Anno Domini for Civ IV

If Could get someone to make a Atlantes Spearman, I'd make a static Toltec Leaderhead and get someone to make a Toltec civilization there one of my fav civs not in Civilization 3 or 4.

Anyway this looks promising Rob, just make sure you sail both ships like I do(Civ III and IV), as I'd like to do a project with you in the future for three...if your willing.
Hi, is there any way to export leaderheads made with poser?... poser can export to 3ds but i've never tryed... :confused:

If it can be imported in Blender you can have a nonshader leader, if it can be imported in Max (wich is the best, but max isn't free like blender) you can have a leader with the right shader. The thing is you will probably have to rig and anime your leader in max.
I've been trying, but perhaps the main issue is my lack of knowledge of max - also it's crashing when I try to save, or producing a save that isn't then recognised as a .nif file in Nikscope or blender. I think the way to go is to use a 3d model that is just an untextured, unclothed, bald model, which will nevertheless have a unique face/body, then add the hair, clothes and texture in Nifscope or Sceneviewer.
I've been trying, but perhaps the main issue is my lack of knowledge of max - also it's crashing when I try to save, or producing a save that isn't then recognised as a .nif file in Nikscope or blender. I think the way to go is to use a 3d model that is just an untextured, unclothed, bald model, which will nevertheless have a unique face/body, then add the hair, clothes and texture in Nifscope or Sceneviewer.
If it should be possible to have a leader with a face from poser it could be very nice. I've bought daz FaceShopPro that you can use with poser and you can have a poser face from a true photo. I've made myself and my daughter told me that it really seems to me. So you could imagine what you could do with photo of historical leaders...

This is me... :)
If it should be possible to have a leader with a face from poser it could be very nice. I've bought daz FaceShopPro that you can use with poser and you can have a poser face from a true photo.

That is great fun to do, but if you're doing it of a famous person rather than taking photos yourself of someone you know, it can be surprisingly hard to find photos that are good enough (in particular, that "match" in terms of detail, lighting, hairstyle etc). I wanted to do this with Tony Blair, and amazingly I was unable to find both a full-face and side-view image online that were jointly good enough to look right. I think the best way to do it would be to go to Madame Tussaud's and take your own photos of a waxwork version of the celebrity or leader in question, but that would show greater dedication than would really be healthy.
Rob, I'll be on board for this one. I promise.
Quick Question, will these leaderheads be static or animated?
The intention is to do animated leaderheads, but I'm currently working on how to do that. When I start work on this proper (after rounding off the Civ III version), I'll start with animated leaderheads that Firaxis have done already and add new civs if/when I can do my own. I'd rather veer away from reskins at this moment.
Rob I am completely in awe for your art work. Excellent talent you have there. I would love to use all of them in Civ4 as leaderheads. Don't know how but I would love to see them ingame. :goodjob:
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