A Brief History of Big Mexico Mexico (intended)

you need praise?
Spoiler :
anything for you, oh great god-king :bowdown:
i will begin sacrificing all the heathens now, oh great one :bowdown:
All praise the holy tuna! :worship:
Who makes sandwiches a whole lot less bland! :bowdown:
And inspires comedic civ stories! :clap:
We praise, thee, tuna. :hatsoff:
Recent negotiations with inca resulted in their well accepted donation of 60 gold. Their leaders illegible name is now commonly mentioned in MEEP's local religion. Tuna also made a 30% budget cut to research. The word on the street is that scientists are secretly mad as these conflicts with the planned space program.


It wasn't long before the illustrious city of Itsacity begin smothering the Anericam city of Atlanta. Tuna's influence is so high, that Mexico Mexico now owns the iron hill and agricultural land that once fed the enemy city of New Yok (as pronounced by the barbarians). One major problem was a lack of military. "Note to self. Send military to Itsacity in the next 200 years."


Contrary to the common belief, deals were forced to be made with Washingmachine. This involved gold and gold and gold :king:. The economy was stabalized for a whopping 142 turns, which by then there will *hopefully* have some kind of economy. The dilemma that researchers were having was the name for the currency. "Should it be Tuna Dollars, Tunars, or Tunanas?



Deals were also made with ₪☃℀D ∇∀℥/. "Well this is generous :cry::cry::cry: what I meant to say was, uh fair" In one of the deals was a guide called "How To Set Up A Currency For Dummies" which was exchanged for "How To Read". With all this foreign economy support the economy moved into the positives.



With the Twin cities, Tenosomething and MEEP growing uber-fast, a large military was being born. This included a powerful new longbowman which used a slightly longer string than the archers. The strings were generously donated from Tuna's head.


With all the godly acts of Tuna being written down, MEEP was running out of room. The construction of a huge library solved it. The Great Library of Tuna inspired many and caused a portion of the citizens to give up farming and become scientists. Out of pure pride, Tuna increased the minimum pay up by 1 Tunana. Workers everywhere are worshiping Tuna's caring.


Reports are showing Anericam army movement and New Yoks defenses and invasion forces :sad:. A group of enemy axeman have been spotted on the border near the undefended Itsacity. Citizens are pleading for their supreme being to protect them. This is causing drama, so much that it is occupying all our research. In other news, Mexico Mexico overtakes Inca. Tuna would have a party but the Itsacitians rejected the idea.


Once again, Tuna plugged the numbers into his brilliant equation. and saw how his empire was sharply increasing. Happiness spread throughout the country. Not only was Mexico Mexico the best civilization, they were also the mightiest :strength:



Negotiations began with Washingmachine. He was now slightly less angry and asked for open borders. It was against his gut, knowing that he was now stronger than the enemy (trust me, arm wrestling was done). At the last minute though Itsacity let out a "WAITDON'TDOTHATYOUDON'TKNOWWHATYOU'REDOINGSTOPRIGHTNOW!!!!!!" So Tuna signed it.


With the economy back in business and the drama over, the dark ages were demoted to stories. This allowed for a new type of acting which involved people (mainly Itsacitians) who lived during this era.


Then a great prophet of Tunaisim was born with a strange name. He sacrificed himself to research a new technology. Tuna was proud. Also notice Tuna's invasion force.


A recent census put out in Mexico Mexico revealed that in all of Tuna's glory, the population reached the Ten Million Mark. Tuna made sure to send a map of Mexico Mexico along with the population to his sort-of-kind-of-friends.


One city majorly helping the growth was Texas. Within a few small turns, it had grown from a small hamlet to the size of a major city. Along with a fast growth rate, the city was also a production hub, having already a decent sized military. This gave Tuna an in yo face moment to the domestic advisor who recommended building the city in a different place. The city is the new vacation spot for Tuna who has a summer home.


The news was that Atlanta had rebelled and rioted for 50 years straight. It wished to join Mexico Mexico after traveling merchants spread Tunaisim. Little did they know about Tuna's plans with the city once it joined him...:mischief:

i gotta check my 'my account' page more often

anyhoo, good update :goodjob:
you have a mod?
OK, this is pretty fun. Subbed.
Sorry peoples for not updating. With school back it's getting kind of hard. Upday has been changed to day due to many, uhh "Texico" Difficulties. Don't worry guys! We do start a war with the anericams!
You're making a mac compatible mod?!?!?!
Spoiler :
Yes!!! The mod is a modern day scenario for vanilla. It uses no harmful DLLs or Python. I'm sticking basic here (as a mac can run DLLs if you copy your game then switch the built in gmecoredll with the one you downloaded.) Once I finish I will be able to make this story more!:woohoo:
We begin our story at a time of growing stability and a peaceful universe.

The city of MEEP was pumping out science, hence the birth of a super mega genius named Charles Darwin. Darwin, inspired by Tuna, studied how his great leader evolved from regular people. But that wasn't it. A nearby population of demons had overtaken Tunahenge and Darwin was the one who eliminated them. Darwin happily sacrificed himself "IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE!"


With Itsacity back to its happy self, Tuna gladly cut the red ribbon for the opening of an iron mine (*slave camp*) which allowed the construction of paddles that could clearly knock a person out. The iron then became a common resource around Mexico Mexico.


News reports the settling of a new city, named Houston. Questions about the name were high originally, but the settlers soon revealed that the name was a direcct translation of Tuna from the local dialect.


More diplomacy was discussed with (insert name name here). This time it had to do with technologies. Tuna learned how to make a compass in the thrown room. Explorers were fascinated, as the previous way of going around was by the "hand of tuna"


Pi-Tuna was scared to hear of a new philosophy spread into Tuna's land. For a small period, it was called stupid superstition. Quickly though, priests replaced many words in the scriptures with 'Tuna' and even changed the name to Tuaisim. Now it became accepted as an adaptation to the former Tunaisim and became the state religion.


An analysis of MEEP revealed everyones worst fears. Tuna had taken a small trip to Pi-Tuna and in that time, MEEP had developed a virus known as Tunaisnothereitis. The disease was causing people to stop working farms which made starvation sweep over MEEP. Even with this bad news, MEEP was producing Longbowmen in one turn.


Neighbor trading day!




Tuaisim Scribe 760:
This year, Tuna accidentally touched a random citizen. A small piece of Tuna's magic was spread to this unknown man. This made the man a full scale mage. Scientists did not want this to get leaked though, as it would contradict everything they were trying to teach. So they took the man, and using the the newly developed machines, crushed him to get the magic out. Through a dare, one of the scientists swallowed the magical liquid becoming a supper-scientist who contributed a great deal toward research.


The next city dedicated to Tuna was founded. After a year long hunt for a name, they settled for Texoblabla. Ancient Times magazine reports it as the greatest creative name of its time.


With Itsacity now completely smothering Atlanta, workers swarmed in to assist the development.


A message in a bottle was found at Tenosomething. The message, titled "Largest Civilizations" by Thucydides was quite hard to understand, including the reason for writing "Tuna the Pathetic". A search party for him was orgignized the next day.


One of our most famed explorers got bored on day and, by the orders of Tuna, took up espionage. Tuna demanded that he move to Boston and see what military was there for a war 1000's of years in the planning.


In response to "That guy who wrote that thing", Tuna decided to draw a map to show just how larges his glorious empire was.


Tuna on the way back from an incan trade and slightly annoyed, realized why (no one can pronounce your name, bro) had been so demanding for his world map. There was another civilization to the far east. Tuna was eager to establsh contact, as this was predicted by the prophets. Too bad Incas don't understand Mexican well enough. The cities appeared to have strange names, providing evidence that it had been settled by the enemy Anericams.



More soon, gotta vacuum.
News reports the settling of a new city, named Houston. Questions about the name were high originally, but the settlers soon revealed that the name was a direcct translation of Tuna from the local dialect.

I think you must be confusing it with Albacorequay...:mischief:
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