a glitch? and an observation


The Hero of Sween
Jun 29, 2002
wonder what you think of this...

hotseat game, flatmate attatcked a size 1 city and (for some reason) got option to keep it....but he didnt want it so razed. message came up saying something about "rebel forces angry at having homes burnt"...but none were to be seen. good.

some turns later the ai rebuilt a city on the city ruins. and again, my evil flat mate attackes the size 1 city, taking it. this time no option to keep. and the rebels appear...6 of them! from size 1! and all macemen (the same as he attacked with)....

why so many from size 1? something to do with earlier no show raise? on top of this one of the enemy troops spawned on the SAME tile as his maceman! weird

- also we noticed during golden age get +100% GP birth rate...cool :D
First of all the size doesnt matter - it's whether it has achieved it's first cultural expansion that determines whether you can keep it or it auto-razes... so that's what happened at first.

Then, the event with the troops - the defender gets to choose to put the troops near the ruins (quite a lot of troops) or send them home (less troops and they appear at the capital).

Then he attacked a new city that didnt have the cultural expansion so it auto-razed.... and finally, size doesn't matter with the number of troops spawned from the event.

The only wierd thing was the maceman spawning ON his tile - what happened? Did he have to fight?
First of all the size doesnt matter - it's whether it has achieved it's first cultural expansion that determines whether you can keep it or it auto-razes.

Actually, the criterion is that the city must have, at some point in its past, either reached population=2 or had a cultural border expansion.
im almost certain it wasnt a size 2 at any point, was an ice based city and pretty new. butthanks for the insight on troops appearing :) the troop didnt fight, just moved away one tile - which was strange.

in a weird way, without thinking this through fully, could it be a gain to leave size 1 cities unguarded near enemy cities in order to get "free" troops when it is razed? could be usedto combat the enemy there or just to arrive in cap city. prob a silly thing but hey
Actually, the criterion is that the city must have, at some point in its past, either reached population=2 or had a cultural border expansion.

Yes I know, I said that the size in this case doesn't have any bearing on it as the city has already achieved a cultural expansion. ;)
im almost certain it wasnt a size 2 at any point, was an ice based city and pretty new. butthanks for the insight on troops appearing :) the troop didnt fight, just moved away one tile - which was strange.

But the first city you talked about had already had a cultural expansion.... the second city you talked about hadn't (and hadn't reached size 2 at any point either).... so it is working as normal.

I've never seen a spawned troop land on me so I cant comment. Seems lucky it didn't crash the game.

in a weird way, without thinking this through fully, could it be a gain to leave size 1 cities unguarded near enemy cities in order to get "free" troops when it is razed? could be usedto combat the enemy there or just to arrive in cap city. prob a silly thing but hey

But if you generate any culture, they wont get the autoraze. Potentially doable if you aren't Creative and dont build Stonehenge
hmmm i might test it out just to see....dont know if would be a viable thing to do tohugh :) so NO culture at all? or no expansion?
hmmm i might test it out just to see....dont know if would be a viable thing to do tohugh :) so NO culture at all? or no expansion?

You just need to avoid expansion (of either population or borders). But I think it would be silly to rely on the random event actually triggering. Or is this particular random event deterministic? I haven't seen a city auto-razed yet in BtS.
yeah but i would still be interested if it would work. purely theoretical if you were expansionist (+25% settler production) it might be a decent (if silly) way to get some troops if in a really bad and desperate way. still id rather just whip out uto units when the goiing gets tough.

good case recently when on hotseat when flatmate was not prepared for an invasion near his capitol. so he whipped the thing from size 12 to size 3 in order to pump out 4 or 5 troops in 4-5 turns. then ran them away as the stack of doom attacking was HUGE. this meant the AI only got a relatively crappy small city until he had a strong enough millitary to take it back . GO SLAVERY! lol
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