Anyone else quit playing?

I'm not the type to hate on the game or quit strategy games early (have gone 142 hrs on Civ 6), but for some reason I just got enough yesterday, and have now uninstalled Civ 6. There are several reasons which combined just fatigued me, incl. the moronic AI on the map and their diplomacy, the tiring UI (spies, trade, and particularly the horribly annoying messaging down the middle of the screen). I guess I will be back in some time, when more patches have been released and the modders have a proper tool.

Oh, something else that had bugged me: Why the flying fudge do we get Norway as a playable Civ and not Persia, perhaps the oldest continuous civilization on the planet? I mean, as a Norwegian I was at first a bit flattered, but the more I think about it, the sillier it gets. Terrible choice, particularly with such a obvious omission as Persia. To see Skedsmo (a tiny municipality without much history as any kind of centre - trust me I am an archaeologist) as a Civ city is just laughable.
At a guess, because your personal choices about what you consider worthy Civilisations to include in the game, don't match with the developers' choices.

It's a subjective thing, that kind of rating.
Still no regenerate map option does it for me.
At a guess, because your personal choices about what you consider worthy Civilisations to include in the game, don't match with the developers' choices.
Really, capt. Obvious? With that criteria, we could just as well had seen Estonia, Thuringians, Arawak or Yemen then.
Many important viking burial sites around Skedsmo. Not sure what is happening with the archeology study in Norway - sounds just laughable. :)
They wanted to make a scenario around the Battle of Stamford bridge hence Harald. Persia may come. They just started with the civs. Don't you at least like the new Norwegian wonder?
Haha! :) Well, there are many important viking burial sites across the entire country, and indeed Scandinavia (and Britain I guess). Perhaps they went with Raknehaugen (the biggest mound in northern Europe), but then they should rather have provided Jessheim (shudder!) as a city. I think Norway could've been released with the Viking scenario, and the Persians with vanilla.

Edit: Oh, Lysefjorden as the natural wonder is ok, I guess. Not an important fjord in Viking history as far as I know, but at least the only village ever identified in Norwegian archaeology lies at the western end (Forsand, Iron Age). I would've rather gone with Sognefjorden as an important natural feature for the Vikings.
The developers do not hold their game to self-consistent standards. With civ choices, that's annoying at worst. With some of the game's other mechanics interactions, it's game-breaking.

My biggest problem with this game is that it's a constant fight to play it. I'm not fighting the AI or other people. I'm not struggling over tough choices. I'm fighting mechanically against the sheer input volume of meaningless-to-outcome crap the game slops on you turn after turn, a decay process that started in civ 5 vanilla and has regressed further in civ 6. A game you have to fight to play and is rife with fake difficulty in terms of both control screw and hidden rules has no place atop a list of AAA titles.

I'd love to still be playing in the turncast MP group rather than just hanging out there. It was amazing times back in civ 4. Civ 6 does not work well though. Games take significantly longer than they should and have so many mundane actions that it's not worth the time spent fighting it or waiting for players 1/3 my speed to try to slug through the joke controls to get a turn done while they have 3 cities and 8 pop total at peace. In SP, the AI is pitiful, hasn't exactly gotten faster since the patch, and despite being a computer that can process calculations many times faster than me is actually slower at taking many of its turns somehow.
I uninstalled 6 and bought Civ 3 for $1.25 on Steam. How is it possible that this ancient game is so many orders of magnitude more fun than a new version? Firaxis is officially dead to me, my faith in them is less than zero. I'll never buy anything new from them ever again. Each iteration, worse than the one before it.
I refused to make a post in this thread because i said to myself everyday that "today is the day i'll start a new game"... I think i didn't play 2 weeks before last patch, and then just checked out if they fixed my favorite and most annoying bugs and it just dumb struck me with disappointment. I was positive and really wanted to like the game, and i still say i really like a lot of design ideas and how the game feels, but what completely disappointed me was community-developer communication and completely underwhelming support from a big company like Firaxis. I wouldn't believe if i didn't saw with my own eyes that there is a multi million dollar developer company who can't fix last build bug or ESCaping from citizen screen into main menu annoyance. It felt like slap in the face. Not sure what the future will bring but for now i salute the company and i hope they have nice holidays with nice fat christmas bonuses. A negligible amount is from me. Thank you for your support after you promised a finished product.

p.s. I swear to God, if this game had a decent UI i could finish a deity game in an hour. It's so tedious just to check everything every turn, 90 % of the game time is struggle with UI.
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Told myself to give this game another try after the latest patch, but all i do is checking the forums whether anything has changed. Well, it's pretty obvious that it is still the same tedious sandbox game that only poses challenges for self imposed limits in a game where you play against yourself.
I rather spend my gaming time with civ3's CCM Mod, where I can actually feel pressure from the AI + have a real sense of achievement.

Civ6 lacks soul. There isn't a single wonder or event that get you an adrenaline rush if you complete that. The game is a slog from start to finish and seems to play out the same way every single time.

PS: Even following SG do not provide any sense of excitement. What a difference to civ3/4
got to wonder why people upset over the ai aren't trying AI+ and smoother difficulty.

the game can be very hard, very challenging with these 2 mods.

ive logged over 100 hours already and look to beat my total played hours i had with civ V

I wont bother with mods until Firaxis releases basic modding tools. Another failure of the game so far to not have a functionning workshop.

And at this rate Im not holding my breath for the source code. Which is required if we want any kind of decent AI.
I wont bother with mods until Firaxis releases basic modding tools. Another failure of the game so far to not have a functionning workshop.

And at this rate Im not holding my breath for the source code. Which is required if we want any kind of decent AI.

Did they release the source code for Civ V?
It is very clear that the team that was behind Civ 4 was a lot closer to the community. The lack of interaction in this case is appalling. I am not too hopeful that they will release stuff for modding that fast.
Game definitely needs more polish. AI is particularly lackluster and the major reason I've quit playing, even though I have not given up on the game. It is just going into hibernation mode on my HD until more fixes come out and the modding tools are readily available. I'm hoping for some renewed energy/interest/TLC on the game from Firaxis after the holidays and everyone is back on the job, happy with their vacation and launch bonuses.
I've stopped a bit, waiting for further patches. However I think people should remember how truly awful Civ V was at release. Civ VI is millions of times better than Civ V at release, even though not perfect. Given how amazingly the developers turned Civ V into a great game gives me plenty of reason to believe that VI will evolve into something even better.
If you are going to buy new DLC you will only feed the AI authors, is that really what you want ?

My advice, pls think twice before giving money to the ones who developed the non existent AI, think twice guys
Did they release the source code for Civ V?
Yes like 1.5y after release.
By comparison, in the case of Civ IV, it was considerably shorter, sometime between 6 & 9 months.
civ5 had this significant delay not only with the source code (for specific reasons, which don't apply to civ6 ;)):

Civilization 5: 21 September 2010 // Gods & Kings: 19 Juni 2012
Civilization 4: 25 Oktober 2005 // Warlords: 24 Juli 2006
Civilization 3: 30 Oktober 2001 // Play the World: 31 Oktober 2002
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