Ok ,some more thought's of me to:
That's grounds for impeachment! The President can not ingore what has been approved by the people or put forward by the Department Leaders. (Of course...no one would impeach the Pres. for every little mistake, but constant disregard for the people will warnt such an act.
Another possible option in this.A president maybe could ,only if he's strongly against a decission ,warn his people that he will leave the presidentcy and quit the job because he's (moraly? .

) against the inforcement of such an act. (I surely won't be the first to do it

) In that case maybe his goverment could fall too ,although that's something else.What to do in that case? New elections or tempory rule by information leader?
Another something.Maybe some of us could in the long run dicede to join a party.Just so they can meet people with comman idea's.Some people may be warmonger's ,while other's extremely peacefull ,other's then again somewhere in between those extreme's.Leaders could appoint deputy's among their own party member's.And party members may decide to go vote a comman voting option.member's of a party can appoint a chairman.And put him at front of their voting list.And certain party's may help voting for the same voting options.Creating Coalition's.
Party's should have to have their own talking space.
warmonger's may aim for a position as millitary leader ,or even as "City planner leader".Because it is in their interrest
The city planning leader is a guy with big Swing.He's very important for the power of the other leader's.He decide's how much unit's or impovement's certain leaders get.How much unit's or barracks/ports/walls/airports/fortresses/airbasses does the millitary leader get.How much library's/universities/scietist's goes to the science leader.How much carravan's/marketplaces/banks/stock exchange's/roads does the trade leader get?
As to that ,since we may be going for a system with gouverners in it.We may want to run a somewhat Decentralized goverment.Adjusting the power of the city planning leader somewhat ,Also making it possible for certain party's to hold a stronghold for their agenda's.
The decission's that are being made at the city maneging level may be heavily influenced by lobbying by certain interrest groups.
We may consider special thread's for member's of a particular fraction or responsabilety's ,that are not readable by other normal viewers.The discussion and agreement's sould not be viewable by other people.In fact ,all information should be distributed by the information officer.
Diplomatic discussion's between party's may need their own space to. As to multiplayer democratic game's ,the diplomacy office would need their own space too.
Founder's of new party's will be the first chairman's of their party's.to be abointed every 30 turn's ,but replacable by the party members?
I hierby , Ducky TheDuckOfFlanders announce the birth of the Central-Left wing party (any suggestion for a name ,i suggest Allright!)We believe in a progressive and exspansive nation.War is an option ,but not mandatory.Pacifism is for wussies.
Lol it's like creating a mini power world.
