Doomsday Machine
Advanced Corporation Effect Analysis (BTS 3.17)
Last edit 12.01.2009.
1. Introduction
When talking about corporations, there are several things to take into account:
- civ size (how much resources you have direct access to)
- diplomatic relations (how much resources you can get your hands on)
- map size and map type
and most importantly:
- what victory type are you going after?
- what types of cities need boosting and in what fashion?
It's not easy to say "these corporations are the best", because each corporation serves it's purpose.
2. The data and the formula
To prepare this guide I took average values from game I played with Japanese (no special buildings or abilities affecting corps).
Large fractal map, Monarch Difficulty, inflation ratio is 71% at Assembly Line, average city size is 18. I'll take decentralization as civic type just to make it average.
All this is important because of the Corporation branch cost calculation formula, as presented in OTAKUjbski's post Corporate Maintenance Explained, which is:
-1 * ( BaseHeadquarterCommerce + Resources * mapSize ) * PopulationModifier * Difficulty * CivicsModifier / InflationModifier
-1 * (4 + ResourceNumber * 0,75) * ((18+17)/18) * 1,2 * 1 / (71/100+1)
and divide by 2 for a standard Courthouse,
and add 12 for a corporate HQ in a city with all commerce modifiers and Wall street (add because the cost is displayed in negative), but reduce it by the inflation rate (it's gold doh), so I'd say the real bonus from the from the HQ is around 7 in this case. And 7 effective from Corporation HQ is what I used to determine how much a branch *really* costs in upkeep.
3. Analysis by Corporation
I added up all the resources available on the map. This presumes you can get your hands on 75% of total resources for the corporations(s) you want to run. Which is realistic. You can always adjust it to the % of resouces you have *really* available
And here are the numbers of maximum available resources (rounded down):
Mining Inc.
effect: +0,75 hammers per resource
Total 55 resources (Iron 21, Copper 10, Gold 10, Coal 12, Silver 2)
Available 41 resources for +30 and -16 in branch cost
Creative Constructions
effect: 0,37 hammers per resource, 2,25 culture per resource
total 60 resources (Iron 21, Stone 10, Marble 8, Copper 10, Aluminum 11)
Available 45 resources for +16 and +101 and -12 in branch cost
Civilized Jewelers
effect: 0,75 gold per resource and 3 culture per resource
total 20 resources (Diamonds 8, Gold 10, Silver 2)
Available 15 resources for 11.25 and 60 and -1 in branch cost
Aluminum Co.
effect: +2,25 science per resource, grants access to Aluminum
total 12 resources (Coal 12)
Available 9 resources for 20,25 and +1.5 benefit from branch
Cereal Mills
effect: 0,56 food per resource
total 25 resources (wheat 5, corn 12, rice 8)
Available 18 resources for 10 and -1.95 in branch cost
Sid's Sushi
effect: 0,37 food per resource and 1,5 culture per resource
total 43 resources (Clam 12, Crab 4, Fish 19, Rice 8)
Available 32 resources for 11.84 48 and -7.32 in branch cost
Standard Ethanol
effect 1.50 science per resource and grants access to Oil
total 40 resources (Sugar 20, Rice 8, corn 12)
Available 30 resources for 45 and -6.5 in branch cost
Not used resources:
Uranium 12, Oil 19
Last edit 12.01.2009.
1. Introduction
When talking about corporations, there are several things to take into account:
- civ size (how much resources you have direct access to)
- diplomatic relations (how much resources you can get your hands on)
- map size and map type
and most importantly:
- what victory type are you going after?
- what types of cities need boosting and in what fashion?
It's not easy to say "these corporations are the best", because each corporation serves it's purpose.
2. The data and the formula
To prepare this guide I took average values from game I played with Japanese (no special buildings or abilities affecting corps).
Large fractal map, Monarch Difficulty, inflation ratio is 71% at Assembly Line, average city size is 18. I'll take decentralization as civic type just to make it average.
All this is important because of the Corporation branch cost calculation formula, as presented in OTAKUjbski's post Corporate Maintenance Explained, which is:
-1 * ( BaseHeadquarterCommerce + Resources * mapSize ) * PopulationModifier * Difficulty * CivicsModifier / InflationModifier
-1 * (4 + ResourceNumber * 0,75) * ((18+17)/18) * 1,2 * 1 / (71/100+1)
and divide by 2 for a standard Courthouse,
and add 12 for a corporate HQ in a city with all commerce modifiers and Wall street (add because the cost is displayed in negative), but reduce it by the inflation rate (it's gold doh), so I'd say the real bonus from the from the HQ is around 7 in this case. And 7 effective from Corporation HQ is what I used to determine how much a branch *really* costs in upkeep.
3. Analysis by Corporation
I added up all the resources available on the map. This presumes you can get your hands on 75% of total resources for the corporations(s) you want to run. Which is realistic. You can always adjust it to the % of resouces you have *really* available
And here are the numbers of maximum available resources (rounded down):
Mining Inc.
effect: +0,75 hammers per resource
Total 55 resources (Iron 21, Copper 10, Gold 10, Coal 12, Silver 2)
Available 41 resources for +30 and -16 in branch cost
Creative Constructions
effect: 0,37 hammers per resource, 2,25 culture per resource
total 60 resources (Iron 21, Stone 10, Marble 8, Copper 10, Aluminum 11)
Available 45 resources for +16 and +101 and -12 in branch cost
Civilized Jewelers
effect: 0,75 gold per resource and 3 culture per resource
total 20 resources (Diamonds 8, Gold 10, Silver 2)
Available 15 resources for 11.25 and 60 and -1 in branch cost
Aluminum Co.
effect: +2,25 science per resource, grants access to Aluminum
total 12 resources (Coal 12)
Available 9 resources for 20,25 and +1.5 benefit from branch
Cereal Mills
effect: 0,56 food per resource
total 25 resources (wheat 5, corn 12, rice 8)
Available 18 resources for 10 and -1.95 in branch cost
Sid's Sushi
effect: 0,37 food per resource and 1,5 culture per resource
total 43 resources (Clam 12, Crab 4, Fish 19, Rice 8)
Available 32 resources for 11.84 48 and -7.32 in branch cost
Standard Ethanol
effect 1.50 science per resource and grants access to Oil
total 40 resources (Sugar 20, Rice 8, corn 12)
Available 30 resources for 45 and -6.5 in branch cost
Not used resources:
Uranium 12, Oil 19