A New Dawn: Resurected!

Sorry Bb but it's been hijacked.

Now returning Thread to proper subject

And Yes a fine tuned, low problem Mod Is better. AND can fill that slot. There are Features though I hope get tweaked or made back into an Option. The 1st of such is Fixed Borders. It really hampers Culture. The next is City Limits thru Civics. It too needs to be an Option.

I love AND and would love to see Afforess's vision complete as well as continue what ROM started.
Thanks to your inspiration, I'm hoping we can combine our ideas and create a bridge between the two projects. I believe we all share a common goal. The best Civ IV mod and Civilization Game possible. Hope you feel the same.

Please let me know what you think.
Your project is already this one. Let's get everyone together.
The One Mod - Community project to build the Mod of Mods and bring the best of the best together!

This could complete AND2.0 and lead to the next one. :)
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