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Antifa: There are Monsters Everywhere!!!!

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the OP specifically asked for examples of left wing violence and his sources were from cnn which isnt some obscure news network.
I was responding a post since deleted where the user was just ranting about sexual deviancy.

my family witnessed events like these in iran first hand before the revolution. factions of religious fanatics and communists destabilized the country and gave us the current iranian regime. my family has been in exile ever since.
I mean, the Tudeh party and Islamists wouldn't have been able to destabilize the country if the Shah hadn't destabilized it for them. Heavy-handed authoritarianism backed up by a notoriously oppressive secret police wrote the arguments for the Communists and Islamists.
people here have no problem equating someone like dylan roof (hes been mentioned several times) with everyone on the right.
Nobody did that. I'm the only one (I believe) who mentioned Roof, and I did not say every single person right-of-centre is like him.

You keep on having this inconvenient ability to not provide factual evidence for the claims you make. It's not a great trend.
I was responding a post since deleted where the user was just ranting about sexual deviancy.
thats a lie. i saw what went down.

You keep on having this inconvenient ability to not provide factual evidence for the claims you make. It's not a great trend.

theres no evidence anyone could ever provide you that youd accept. you hold others to a completely different standard for whats acceptable evidence than you would for yourself. its kind of sad to be honest because i think you genuinely believe what you say but it just doesnt align with reality and people see through it. they really do.
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the no evidence anyone could ever provide you that youd accept and its kind of sad to be honest.
No, your evidence sucks and I've repeatedly demonstrated why. I've read what you've provided, done research and provided all the necessary links of my own.

You're now resorting to make up things about peoples' behaviour in-thread, which handily proves everything anyone would need to know about what you're trying to argue. Peace out.
I've repeatedly demonstrated why.
you havent demonstrated anything other than your obvious bias and unwillingness to accept widely reported records of events. you seem to forget the majority of these events are also captured on video and often video and social media posts from these peoples personal lives are available. anyone can go and get the complete picture.
you havent demonstrated anything other than your obvious bias and unwillingness to accept widely reported records of events. you seem to forget the majority of these events are also captured on video and often video and social media posts from these peoples personal lives are available. anyone can go and get the complete picture.
None of this qualifies as evidence. I'm sorry that the facts don't agree with your feelings.
This is so incredibly ignorant it's astounding that you actually typed it and then hit Post Reply. I mean, seriously, this is such an inaccurate reading of the history of Germany between the wars that it pretty much amounts to pro-Nazi propaganda.

I agree, beating them up won't do anything. Deporting them to Guantanamo Bay on the other hand...

Again, this is a complete lie.

They did, but contrary to the claims here which have portrayed them as victims of Communist violence, the Nazis won 30% and over in several elections which were in fact characterized by highly organized and widespread Nazi violence against the voters of the other parties. And the Nazis failed to secure an outright majority even in the election of March 1933 after Hitler had come to power and the election wasn't held under remotely free or fair conditions.

Except you can't deport them to Guantanamo Bay tis the problem.

It's perfectly legal for them to rally etc. They want to escalate the violence because they're not going to win an election.

The military and police lean right wing so if the violence escalates and things get bad enough eventually the police, military etc are going to be forced to pick a side.

Since one side wants to defund the police and probably fit military spending it's not to hard to guess which side they will pick.

Never claimed the majority of Germans voted for Hitler but enough did and majority seemed to vote that way with the ultra conservatives.

The Nazis aren't the biggest problem they're a symptom. The main problem is American culture. You can't change that by beating the Nazis up on the streets.
you havent demonstrated anything other than your obvious bias and unwillingness to accept widely reported records of events. you seem to forget the majority of these events are also captured on video and often video and social media posts from these peoples personal lives are available. anyone can go and get the complete picture.
The lefties aren’t gonna accept those as evidence, especially if they’ve been reported by Andy Ngo, since it doesn’t go along with the narrative that Antifa are a paragon of good and shielded by the mainstream media. When in reality there a bunch of hoodlums conducting domestic political terrorism, even down to killing Trump supporters and those who disagree with them.

In my eyes, Antifa are actively engaging in suppression of speech and engaging in authoritarianism by way of political terror. About two months ago a black man who participated in a free speech rally at San Francisco’s UN Plaza to protest against Twitter’s censorship, had his front teeth knocked out by Antifa thugs (New York Post Version). Anderson gave a retort to Antifa (and to Biden, who dodged the challenge to condemn Antifa) when he was in the hospital: “I've a question for you, Joe Biden: you said that Antifa is 'just an idea, this is what the 'idea' you're talking about, Antifa, did to me, I'm at the hospital right now, Joe Biden, because of Antifa. So I just wanted to ask you: do you still think after seeing this, that they're just an idea? I want you to answer that question” (source quote).

You can't change that by beating the Nazis up on the streets.
I’m more on the lines of punching an authoritarian, both Neo-Nazi and an Antifa thug.
The lefties aren’t gonna accept those as evidence, especially if they’ve been reported by Andy Ngo, since it doesn’t go along with the narrative that Antifa are a paragon of good and shielded by the mainstream media. When in reality there a bunch of hoodlums conducting domestic political terrorism, even down to killing Trump supporters and those who disagree with them.

In my eyes, Antifa are actively engaging in suppression of speech and engaging in authoritarianism by way of political terror. About two months ago a black man who participated in a free speech rally at San Francisco’s UN Plaza to protest against Twitter’s censorship, had his front teeth knocked out by Antifa thugs (New York Post Version). Anderson gave a retort to Antifa (and to Biden, who dodged the challenge to condemn Antifa) when he was in the hospital: “I've a question for you, Joe Biden: you said that Antifa is 'just an idea, this is what the 'idea' you're talking about, Antifa, did to me, I'm at the hospital right now, Joe Biden, because of Antifa. So I just wanted to ask you: do you still think after seeing this, that they're just an idea? I want you to answer that question” (source quote).

I’m more on the lines of punching an authoritarian, both Neo-Nazi and an Antifa thug.

I suspect most people here talk a big game but haven't actually been properly punched or punched anyone.

Can't see to many wet blankets these days running up Omaha Beach like their great grandparents did.
I suspect most people here talk a big game but haven't actually been properly punched or punched anyone.
Or they have, but resorted to crybullying.

I can only think in my mind if you try to punch an Antifa thug after they provoke you, he/she would turn to whomever is holding the camera and go “help help! I’m being repressed!”.
Or they have, but resorted to crybullying.
its worse than that though. theyre actively killing people and burning out and looting businesses. like how is there people for THAT?! so not only is the entire general public subjected to this, now anyone with an opinion left of center gets lumped in with these morons. im beyond sick of it. i refuse to vote alongside these people. im not going to be associated with them. full stop.
I can only think in my mind if you try to punch an Antifa thug after they provoke you, he/she would turn to whomever is holding the camera and go “help help! I’m being repressed!”.

Other than gunning people down, that is what the right wing does in response to anything and everything.
Clearly there are cases where people cannot discuss. But imo those should always be after some very explicit and devastating act, eg someone having killed someone close to you; naturally you can't communicate then.
The problem arises when the trigger for no communication at all is simply identifying the other person as the eternal enemy, without them having actually done anything of note to you.
And I think in many societies, including the US, this is rapidly getting out of control.

Maybe it's a bit like cartel footsoldier hatred for the analogous of the other cartel. Only in this case there is no actual benefit (being paid by your cartel), so it appears more noble, ideological - yet the end result can be the same: violent death and vigilantism.
Other than gunning people down, that is what the right wing does in response to anything and everything.

The troglodyte right is certainly holding its own in the propaganda battle. And the really dangerous right of course owns the media and has it feed all these "culture war" distractions to the plebs.
The problem arises when the trigger for no communication at all is simply identifying the other person as the eternal enemy, without them having actually done anything of note to you.
And I think in many societies, including the US, this is rapidly getting out of control.
the way social media is monitored and controlled, online echo chambers, and censorship hasnt helped it thats for sure. i find even political correctness has become a dirty thing when there used to be universal things everyone agreed on that were best not said. in part i think its because the right broke these norms but also the left has expanded and conflated a lot of these things to push certain agendas and the right reacted very negatively to that. you dont have to say much for some idiot to call you a nazi nowadays. then if youre going to go punch "nazis" well now we have a big problem.
that and they just lie, lie, lie, lie constantly.
It sadly says too much about @GenMarshall that he liked this tweet even after the posts where I challenge you over lies written.

I keep trying to see the person who escaped the alt-right, and here he is running hand in hand with your posts where you cite alt-right and far-right sources, and invoking the name of Andy Ngo.

How can we discuss the thread if calling out such falsehoods are promoted as not liking the "narrative"? This is ideological poison. Things that never happened with no evidence of them happening weighted the same as evidenced, factual events. What a world.

You folks enjoy your echo chambers, and talk of Omaha Beach. Just skip all the hand-wringing over name calling in the future. Because this page is full of it.
All these distractions are really important because the plebs in the US do support left-wing policies. As in those traditional left-wing policies that are a real threat to the oligarchs of the country.

Joe Biden lost Florida by more than double the margin that Hillary Clinton did in 2016. Democrats lost at least five seats in the Florida House, and Republicans defeated two Democratic members of Congress in South Florida. An amendment to increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour, however, won by 22 points.

Florida isn’t alone. Arizona voters approved a tax increase on people making over $250,000 a year to fund public education in the wake of last year’s teachers’ strikes, and in Colorado paid family and medical leave passed with 58 percent of the vote. In both states, the measures passed with a larger share of the vote than Biden got.


While the Democratic Party is the lesser of two evils, we need a new party concerned with the material well-being of the working class, not with balancing conflicting interests in search of a tent big enough to hold both the sheep and the wolves.
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