"A TIME FOR CHOOSING " -Ronald Reagan

I mean, could Reagan have defeated Clinton in 1996, had he gone down in 1980 and come back for Nixonian second helpings? Or even had a shot in 1992?

Reagan probably could have primaried the first Bush in 1992 and won that. And Clinton wasn't in such a great place in 1995 and it was an uphill fight for 1996.
Reagan challenged Ford.

(Waits for the "But Ford wasn't elected!" angle)
Well, before Perot, Anderson was probably the most successful third party candidate for the Presidency.

TR in 1912.

Actually the 1912 election is pretty fascinating. In that each candidate represented what we'd call "liberal" politics today. Wilson was a widely known Progressive. Taft, the Republican holdover was more Progressive than people tend to realize. In many ways he outdid TR. TR only became more and more radical as he aged. This election also say Eugene Debs get 6% of the vote.
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