Anyone know where I can get Free only babylon 5 episodes

Not to mention the women :lol:
Of all the shows in the world I'd say B5 is amongst those that most deserve to be bought. And Best Buy has em for a mere $20 a pop every so often, you just have to keep your eyes open.

That said, if you like B5, I can't recommend George Martin's Ice and Fire series more highly.
Eh, now looking for call to arms. Well. I may buy it later. Right now I just wanna watch it.
Call to Arms is the best B5 movie. Unfortunately, I haven't got my hands on the new one, or Crusade.
Crusade is available for free on AOL video. Can't find Call to Arms though.
I have a very tight download limit, since I'm on a wireless connection. So I basically have to avoid downloading anything, except when I'm on holidays.
Which ships do you think are the most powerful, the shadows or the Vorlons?
Interesting question. Assuming equal size, Vorlon ships are shown - in the episode Kosh dies in - to be able to take down Shadow vessels one-on-one. That could have been a result of superior tactics though - the Vorlons showed up while the Shadows were busy engaging a Brakiri fleet and caught them by surprise.

Shadow vessels seem to be faster and more manoeuvrable, but I think Vorlon vessels are stronger. The Vorlons also seem to have more classes of vessel, giving them yet another tactical advantage, along with the Shadow's susceptibility to telepaths.
Well, the Vorlons seem to have better shields but the shadow's hull seems to be better.

How well do you think the IAS excalibur would stack up against these vessels if it was completed with the Vorlon-grown armor and didn't have that disadvantage where you have to power the ship down just to shoot the main gun?

It seems to be that the White stars were basically smaller version of the vorlon ships.
The Excalibur was larger than all but the most massive Vorlon and Shadow ships, not including Planet Killers. As such I imagine its main guns packed more of a wallop. With Vorlon self-repairing and energy refracting hull technology, it was obviously capable of resisting Vorlon weaponry, but Shadow weaponry included plasma blasts, which it would still be susceptible to. Remember that both Minbari and Vorlon ships were susceptible to nukes and projectiles, so any ship constructed using their technology should still suffer from such weapons.

All-in-all, with a suitable power source removing the weakness of the main guns, the Excalibur was more powerful than either Vorlon or Shadow vessels, and likely more durable because of this. But it was also a lot less manouevrable than either species' ships. All-in-all, I don't think the Excalibur could take a Vorlon ship of comparable calibre, and it could only match up to a Shadow vessel if it had a telepath on board. The telepath wouldn't need to hold the Shadows for long though, as the main guns could take care of a Battle Crab even faster than a Vorlon Cruiser.
We still don't know if the super-gun on the excaliber is as powerful as the Vorlon death ray or Shadow Death ray.

Shadow ships are also susceptible to nukes. Remember that battle at Coriana 6 when they detonated nukes on both the shadow and Vorlon vessels and destroyed both?
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