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An Unofficial Science Competition -- paying homage to Mesix

going babylon as OCC might be a reason for so many turns behind the others. try 3-4 cities with them.
Allready on a new try with the Babylonians. So far, I hit Renaissance at t106 via Oxford (astronomy) while researching the lower part of the tech tree for Notre Dam and workshops, PT will be next target. Founded my second city in the same turn near the fountain (later than i had planned, but wanted to get those national wonders done). Eliminated the Romans and the Danish and kept 3 puppet cities. Hiawatha was not pleased after I razed a Roman city close to him (if he only knew how much trouble I saved him). Tradition is complete and I managed to build Library, Gardens, NC, Oxford and seized Artemis and Zeus in Rome.

Dont know yet, where to go from here. Everything is spread out quite a bit. Maybe found cities in the gaps? Or better go for the luxury locations in the north and east? Or annect everything first? Get a late religion or not?

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I would surely go for religion and more cities. Since you destroyed Denmark and Rome, you are probably quite unpopular and everyone thinks you are a warmonger, which means you will get no RA's for a long time. More cities would mean more beakers and that is crucial if you want to get an earlier victory.

I tried to turtle with Babylon today, and it simply didn't work. I played OCC, kept bowmen and lots of cash for quick upgrades till T150 just to provoke Denmark or Rome to attack me - but they didn't. Nobody cared to DOW. Weird, really... I genuinely hoped to puppet some cities and expand this way.

EDIT: Hmmm... T268 win with Babylon. Nothing special, even if I managed to capture a few Danish cities. Gotta see how the others will perform.
Babylon launch at t247 / 1685AD

Final score 1307 / 2659

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The endgame went fine, but had I just kept with 6 cities and empathized growth more instead of production, I could have launched considerably earlier.

I'll take a break before I take on the Mayans. Just finished GOTM 44 as well... :crazyeye:
*Sheepishly comes to this thread*

I have never tried loading other people's saves. How do I do so?
I have never tried loading other people's saves. How do I do so?

Like any loading files. Click on the link and just save the file into appropriated spot.

Well...this one : Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/Saves/single
Like any loading files. Click on the link and just save the file into appropriated spot.

Well...this one : Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/Saves/single

Is there a way to change/add where Civ searches for a save file after the game is loaded?? I have so many save files that I need to organize. Wish there were more options in this regard
I finally finished the game with Korea @243 with my first 4 cities on exact the same locations as with the Mayans. Bpt peaked roughly the ~1350 and I build the almost all the same wonders. The main differences being religious benefits coming far later which resulted a lack of happiness. Lack of money was a minor issue.
Also AIs were more active this time. Danes attacked ~T70 and I had to buy a pike & CB to defend since my few troops were barb hunting far away and to make it even more interesting Rome DoWed few turns later & came with 8 ballistae & few spears. I killed the Danish troops, made even peace with him and took 3 Roman cities before DoWing Harald this time wiping him out. Rest of the game I was slowly taking cities from Pachacuti & Hiawatha. No RAs this time.

Pacal_0100 BC-0375.Civ5Save

Well decided to play this a bit today. I prob won't have enough time for a run through multiple times on each civ.

First Civ I chose was the Maya - decided to play them to turn 100 then save

I was able to rush Harald without comp bows pretty easily - I used my cheap atlatlists and bullied Tyre/sold embassies to also add another 2 atlatlists. Attacked Harald with 5 atlatlists and a spear (From Ruins) while his cap was only at 3 pop. He went Honor and that lone warrior + gen weren't enough to stop me :p.

After killing him I settled my 3rd city bringing my city count up to 5 (My cap + settles + haralds). I then found the Fountain of youth to the north - and then decided to play a for weird fun strategy :p. I made 2 more settlers makig cities 6 and 7 to the north - and upgraded my atlatlists to composites - taking out Rome in the process (city 8). (I had also made Sidon an ally by killing a camp - pledging protection - winning a faith contest)

After taking out Rome I sent my composite bowmen up north. The Inca and Iroquois were fighting - and the Iroquois capital was at half health (I saw this due to the embassy). When my units finally arrived up north the Iroquois had pushed the Inca out of the capital but were just about to lose Osinaka. So I did my part and took Grand River and the Iroquois capital.

The Celts managed to get Tithe 1 turn before me and itinerant preachers 1 turn before me... so went with 2 gold per city and Religious Texts.

I am at 11 cities now - all with tiny population. My workers were working on roads - rather than luxes. I am at 61 Beakers per turn and am going to grow a bit before I start spamming cities in the vast area under my influence now. My cap is only 4 pop - 3 cities are at 2 pop - the rest are at 1 pop. Now that I have enhanced my religion I am going to start using faith on Pagodas (Also now have asceticism from enhancing). No National College yet - 1 city still needs a library its on its way though. Cap is working on Oracle now and I plan on using my next Baktun Great person or liberty finisher on Machu Picchu.

Finally am starting to click in positive happy now that some of my lux trades are expiring. (+2 happy at the moment). Only Rome is annexed of the conquered cities atm.

Edit: Also 5 turns until Machinery to upgrade my composites to crossbows. Yea... I don't intend on growing my cities for long. I am feeling too bloodthirsty this game. WIll take out the Inca's 4 cities and then hopefully I will be content with peace


  • Pacal_0100 BC-0375.Civ5Save
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There is a near infinite supply of happiness and culture on the map. Pacal will never have a mega science capitol. 1 or 2 academies is more than enough. But he can do a patronage and puppet strategy. I had a reasonable test game. NC + Ironworks were late due to continual munching of cities. A long count artist was used for a GA to keep production respectable. Almost all scientists were saved until the end.
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209? Great job! I have been doing all kinds of runs and I still can't get Babylon under T240. Obviously in such occasions, Patronage might just prove to be a turning point.

The thing is, I never really cared much for CS. I might just start to thanks to your little show here... Another very interesting thing that I see is that you never bothered to finish Rationalism, which I always thought is a must, because when timed properly, it can open the last 2 tech from one of the research trees, allowing you to hit another one faster.

I am impressed. Here's to learning new stuff :)
wow, iggymnrr, i count maybe 14 or 15 cities. and a 209 vic is really surprising. well done.
Test game. I just wanted to see what patronage and puppets could do. Maya will never have a great capitol so knock heads. :lol:
The 2nd policy(25% science from factories) seems really helpful. Next game(someday) will focus on that aspect. But i will finish Rationalism. I like late RAs. They can give a free tech each near the end. Of course, i need to stay below 7 cities! But for comparison sake it will be a good diea anyway.

Your game differs so much from your Babylon game that it's difficult to say which civ is the best.
The 2nd policy(25% science from factories) seems really helpful. Next game(someday) will focus on that aspect. But i will finish Rationalism. I like late RAs. They can give a free tech each near the end. Of course, i need to stay below 7 cities! But for comparison sake it will be a good diea anyway.

Your game differs so much from your Babylon game that it's difficult to say which civ is the best.

i think the goal should be to try and beat that turn with babs or korea. if he cant then i think the winner (for him) is Maya. different styles of play is necessary to settle this. 15-city for t209 sci vic is absolutely astonishing to me. maya is a real powerhouse seeing his results.
Your game differs so much from your Babylon game that it's difficult to say which civ is the best.
Creative. :lol: Toying with a 2-city Sejong. A person can wander over to the Petra site pretty fast and might have enough cash to buy a scout. Petra goes up fast ... (AIs seem defanged. They don't seem to build scouts right away.)
I also used the Petra site with Babs, and I gotta say it is a great one. That city easily outclassed my Capital in terms of production and became my main wonderspammer city. It grows really quickly too - just spam farms along the hills and there you have a 3 Food/3 Hammer/1 Gold tiles with Petra. This is just wicked.

I would venture to guess that my real problem is that I am a wee bit sheepish when it comes to war and expansion. I readily go for the FoY, Rome and Copenhagen, but I am worried about the unhappiness problem. Losing 15% of the total research even for a few turns sounds profoundly unappealing to me. Maybe I should try to step across that line at least once...
There is a near infinite supply of happiness and culture on the map. Pacal will never have a mega science capitol. 1 or 2 academies is more than enough. But he can do a patronage and puppet strategy. I had a reasonable test game. NC + Ironworks were late due to continual munching of cities. A long count artist was used for a GA to keep production respectable. Almost all scientists were saved until the end.
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How many cities did you settle and what was your Religious make-up?
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