AI number of units


Mar 15, 2011

I decide to reopen my AI modding after discovering logging files. Now I have been busy to fixing various things, hopefully get next release soon. My question is about number of units AI builds during peace, How it is determined? I have been messing with early game AI and there is problem that MILITARYAISTRATEGY_EMPIRE_DEFENSE_CRITICAL state pops up immediately ruining everything else. When AI get 4 units in the play it changes to MILITARYAISTRATEGY_EMPIRE_DEFENSE but where is said that AI needs 4 units.

Thanks for help if someone knows,

I don't have an answer for you but this is nice information to know.

Clearly this is too high for base Civ5 since you can often survive and win with only 1 unit (even at Emperor+). In my mod you won't survive long with < 4 units so this is probably about right for me.
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