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If I may suggest something, I'd say change "Electro" in all the Electro-whatever techs to either Ether or, even better Aether, which would fit more in whith the beliefs and such of the time.....

For more ideas for steampunk tech and/or images for tech icons may I suggest:

Jake von Slatt's Steampunk Workshop

Doc "Datamancer" Nagy's Steampunk creations

The Brass Goggles Steampunk Blog and Forums If you go into the "Tactile" section of the forums, you'll find all kinds of crazy stuff, including some of my own creations.

Also, you need some kind of Brass Goggles tech, otherwise it aint steampunk (gotta have the goggles :p )
I'm still trying to get my head around what aether actually "is" (or should be). Starting from the basis that it's a carrier of light I was thinking it could lead to lasers (beam weapons), radio (or wireless telegraphy) and possibly time travel. Electricity or electrically charged matter can influence the aether so a combination of the two can lead to reactionless drives. It can get weirder (according to my GURPS Steampunk book) when you combine etheric devices with the spirit world. They posit a spectral globe developed through experiments with the electrical conductivity of gases. The globe would be evacuated and then filled with a noble gas at very low pressure. Electrodes within the globe would ionise the gas. If a spirit placed part of its immaterial form within the globe, its image would appear within the gas. A lip reader could facilitate actual communication between the living and the dead!
Now that's pretty cool.

As I understand it, "aether" was thought to be simply the stuff that occupies space when there's nothing else there, even air. The concept depends upon the assumption that there is no such thing as a true vacuum, so even where there is no air, there must be something even more rarified present. That's how I understand it anyway, but I might be wrong.
I think this wikipedia article on the luminiferous aether is actually a good place to start. It lays out the theory's place in physics from Newton to Quantum Mechanics.

I would imagine that the effect of a valid etheric physics in a Steampunk alternate reality would be that space flight would involve something akin to aerodynamics since there is a medium through which to move. Also there might develop some weird Tesla-esque technologies to do with light (like his rumored design for a death ray).

I hope you don't mind but I'm a old VSF fan from way back.
I'd like to point out some sites on land Ironclads

This blog has everything.
From the Ironclads to steam walker to you name it.

Models & minatures
H.G. Wells Land Ironclad free paper model

Brigade Models in England make land Ironclad minatures

Wyrd Minatures: Steampunk Gothic horror

Blaze Injun

Very glad I could help. Hope I'm posting in the right thread.

I have this old Space 1889 site called


Here they have various articles on all things steampunkish.
Transactions of the Royal Martian Geographical Society

Speaking of Etheral...

Ethersuits and Ethernauts
by Matthew J. Ruane

Blaze Injun
How about a SteamPunk version of The Great Race as a wonder.

The goofy movie version features many steampunkish devices built by Professor Fate. His car the "Hannibal 8", of course, has hidden talents, such as a cannon, a scissors lift, a combination ram/ice melter, and can obscure opponents' view by belching clouds of black smoke.

"Push the button, Max"

FYI, Most of us steampunks consider The Great Race (goofy movie version, that is) to BE steampunk.... I personally vote for including Professor Fate's sound-guided torpedo into the mod as a (mostly) Naval cruise missile type unit :p
Hello folks

I've only just found this scenario and after reading the posts and looking at the pics, my only reaction was: OMFG!!!!11 :eek::eek::eek:

Must have scenario!!!:crazyeye:

It's a trully amazing idea, and I congratulate you for it.

I'd just like to throw in a little sugestion for a tech and a possible wonder, based on 19th century "high-tech":
"Transatlantic telegraph cable"

These cables presented a massive increase in comunicatiosns, being the first time a true link existed between continents. In game terms, this might give a increase in money generated (due to comunications between markets). It would also allow the construction in a city of the "Telegraph Office" for extra money.

As for the wonder, the "Transatlantic telegraph cable" would allow the construction of:
"SS Great Eastern"
giving a massive increase in culture or maybe a transport that could carry 4-5 times more than a normal one.

Keep up the good work! :goodjob:
Thanks for your enthusiasm about the mod. You are welcome to join us - anyone with your kind of knowledge about the era has a lot to contribute.

"Trans-Oceanic Cable" is one of the items in the Pandectual Garland of Icons.


I agree that The Great Eastern would make a great Wonder. Perhaps "Ocean Liners" would be a better matching tech for it.


But we shall have to wait & see which techs make it into KingArthur's tree.
Thanks for the wellcome!

Here are a few offbeat stuff I found over the years:
Late 19th century "armour"

Nice pics/posters of some truly scary ideas!

The sequel to the "War of the Worlds", first book with space ships, battles, ray guns... all from a mix of steampunk+martian technology
I say we need at least one Cthulhu tech or (since I suppose the "Forbidden Tomes" and Non-Euclidean Geometry probably fit that bill) a "Sunken City of R'lyeh" wonder that summons, er, spawns Cthulhu when the stars are aligned (about once every 15-20 turns).
I say we need at least one Cthulhu tech or (since I suppose the "Forbidden Tomes" and Non-Euclidean Geometry probably fit that bill) a "Sunken City of R'lyeh" wonder that summons, er, spawns Cthulhu when the stars are aligned (about once every 15-20 turns).
The techs I had in mind as Mythos-related were "Forbidden Tomes" (Voynich, etc.), "Trans-Dimensional Maths" ("Non-Euclidean" as a prereq.), "Dimensional Portal" (have to open the door), "Evocative Ritual" (by invitation only), and (with "Astral Travel" as a prereq.) "Watchers at the Gate" (who guard the Seven Hundred Steps of Deeper Slumber).

Appearing every 20 turns seems pretty often for the end of life as we know it, IMHO. Maybe use "The Thousand Young", shoggoths, Mi-Go (perhaps with a resource connection to the "Chthonic Mycoculture" tech), Servitors of the Outer Gods, or another Great Old One of less power.

Another wonder to consider is "The Sanbourne Institute of Pacific Antiquities".
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