production:
Snow hills have 0 yields so snow hill cities only have 2 :c5food: :c5production:
Adding 1 :c5production: to hill cities means 3 :c5production: on regular hill cities.
Why is hills the only one that includes the yield of the tile beneath, and is this what should be changed?
You get MINIMUM 2 :c5food: 1 :c5production: in the city.

All terrains on flat plot don't have yields exceeding this (unless there's a resource). All hills have 2 :c5production: except snow ones, so they get +1 :c5production:.
You get MINIMUM 2 :c5food: 1 :c5production: in the city.

All terrains on flat plot don't have yields exceeding this (unless there's a resource). All hills have 2 :c5production: except snow ones, so they get +1 :c5production:.
So my proposal would require that the minimum turn into into "exactly :c5food::c5food::c5production:", then give hills +1 :c5production: like flat gives +1 [yield]?
You can propose to change the base city yields to exactly 2 :c5food: 1 :c5production:, then add:
1 :c5production: to hills
(else) 1 :c5food: to fresh water
(else) 1 :c5gold: to others
Then add the resource yields on top.

It'll be different for resources and snow hills, but fairer I guess?
Yields from city center tile when settling are calculated as follows, in this order:
  1. Start with the base yields from the tile.
  2. If :c5food: Food is less than 2, it is set to 2.
  3. If :c5production: Production is less than 1, it is set to 1.
  4. Add +1 :c5food: Food to cities on flatlands or mountains that have access to fresh water.
  5. Add +1 :c5gold: Gold to cities on flatlands or mountains that have no access to fresh water.
  6. Add +1 :c5production: Production to cities on mountains that have no access to fresh water.
I looked into the code to see how the yield was calculated and added this correction to the inaccurate info in OP.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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