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Another Cold Rehash, er The Last Jedi, for those who have seen it (SPOILERS).

It doesn't in Mass Effect if you count that.
Of course it counts. I don't play Mass Effect so I didn't know that about the cloaking in Mass Effect, but I am aware how big of a thing it is. It sounds like people really, really need some cheezy blurry vizies or halos around the ship to indicate that they're cloaked... its not enough for the story to just tell you... "But they didn't show the ships turning invisible!":mad: LOLs you guys must hate going to see plays and live theater... "But they didn't show it with special effects! How can we know that it happened if they didn't show it onsceen?!?" LMAO... I dunno, maybe its a millennial thing or something...
I *guess* you could skip the whole chase by sneaking onto star destoyers into an asteroid field to disable the tracker, but then you wouldn't have Boba Fett track Phasma capture them after fight them and them escaping.
Also the whole time is building the relationship between Han and Leia, Finn and Rose which is will be pretty crucial for star wars plot in general.
Han and Leia Finn and Rose must end up at Bespin Canto Bight so that Lando DJ can betray them as part of Vader's the First Order's trap to lure Luke destroy the Resistance ships.
The whole reason Luke Rey cuts his her training with Yoda Luke short and travels to Bespin Crait is because she sees a vision of Leia and Han Kylo Ren being tortured by Vader turned against Snoke. Luke and Leia Kylo and Rey have a force connection through Snoke. So it's essential she is there with Han Kylo as well. All of this culminates with Luke Rey facing off against Vader Kylo and the revelation that Vader is not his her grandfather and ultimately Luke Rey resisting and not turning to the Dark Side, which of course probably happens again in Return of the Jedi EP 9
Lando DJ turning around and helping his friends isn't won't be weird or out of character. He was forced into a deal with Vader, Phasma. He shows nothing but good faith towards them prior to being captured and having no choice. So you can see every single scene is carefully thought out and serves a purpose.
Ok fine but the scenes that happen in empire are convincing, well written, well acted, and contribute to the whole of the final product. If you're literally going to nitpick it and say why didn't vader just track luke to begin with, well I mean why didn't yoda just kill the emperor at the very beginning of the entire series and end it all? The last jedi scenes were dumb, the final product wasn't any better because they saw the plight of space antelopes being abused for racing.
You try to draw a distinction that's clearly based on your memberberry goggles... It gets pointed out to you that there really is no meaningful distinction, and you respond by essentially saying "OK fine you're right but I don't like TLJ anyway so it's stoopid" :lol: Pretty much sums up alot of the anti-TLJ stuff I've been hearing. Sometimes folks just don't like stuff. That's fine, but the fact that you subjectively don't like something doesn't make it dumb or stupid or "bad writing". You just weren't feeling it. The "bad writing" critique just comes off as people trying to make their subjective/emotional dislike into something intellectual and/or objectively correct... which it isn't. In most cases anyway.
"Why'd they fly off to some fanciful destination on a questionable mission that resulted in a lot of hijinks and running into various interesting characters?" is a very weird problem people are having with a space opera movie, tbh.
Nah, those who actually got onto the planet escaped.
Yeah but they're on a planet, and the First Order fleet is right there. It's not safe for them there, the FO knows what planet they landed on. In the Star Wars universe that always means "We gotta evacuate!". But that wouldn't make much sense either, to have the next movie start with an evacuation, since they just landed on the planet while trying to escape.. plus they only have escape pods, right? And no hyperspace capable ships. So.. it appears as though they are screwed.
Well, as others have explained they got away on the Millennium Falcon.

And then the film ends.

They could start with what happens after the evacuation, couldn't they? It's not as if any Star Wars films has started right after the preceding one ended. Well, the numbered films, as Rogue One is canon.
But the ships are often triangular or delta-shaped or egg-shaped or shaped like weird giant insects/seahorses.
Except all the Calamari cruisers, the blockade runners, the x-wing is a cylinder with wings, etc. It's a decent first order approximation - especially since I was grounding my argument in real world rocketry. In any case the particular shape doesn't make a huge difference to these calculations. The squared/cubed area to volume ratio will still roughly hold for these purposes whether we're analyzing pyramids, cubes or spheres.
It doesn't in Mass Effect if you count that.

Yep. They even make jokes throughout the games about how easily the Normandy would be discovered while running their stealth systems if someone would just look out a window.
the dune vibe of this post starts with not the WH40 vs SW debate elsewhere but the dictionary . With the ridiculous claims about Crait . See , some planet out of the blue , with a planetary shield , that forces ground combat , because Khan took all the punches nuKirk could throw so nuLuke should get some turbolazer fire and survive as a physical entity . Which was still the thing by November '17 , as it appears apparently . So dictionary people to the fore , to find something for that . Oh-kay , a mining company arriving on a force forsaken planet and gives up and because it's expensive to ship such stuff leaves stuff in place . And they need a planetary shield because of the "titanic" lifeforms . Mind you , not a theatre shield or ship shield , not even some automated guard tower that opens up on beasties with stun or something so that they won't come back or whatever . So titanic that a planetary shield required ... Now , we fans , the nerds and idiots know the one on Hoth was powered by a battlecruiser engine and somehow doubt planetary shields are stuff that one abandons on a whim . Hoth ? Destroyed by General Veers , who now has an AT-AT formation named after him . Remember the trenches ? Makes no sense for titanic lifeforms , and would cave in the preceeding 30 years anyhow . See , the movie proves , contrary to what people would be telling us , and supported by the dictionary . As Leia keeps certain locations to "herself" . That the base was not as dormant as we would be led to believe . Not much of defensive value , but saves money and effort if you dig it first , install structures and cover with dirt . Your communications tunnel between the defensive gun positions that exist . Not enough time ? Just jump in and start firing at the TIE's , better than nothing . Hoth trenches were still covered by all those turret gear ...

oh-kay . We know those ships can come off Hyperspace right in orbit of a planet . But to build up your cherished stern chase , let a bridge crew repeat orders from high up . The Fleet will arrive quite a long way from the base , observe if the FO has arrived first , you know because it makes sense and like every god damned guerilla organization just does not march straight to camp and stuff . Then , when in location , have the FO suddenly arrive , canonically prevent escape and you have your race , the losers to die and so on . Have even technobabble that without an human in the loop , the massive electronic assault by the neospace Nazis might capture the medical frigate and have it ram the Raddus , right ? So , we also have the heroically dying captains , when the dictionary says the Rebel ships are extremely automated to save in crew numbers ... Says something about the human spirit . And to die with knowing that you can't hurt 'em is a much bigger thing than a Kamikaze thing .

and still no need for Hyperspace tracking tech ... The dictionary mentions Navigators . In Dune they were the only ones that could navigate between the stars and so on . Oh-kay , let's say they are extremely gifted as well in the SW universe . They have "calculated" the Rebels are going to Crait , they might have noticed the work party of "during VII" even , a single ship of engineers entering from a point in space that's the optimum for going to 150 planets and only 23 are isolated enough to be suitable for a rebel fleet and so on . Have the first Resurgents arrive , tractors "ablaze" , just in case and let them call in the orc , even . But then the orc is also Dark Side guy , right ? Sheer impossibility of escape , the run to Crait and the instabilty alluded previously stops anyone jumping in front as well . All you need is a tactical screen showing the massive effect on subspace and whatever . Nerds are idiots , they accept such stuff . So , instead of Finn the Janitor who knows the location of every single top secret console in the Neospace Nazi fleet , you have Finn , the kid to be instilled with "love" for the massive power of the said . Like they have such brainy people onboard the Supremacy and they were taken on a tour to see the massive arrays the navigators use . We had them Finn and Rose elsewhere , right ? Finn knows the place , Rose is ready to die to save the fleet just like her sister and we had no issues with finding the hacker , right ? We won't get them attempting to kill the navigators and it would be cheap to claim the arrays were irreplaceable .

why not ? Because Rose is to invent cloaking , because females can ! Not attempting to insult anyone but when one considers the history of stealth , apparently that Russian guy had his book out in 1947 (?) on how waves of stuff are reflected and so on . And me assuming the actress is Vietnamese , the American air arms were extremely confident that they had it working by '72 , massive task forces , jamming , SEAD and a confidence in monetary wealth that they could always outspend anyone on the planet . Then Israelis had it in "full" in 1973 . Of course , it was nothing of the sort a full fledged integrated defence would be doing , but it was extremely penalizing . Israeli problems were basically only solved by an idea that Sedat could not be allowed to "win" and so many Egyptians turned the other cheek to Sharon's crossing . Israeli ground operations then created the gaps in the cover and planes could operate to create more gaps in the cover . That's when America went into researching Stealth in full . And it was neither cheap or quick . One might of course argue Rose the gifted tech uses engine exhaust to be invisible . Say scrambling then . Cloaking in this case only assumes plasma , something the Russians have failed to do in 50 years and Americans are like even more backwards . And of course the "de-cloaking scan" ... See where a brilliant idea takes one . After making impossible to fight a war in that galaxy as the asymetric power , one has to invent cloaking . And because Admiral Party Dress has to show them males , even that goes to the dustbin . Because Neospace Nazis have de-cloaking scan already ; 'cause the Federation invented it .

even if one can sense the brief is to destroy Star Wars ...

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There’s a theme about exploitation and the unfairness that runs through the casino adventure. It is interesting for Star Wars to take a stance on social issues that may be mirrored on contemporary Earth. However, it comes right after the bit where no one questions why Maz Katana was shooting her employees in a “union dispute.”

The decision about playing a Space Pinkerton responding to collective bargaining with a blaster for laughs and then trying to make a statement about inequality and poor labor conditions is an odd one.
There’s a theme about exploitation and the unfairness that runs through the casino adventure. It is interesting for Star Wars to take a stance on social issues that may be mirrored on contemporary Earth. However, it comes right after the bit where no one questions why Maz Katana was shooting her employees in a “union dispute.”

There is no indication she's shooting at her employees, or that the "union dispute" is actually as such. And haven't trade unions in Star Wars been hopelessly corrupt and violent since, like, ever?

Even in a thread full of reaches, this stands out. Holy hell.
She says it is a union dispute. That's an indication that she is involved in a union dispute. In which she is using her blaster.
Maz runs a bar, do you really think a bar owner would have a "union dispute" with her employees using blasters? That's just silly on the face of it.
Quite true. Last Jedi is much less confusimg and soporific.
Of course it counts. I don't play Mass Effect so I didn't know that about the cloaking in Mass Effect, but I am aware how big of a thing it is. It sounds like people really, really need some cheezy blurry vizies or halos around the ship to indicate that they're cloaked... its not enough for the story to just tell you... "But they didn't show the ships turning invisible!":mad: LOLs you guys must hate going to see plays and live theater... "But they didn't show it with special effects! How can we know that it happened if they didn't show it onsceen?!?" LMAO... I dunno, maybe its a millennial thing or something... FTFY;) FTFY ;) FTFY ;) FTFY;) FTFY ;)
You try to draw a distinction that's clearly based on your memberberry goggles... It gets pointed out to you that there really is no meaningful distinction, and you respond by essentially saying "OK fine you're right but I don't like TLJ anyway so it's stoopid" :lol: Pretty much sums up alot of the anti-TLJ stuff I've been hearing. Sometimes folks just don't like stuff. That's fine, but the fact that you subjectively don't like something doesn't make it dumb or stupid or "bad writing". You just weren't feeling it. The "bad writing" critique just comes off as people trying to make their subjective/emotional dislike into something intellectual and/or objectively correct... which it isn't. In most cases anyway.

It has a 4.6 user score on meta critic so I'm clearly not alone is saying it's a bad movie. Of course it's subjective, life is subjective. But empire and last jedi are distinctly different movies, I don't see any resemblance between them at all. If anything I see more similarities between return of the jedi and last jedi, mostly in the throne room scenes and how pupil kills the master. My response of ok fine was because clearly there is no convincing anyone of anything where it comes to poor taste so why bother? You cannot convince me it's a good movie or better than empire and I'll never convince you of all the issues with it.
It has a 4.6 user score on meta critic so I'm clearly not alone is saying it's a bad movie. Of course it's subjective, life is subjective. But empire and last jedi are distinctly different movies, I don't see any resemblance between them at all. If anything I see more similarities between return of the jedi and last jedi, mostly in the throne room scenes and how pupil kills the master. My response of ok fine was because clearly there is no convincing anyone of anything where it comes to poor taste so why bother? You cannot convince me it's a good movie or better than empire and I'll never convince you of all the issues with it.
Meh... It has a 7.5 user score on IMDb and a 90% critic rating on RT, so I'm clearly not alone in saying its a good movie. You are correct that your opinion that it's a bad movie is subjective, and my opinion that its good is also subjective. But most of your critiques of the film are objectively wrong. For example, your statement that there isn't any resemblance between Empire and Last Jedi is objectively wrong. Hate the movie all you want... your taste is your taste, but if you make incorrect claims, you're going to get debunked, that's how we roll on CFC. ;)
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The idea of management using guns and violence in a labor dispute could very well be the most grounded and realistic thing in the whole movie.
So is comparing this movie to 2001. Didn't stop anyone
I was letting these comments go... but if you're gonna go here
But seriously this is obnoxious
Then I'm pointing out that this "OMG How dare you compare the sophistication of 2001 to TLJ!":mad: refrain is unfair, and obnoxious. I said:
I can empathize with this because I have had exactly those conversations with folks about 2001, who just didn't get it... and they called it too long, and boring, and stupid, and say it made no sense, and that whole parts were superfluous and should be cut out... And no, I am not saying that TLJ is as sophisticated as 2001, but I am saying that its sophisticated for a Star Wars film... arguably the most sophisticated one we've had.
So I specifically said that I wasn't equating the sophistication of the two movies, all I was doing was saying that I could empathize with dealing with folks who just don't get something, including folks who don't get 2001. I followed up on this by saying:
As has been mentioned, like 2001 A Space Odyssey, you either get it or you don't get it, but it was there.
I'm not "comparing 2001 to TLJ" as in equating it in terms of quality, sophistication etc., as you are implying... I am simply making the specific observation that 2001 is a movie that some people just don't get, and so is TLJ. So fall back dude.
I'm saying it is a specious comparison on the face of it that people have doubled down on and that is obnoxious. Keep doubling down. You aren't reaching anyone who isn't already a TLJ partisan with it.
What "comparison"? I just told you I wasn't comparing the movies.:confused: Did somebody else make a comparison I missed?

And "reaching anyone"?? :confused:... "partsan"??:confused:... Dude the election is over... please don't project that over here. We're just having a nice debate about Star Wars. Its really not that serious. :) Right?
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