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Anyone Else Nickname The Civs Leaders?


Mar 30, 2011
So sometimes when I'm playing a game I find myself thinking of some of the harder to pronounce/remember leader names in nicknames.

Some of the funnier ones I have are:

Inca- Pachacuti- Cutie Pakootie- his name reminds me of that wierd internet video of the Kid singing Cutie Patootie slowed right down so it sounds like shes drunk. When I first saw that Vid I thought she was singing about the Incan leader and was like Hey I thought it was Pachacuti not Cutie Pakootie so thats where that spawned.

Siam- Ramkhamoing or W/E- Ramstein after the German Metal Band- just easier to remember

Polynesia- KAMHAMBLAH- K-HAMMA- Like a mix between K-Fed and M.C Hammer

Aztecs- Montezuma- Easy to remember but I still think of him as Monty and imagine all his units once injured go around saying 'it's just a flesh wound sir'

Most of the rest I just imagine with the -ey sound at the end just like Monty. So like Bismarck is Bizzie, Suleiman is Sully, Alexander is Allie. Unless it doesn't work like Oda, he could be Choda, but that would be longer anyway.

Anyone else do this? what are the nicknames you think of?
if you want to know how to pronounce Polynesia's leader, it's [Kuh MAY uh MAY uh]. I always liked the way Hawaiian/Polynesian words rolled off the tongue.

And every time i see Oda i think of Hoda Kotb (pronounced Ho duh Kot bee) from that morning show with Kathy Lee. It's such a weird name. and awful tv show.

Otherwise i dont pay attention to their names unless im typing them in threads.

also, the way Ramkamhaeng is dressed, i tend to think RamkamHAAA-AAAY!
'Monty' seems to be quite common on these forums.

I call Ramkamhaeng 'Ram', and Washington 'G-Wash'.

That's essentially it for nicknames I guess, but I have gotten into this weird habit of saying "Nebuchadnezzar!" whenever his screen pops up.
I call Montezuma `Monty', Kamehameha `Goku', Ramkamhaeng `Rama', Alexander `*groan*' and Bizmark `that *cannot use this word on the forum*'.
I do a bit of that;
Alexander = Alex or sometimes Lex
Genghis Khan = Tem, as in Temujin
Ramkhamhaeng = Rama
Pachacuti = Cuti pie
Nebuchadnezzar II = Number 2
Montezuma = (Good ol') Monty
Napoleon = Leon
Bismarck = Oto
Askia = Jeeves, his name reminds me for the search engine 'Ask Jeeves'

And I don't give a a nickname to Kamehameha, I just yell his name in a furious rage and fire my hands at the screen.

:D I watch Dragonball Z!

Hey, has anyone thought of making a comic with the leaders? xD
Yeah I recall looking up kamehameha because i initially thought it was a joke leader. Wonder why they used his name though, he mightve been a conqueror but he was also an incestuous pedophile, then again so was the prophet of islam, minus the incest (afaik), so i guess people forgive and forget (not to mention that dbz was filled with casual racism, mr. Popo anyone?).

As far as names go, ill usually try to make them silly and childish because its pretty hard to view any other way if you interact with them too much.
Kamehameha- Kammyhammy
Suleiman- Sullywully
Nobunaga- Oddy or Nobbyoddy
Ramkangetc- Rammywammy, altough I tend to name Ramses the same way.
Catherine- cathy
Augustus- Julius
Wu zetian- that huge (female dog is autofiltered?)
Elizabeth- lizzy or biggest (female dog)
Napoleon- nappy or napo
Bismarck- bizzy or granddad as he bears an uncanny likeness to a walrus as well
Monty ofcourse
Askia- first target (always conquers wonder builders, that's my job godamnit)
I also always call the incan guy pacahuti as I havnt been able to get it out of my head since first reading his name
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