A bugfix patch for the Mac version


Jan 21, 2010
Well, here's what I've been working on for the last couple weeks. This patch fixes most of the glaring bugs in the Mac version of RFC. (BTS 3.19, RFC 1.185)
- Autoplay works.
- Cities start with buildings and extra population when appropriate.
- All civs now have a functional unique power.


Version 1.1 added. This minor update cleans up a bit of text. Not compatible with ongoing games in which the Maya are active.
Version 1.2 added. This update corrects the Spanish and Portuguese UPs, which were granting the wrong promotions.
It doesn't work I can't even play one turn now, the game says game over as soon as the scenario begins, whatever the civ I chose to play with.

And I didn't do the back up ... do you have the old files so i can replace them ?
I'm really grateful that someone is working to update the Mac version of Rhye's and Fall. Thanks for the effort! But the guy above me is right, there's still something wrong with the patch. The autorun seems to be broken. The game seems to work fine if you start with a civilization who doesn't need to autorun, but when I (for example) try to start as the English in the 600AD start, the game freezes on the first turn.

(I'd love an unlocked start version for Mac, if that's possible?)
(I'd love an unlocked start version for Mac, if that's possible?)
I'm not the most knowledgeable guy here, but I do believe that the only thing you need to do is to edit the WBS file yourself. Find this passage (lines #257-263 in RFC 600 AD scenario):
All you have to do is change the zero to 1 (one) on line #261. AFAIK that is the only difference between the regular and the "unlocked" versions. (This is true in the PC version, at least.)
I believe your problem is that you haven't patched to 3.19; that updates RFC as well, including an unlocked start scenario. This modmod is not compatible with 3.17, the version that comes on the disk.

Actually, I figured out how to do the Chinese UP better a while back; I should put up a new version sometime soon.
I believe your problem is that you haven't patched to 3.19; that updates RFC as well, including an unlocked start scenario. This modmod is not compatible with 3.17, the version that comes on the disk.

Actually, I figured out how to do the Chinese UP better a while back; I should put up a new version sometime soon.

You're absolutely correct, I didn't know about the latest patch. Thanks to all!
jmerry, could you fix the calendar?
I don't recall which version Aspyr used for the conversion, but I'm sure that I changed the calendar as well as American spawn date in v1.182. I still have the files of 1.181 in case you need
Turns out the calendar isn't wrong. I ran into the calendar "problem" and started playing around with the python files, but it turns out that you just need to update to 3.19 before installing the patch, and you're good to go. Jmerry's patch works smoothly, but I've run into a few python exceptions (not sure if it's his patch or if it's RFC)

I don't have the exact exceptions, but I believe one of them occurs when Arabia respawns (maybe others too, but I've only run into it with Arabia)

RiseAndFall, line 1435 in resurection
NoneType object has no attribute "getTeam"

The other one happened when a World Congress should have been announced. I don't remember what the exception was, but if I run into it again, I'll post.
Thanks a ton for the python and xml files. I recently picked up bts for the mac (the download was 3.19), and I tried the acclaimed Ryhe mod, only to bug out on the autoplay screen.

Though having played Babylonia, (pre and post file substitution), I fear there are numerous bugs that might not have a "mac" solution. Case in point, I got the historical victory credit for highest population (as expected viewing top 5 cities) but not the highest culture (while listed first in the top 5 screen).

Still I'm quite impressed by the mod (and the amount of work put into it), and I gave myself a gold star for winning historic victory even if the game didn't recognize it.

edit: apparently the top 5 cities are not ranked solely by culture, so this was my misconception and not a bug.
After installing the fix, Japan crasesh after autoplay completes but right before player control begins. Specifically, it's a crash-to-desktop when "Autoplay turns remaining" says 1, right before the "Begin" button appears. It's specifically a problem with Japan, not all autoplay countries - Rome and Carthage work fine. Installed the fix on top of BTS 3.19.

Anyone else seen this?
Hey guys, i just downloaded the 3.19 patch and the new rhye's patch above. I am getting the "you have been defeated" and being kicked to the main menu? any ideas?
Ok, so I loaded the file and replaced the files and followed detail by detail how ever when I tried to play Civ Rhye's and fall of civilization the same problems persist. I went back to the files and checked if I replaced them all correctly which I did :) But I think my problem is I cant figure out how to save the changes : / for mac. Any idea how to? D: Seems simple enough but I cant figure it out!
i have somehow deleted the original un-patched mod (rfc 1.185). Does anyone know where i can find it again?
I just downloaded and installed this patch and I got a bunch of XML errors related to TRAIT_CHINA in the file CIV4UnitInfos.xml.

Does anyone know what is going on with these errors? Is it just me? Any suggestions?
I bump the thread, for tell i've the same problem than other : i am defeated at the beginning of the game.
i've the complete edition who is patched in 3.19 (final build).
Sorry for the one year bump, but thanks for answer.
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