The Hero of Sween
wonder what you think of this...
hotseat game, flatmate attatcked a size 1 city and (for some reason) got option to keep it....but he didnt want it so razed. message came up saying something about "rebel forces angry at having homes burnt"...but none were to be seen. good.
some turns later the ai rebuilt a city on the city ruins. and again, my evil flat mate attackes the size 1 city, taking it. this time no option to keep. and the rebels appear...6 of them! from size 1! and all macemen (the same as he attacked with)....
why so many from size 1? something to do with earlier no show raise? on top of this one of the enemy troops spawned on the SAME tile as his maceman! weird
- also we noticed during golden age get +100% GP birth
hotseat game, flatmate attatcked a size 1 city and (for some reason) got option to keep it....but he didnt want it so razed. message came up saying something about "rebel forces angry at having homes burnt"...but none were to be seen. good.
some turns later the ai rebuilt a city on the city ruins. and again, my evil flat mate attackes the size 1 city, taking it. this time no option to keep. and the rebels appear...6 of them! from size 1! and all macemen (the same as he attacked with)....
why so many from size 1? something to do with earlier no show raise? on top of this one of the enemy troops spawned on the SAME tile as his maceman! weird
- also we noticed during golden age get +100% GP birth