Ideas on making some of my favorites among these even better:
Celts UP: Can this also allow them to heal while moving in forests? If that can be coded it would be nice, and make more full dynamic use of the UU's 2 movement.
Kushans UP: Does this also include spreading religions in other players' cities? If so, this would encourage Open Borders, and make for more dynamic and proactive diplomatic gameplay.
Malays UP: A trade-focused UP is fitting. How about "Trade routes in your capital also brings food"? A food version of Multilateralism. Again, this effect is more dynamic which allows for more player agency. It also allows Malays parity in competing with their neighbors Khmer and Java in building large cities, which is historical.
Burma UP: Can it also allow Great Prophets to lead armies as Great Generals? I imagine Burma will have conquest UHVs, and its UUs are very far apart in timespan.
Rus: Will it respawn as Ukraine? Like Vikings as Denmark-Norway? If so, should it also have access to Cossacks UU?
Vietnam UP: Awesome UP - would you also code Vietnam's AI to make use of it? It could be as simple as having them be more aggressive/warmongering.
Swahilis UP: Could you also add an effect to allow forests/palm trees to spread with greater chances along coasts? Like the effect of forest preserves? I like planting trees not just IRL, but also in DoC.
America UP: Powerful, but balanced UP. Would the happiness bonus exceed the population bonus, or be just enough to cover it? I think for realism it should be just enough (or even less than enough), but for gameplay it may exceed a little.
Brazil: With 3 mighty fighting UUs for America, can happy Brazil have a military UU too? Por favor? Based on ideas from this Brazilian:
- Tucano: Fighter, cheaper to build, no unit maintenance cost.
- Selva: Infantry, melee unit, starts with Woodsman I, Woodsman II.
- FEB/Pracinha: Fighter/Bomber, more expensive to build, starts with Blitz.
Canada UP: Realistic, but a bit too passive IMO? How about "Increased trade routes yields from years of peace and defensive pacts"? The defensive pacts allow for some more active gameplay decision-making.
Dravidians UP: The trade guilds were not just focused on foreign trade. They were a special social stratum with enormous domestic influence as well. Also they had both mercantilist and free trade practices. How about "Each happiness and health resource affect double/triple the number of domestic cities?" This would allow the player to focus foreign trade (since can trade more resources away), and/or be militaristic (with the better economy & domestic happiness/health). It would also allow Dravidia to have more parity with India's health/life expectancy with India's awesome new UP.
India UP: Powerful UP, clever in how it encourages building temples and cathedrals. A bit OP maybe, but flexible and unique and suits India well.
Russia UP: Harsh, fun, unique, powerful, but exquisitely balanced. Also a nice dual/contrast/opposite/nemesis of America's new UP. Everything an UP should be. How did you think of this?! Is the old General Winter effect available to all based on terrain/map locations then? Would it also occur in places like e.g. Tibet?