Blue Monkey
Archon Without Portfolio
Thank you both for the prompt & extensive replies, and the compliments on the icons -
* World-wide Commerce
Ill add it to my look abouts list.
* provide some character sketches for some of the the less well known characters
Im most curious about what you have in mind for Alice - pedia entry, animations, abilities.
* If we're starting from scratch, can we make the Wonders in the wider format? Pretty Please?
I assume you mean Pounders style? But a version in that wonderful Steampunk Interface? If so, did you want the images 568x320, leaving room for the annotations, or a full 570x390?
I originally picked images with the idea of getting something square from them, but there are many that I could probably cut into a good oblong composition. If you could, make a list of splashes you need me to redo, or do.
* I'd have preferred a Stage Magician unit
Sounds like ruby_sauce needs an invite to the tea party - may not have looked at the threads. And seems like that's the sort of "no box" mind that could create some of the other needed units.
* I quite like the name Practical Invention too but not so much the icon
Well, I can add that to the list of hopefuls, as well.
* Another missing icon for the list is Portable Beam Weaponry.
I had not included the sequence of Teleforce, Portable Beam Weaponry, Forcefields because you had images there, but they can certainly go on the list.
So this is my understanding of where the queue of needed tech icons is at:
Armaments Industry
Stratospheric Flight
Needed (* I have possibles on the first three)
Landships *
Armoured Bulkheads *
Asylum Districts *
Air Tactics
Wireless Telegraphy
World-wide Commerce
Practical Invention
Portable Beam Weaponry
I hope everyone understands that this list is for anyone interested in contributing icons.
* World-wide Commerce
Ill add it to my look abouts list.
* provide some character sketches for some of the the less well known characters
Im most curious about what you have in mind for Alice - pedia entry, animations, abilities.
* If we're starting from scratch, can we make the Wonders in the wider format? Pretty Please?
I assume you mean Pounders style? But a version in that wonderful Steampunk Interface? If so, did you want the images 568x320, leaving room for the annotations, or a full 570x390?
I originally picked images with the idea of getting something square from them, but there are many that I could probably cut into a good oblong composition. If you could, make a list of splashes you need me to redo, or do.
* I'd have preferred a Stage Magician unit
Sounds like ruby_sauce needs an invite to the tea party - may not have looked at the threads. And seems like that's the sort of "no box" mind that could create some of the other needed units.
* I quite like the name Practical Invention too but not so much the icon
Well, I can add that to the list of hopefuls, as well.
* Another missing icon for the list is Portable Beam Weaponry.
I had not included the sequence of Teleforce, Portable Beam Weaponry, Forcefields because you had images there, but they can certainly go on the list.
So this is my understanding of where the queue of needed tech icons is at:
Armaments Industry
Stratospheric Flight
Needed (* I have possibles on the first three)
Landships *
Armoured Bulkheads *
Asylum Districts *
Air Tactics
Wireless Telegraphy
World-wide Commerce
Practical Invention
Portable Beam Weaponry
I hope everyone understands that this list is for anyone interested in contributing icons.