A Sad Thought

Don't worry. As long as the group that was persecuted exists they will continue to remind the world of the horrors of the holocaust.
All those traits you just attributed the Hitler Stalin and Mao did as well. Ask the those in the Muslim SSR's how they were treated, especially in the 20's. No better than Jews under Hitler. How about the Chinese in Tibet? It is simply selective memory which is exatly the point. Just because we have no pictures or video of what Stalin and Mao did does not mean it didn't happen. And I gurantee you Stalin and Mao knew exactly what their economic policy would do. The Nazi buzz word was race, the Communist buzz word was economics. Different rhretoric, same intention, same result (ie greater good, oppression, death).

Also, most people can not "choose" to be communist just like a Jew cannot choose to be genteal. And how many millions of innocent believing communists ended up in and died in the gulags anyways? Sure Nazi's and Communists approached it from different angles, but it is the same idea non the less. And even in I leave out all the "accidentlly" starved, both Communits regimes STILL killed more people, and in less time.

Originally posted by Patroklos
All those traits you just attributed the Hitler Stalin and Mao did as well. Ask the those in the Muslim SSR's how they were treated, especially in the 20's. No better than Jews under Hitler. How about the Chinese in Tibet? It is simply selective memory which is exatly the point. Just because we have no pictures or video of what Stalin and Mao did does not mean it didn't happen. And I gurantee you Stalin and Mao knew exactly what their economic policy would do. The Nazi buzz word was race, the Communist buzz word was economics. Different rhretoric, same intention, same result (ie greater good, oppression, death).

Also, most people can not "choose" to be communist just like a Jew cannot choose to be genteal. And how many millions of innocent believing communists ended up in and died in the gulags anyways? Sure Nazi's and Communists approached it from different angles, but it is the same idea non the less. And even in I leave out all the "accidentlly" starved, both Communits regimes STILL killed more people, and in less time.


Exactly, bravo!

The problem is terrible things have happened to people all over the world and throughout time. How many millions did Pol Pot kill in Cambodia? Yet no one remembers. It is through the unrelenting efforts of a few that their tragedy is constantly talked about as if it was the only tragedy in the world that mattered. This unwillingness to take what happened to others seriously or even acknowledge as equally important as what happened to them is what makes many hate so much.

Bottom line people is that man has been/always will be cruel towards man. We should work to try to change this behaviour not towards just ONE group but towards all groups.
Returning to the original intent, yes, I can picture a world where Hitler and his deeds are viewed very, very differently. Whether what it takes for that world to come to pass is a different matter.
Even so, just with the passage of time, the changing of the world and of societies and cultures, the immediacy of what happened will fade. People in several hundred years may quite possibly look back and consider the notion that the numbers are somehow exaggerated, as we often do with past history out of our own superior position in the present.
Originally posted by stratego
but as a great man

"Great" doesn't necessarily mean he was good, but rather, a large, dominating figure, which he was.
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