A story about "The British Empire"...

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Grey Fox

Master of Points
Dec 19, 2001
It was a glorious day that day, the day of profecy.
We had been walking around for ages it seemed, until our sage had a dream... in this dream was a land. Fertile and filled with mines. That day we found that land, the land of our first settlement. We called the village London.

The years passed by and we met the Russians. Their leader welcomed us to their land and let us build our cities on the hills near their country. At the same time, our scouts were scouting in the east, the opposite direction of the Russians. In a while we met with a German Archer Regiment. We started discussions and trades were made. The next year he backstabbed us and attacked our newly built city. He shouldn't have done that to the Empire of Britain. In a few years the Germans were no more.

On the west side of the Island, the Russians were trapped and they wanted to expand. They wanted to pass through our lands with settlers and troops, but I refused to let 'em pass... this made them mad and a war was declared. A century later the Russians city became English cities, but that coward Cathrine has sent a Settler to rebuild her puny country somewhere else. A manhunt has started. We follow the Russians and discover the Indians, Aztecs and Chinese on the way. They land on a small Island close to the Aztecs that were residing on an Icy island in the Northeast. The Indians were located in the East and the Chinese in the North-West. The Russians were no more as soon as they built their city.

The English and Indians signs a RoP and Swordsmen are transported to the Indian Island. The English are from this point constantly building horses, and gets it techs from the Great Library. As we are about to get Chivalry, the Horsemen stays at home and Barracks are constructed. A palace is also built... then we get Invention and the Leonardos is built, 12 Horsemen are upgraded to Knights. The RoP deal is not redeclared when it ends... The Indians fall by the swords of the Englishmen, and our troops are transported towards the Aztecs...

We get a RoP with the Aztecs and are starting to ship troops to the Island... after a while an attack is launched. Many knights dies but most of the Aztec cities are taken. We now set our plan in motuion... We trade a lot and give cities, techs, gold, and "in natura" to the Chinese, they are gracious towards us... We have now discovered the Persians who have recently destroyed the Babylons and they are really strong Culturally. After many years of redeclaring war and givingg the Chinese a lot of cities, the Aztecs only have 1 city left. I now have cavalry and peace with them...

Then the Persians declare war! They attack my shores and launces coast invasians, taking 3 cities. I take back one of them. I bye an Alliance with the Chinese towards the Persians... they do almost all my fighting, and I can just defend and watch as my cities reverts back to me by culture. Then they become very strong by Sea and the chinese haven't got a chance navaly, so I declare Peace and they get York. I build a city close to it and Rush build Culturally strong buildings, hoping that the people will revilt back to me. This war is redeclared once in a while but I manage to stay in Democracy from after Golden Age thoughout the game...


PART 2 COMING SOON (If I get some respond, or else I'll drop the whole thing...)

sweet story
Keep it comin' Grey!!!! :D
"My Queen, this could make us rulers of the World." A discussion about a future establishment of what the counsellor calles the 'UN' is under way in the palace.

"A peackeeping organization, that would make us rule the world without anyone noticing, I like it! Start the pre-construction right away!"

"But Mrs! We will have to work with this project for several decades before we know how to establish this operation!"

"I said do it!"

"Yes, my Queen..." The counsellor lurkers away...

The english people now only controlles 16 cities by this time, they have given China some of their recently conquered cities, and are only keeping those that have luxaries and other resources. That was a part of the plan that was set in motion that day...

"Soldier, you take that flank. Be sure to be unnoticed. And when you set the C4, cover the place from a safe distance."

"Sir, yes Sir!" The soldier sneaks away...

An attack was launched against the Aztecs in the late industrial ages, while the puny Aztecs were still in their Middle Ages.

BOOM! The C4 explodes and the wall is now opened. From the hole comes hordes and hordes of Jaguar Warriors and other less organized troops.

Their capital is razed. Aztec extermination comes one step closer.

London misses it's Queen, she have been away for long periods of time in Persia. She is not the only one interested in that country, almost every vacation our people does goes to that country. And in a Poll on the streets, people were asked if they rater would be Persians, and 20% said YES.

It's the year 2042 and we starts the research of Fission and the Ideas of a peacebuilding force starts to grow in the scientists minds. A prebuilding of the UN building is also made, this year the Queen spent her hole year in Persia, in the guest palace.

The years flies away and people does to... the year 2044.
"Queen! An emergency the people is rioting on the streets of London, and it spreads to the suburbs and our other cities!"

"I don't care I'm going to Persia for good. Xerxes and I are going to get married."

"WHAT! You can't just leave like that. Bha I'll contact the chinese an let Mao help us!"

"Do what you want..."

The year 2045, so close to complete the UN, with China Gracious and all... the Persians win by culture. I have never lost like this before and this was one of my best games ever.

I played on Monarch, on a standard archipelago map with little water. I started on an island with the Germans and the Russians. The Russians were freindly towards me from the start, but the Germans were annoyed at me even before I had met them. They started a war as soon they could. Soon I was alone on the Island as you can read and I managed to build the Great Library so I got a lot of free techs, but not as many though... None in the middle ages.

At the same time in another part of the world, Persia is in a great War with the Babylons and totally destroys them. Their island was bigger then mine and a lot better.

Hoped you enjoyed my story!
Please make comments, Good or Bad doesn't matter! I just wanna know what people thinks...
Don't worry, people do read these stories.

:crazyeyes :crazyeyes Though this is the first time I heard of th AI winning by culture :crazyeyes :crazyeyes
Too bad you lost.

Yea it was kind of annoying...

Thanks for the compliments, I could have written it better and longer but I'll do that in my next story. :)
Sucks to lose such a great game but at the same time it's great that the AI can provide such an interesting and capable opponent. These stories are great, keep them coming!

Hey fox, um, in a nutshell, what is your quote supposed to mean?
Originally posted by PreTzeL_22
Hey fox, um, in a nutshell, what is your quote supposed to mean?

"To believe in a God is to disbelieve in the creativity and intelligence of the human race."

To make a long story short. I don't believe in God. I don't believe we were created to achieve something or/and by something.

I believe that we have come this far because of our creativity, intelligence, ability to adjust and adapt, our ability to learn from our mistakes and pass on our knowledge.

I mean by that quote that if you believe that you were created, and controlled by something else you disbelieve in the fact that the human race has achived to become what they are by themselves, not by some God that created us to rule over this planet like his puppeteers.

The fact that we controll the planet is just because of our power and land control-freaky minds. We could wipe out an entire race of animals if we wanted, and we have too. We have also planted animals in areas they don't belong. Animals that don't have any natural enemies, because of that they flourish and cause enviromental problems. We toy with the planet, we do what we want and have almost never thought of what we are doing towards it. That power would never have been given to us by a greater power.

If God or such ever existed, we are the ones that has killed him/her/it...
Originally posted by Grey Fox

"To believe in a God is to disbelieve in the creativity and intelligence of the human race."

To make a long story short. I don't believe in God. I don't believe we were created to achieve something or/and by something.

I believe that we have come this far because of our creativity, intelligence, ability to adjust and adapt, our ability to learn from our mistakes and pass on our knowledge.

I mean by that quote that if you believe that you were created, and controlled by something else you disbelieve in the fact that the human race has achived to become what they are by themselves, not by some God that created us to rule over this planet like his puppeteers.

The fact that we controll the planet is just because of our power and land control-freaky minds. We could wipe out an entire race of animals if we wanted, and we have too. We have also planted animals in areas they don't belong. Animals that don't have any natural enemies, because of that they flourish and cause enviromental problems. We toy with the planet, we do what we want and have almost never thought of what we are doing towards it. That power would never have been given to us by a greater power.

If God or such ever existed, we are the ones that has killed him/her/it...

Not trying to step on anyone's toes or anything....But that isn't what i believe in.(for instance)The Human Being is a complex organism.....it is too perfect for science only to explain.If you look at it in a 'Human beings are superior to everything else and nothing created us'stance..then i find that hard to believe.i respect your opinion,but everything is too perfect for just(for example)life to be formed by globs of ooze that suddenly evolved or to believe in the big bang theory(which is not true at all).I don't believe in the chaos theory which is supposedly the answer to everything.I've had my doubts but not believing in something higher than the human being would be comepletly Non logical IMO......I truely respect your belief and don't worry i'm not a religious fanatic.:-)
I just want to clear one thing out, I DO NOT think that the Human Being is perfect in any way. I'm not saying that Michspirit99 said I did, but anyway.

The human body is very fragile and it needs a lot of "stuff" to work correctly. It might be one of the more complex in the world, but not perfect. We don't even have a Vitamin-C production in our body like many animals have, we need about 24 (??) enzyms (or what they are called, from our food.) Our childs can easily die in birth, our high life standard and low child death is only because of our capability to help each other and learn how to prevent this on a very complex way.

And about the Big Bang, why not? What makes you think that this theory isn't correct? Everything is indicating on it. The Universe is constantly growing, or moving from it's center and at an decreaseing speed. Indicating an "explosion", and that everything will be drawn to the center again sometime. Somewhat like the Hindu believe of that God that destroys and recreates the Universe. And you could call that "divine" or "to great to comrehend" but you can't say that there is something controlling it. It's not like in Terry Pratchets Discworld where the Gods and the Destiny plays a game (and Destiny always wins of course, he know what's going to happen all the time), or when we start a Civ3 session.

And the humans aren't superior to anything in this world. Every animal and being is worth as much in my opinion. I would be a vegeterian if I could manage to live that lifestile. But everyone must understand, that every animal haven't got the same consiosness as Humans, Dolphins, Dogs, Pigs, Elephants and so on...

Well I respect your believs too... I can even respect the religious people, they have found their answers. That must make their lives a little (a lot for many...) easier... I hope I could be satisfied with one of the religious beliefs out there.
Righto, number one, I believe the big bang happened. Just because that the bible said that earth was created in six days doesn't necessarily mean six twenty four hour days. It's a metaphor so that people of that time could comprehend it (smug look :p ). Those "six days" are a metaphor for the big bang and all related gloop and gas and stuff that made the universe.

"To believe in god is to disbelieve in the creativity and intelligence of the human race."

I'm a Christian, yet I certainly don't deny that we're intelligent.

By the way people, thanks for your thoughts, I like a good discussion.
To believe in God is to believe that he created Mankind. And why do you believe in God then?
That's because we humans have a very complex mind and we must have a reason and meaning for our presence and extistence. We don't accept that we just exist by random. There must be something that has created us.

I say Why? Why these thoughts and beleifs? Because we are so smart? Because we think we are different, we can't have come this far alone, now can we?

I say can and have. No extreme, great force has helped us. Maybe the hope that there is a God, but thats a part of some Humans. This strong belief has often caused trouble like great wars, remember that. Science has never done that, well it might have caused trouble when people didn't beleive them. Like when Scientists said that the world was a sphere. "No it can't be, then were would heaven be?" Said some kings, and powerful people.

I don't say that it's impossible that there is a God or several Gods. I just say that if you think that it's impossible for us to have achived what we have achived without help from above, then you do "...disbelieve in the creativity and intelligence of the human race."

When I was very young, I had thoughts like my existence was only a story someone told to another person in another world. This I hardly even believed for long 'cus I understood quite quickly that my life was to complex to be a story. And I also had thoughts that everything existed around me, like I was the Main Character in a movie, and when other persons wasn't near me, their lives didn't exist or something. But as I said I was very young and a real Philosophic young child. Almost as I am now.

I also remembered the time I was dead-anxious about Death, and I realized that I someday would die. I cried very hard and very long. For a long time that was my worst fear, that I or someone near me would pass away.

Religions like Christianity is quite easy to believe in I noticed when I was a child... but as I got older I started to disbelieve. As you learn more, you start to think that; "What if it wasn't that way?" and Science has proven stuff that Religion only could guess, because it's not based on facts. No one can say that there ever was a God. They have no proof.

I'm not saying that you can't beleive anything if there is no proof.

Now all of you might think I'm a Science freak, that watches Star Trek and have read every Sci-Fi book and seen every Sci-Fi film there is... but I'm not, I'm the total opposite. I like fantasy and Sagas, things you cannot explain and things that make you think real hard. Like in Matrix. That's a real Philosphic film.

Why is there so little Magic in our world. Where is the mystic?

Why does everyone struggle to become the same everywhere around me? Why don't they want to be different?

Be different!
Just thought I'd point something out. You say they have no proof that there ever was a god. They don't have proof that there was, and they don't have proof that there wasn't. imo, debates like these will never end, no-one can prove anything.
To say whether there is/are god one must first define what you mean by god.

In all religous text god is omnipotent, can do what we can't do. can do the unimaginable, blah blah blah. However, one must realise what can't be done now doesn't mean it can never be done. If a pre-historic human sees us today, won't he regards us as god?

If we take a closer look at most of the ancient text, tales are told in both east and west about various gods and deities which while can perform what human can't perform, can also be killed just like a human. Interesting thought I would say. In fact, a lot of ancient text if interpreted with today's knowledge, most of the battle between the gods sounds alot like some nuclear warfare or even futuristic warfare. ;)

Therefore, before one can argue whether there exist something/someone call god, there is always the first question, what is god?

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