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Are Americans still considered pragmatic?


keeping your angel alive
Aug 11, 2004
New Jersey
pragmatic: (adjective): relating to matters of fact or practical affairs often to the exclusion of intellectual or artistic matters : practical as opposed to idealistic.

American's are so historically attached to being pragmatic, that they even invented the concept of Pragmatism itself. Ideally according to wikipedia, reconciliation of antiskepticism and fallibilism is the central goal of American pragmatism.

According to the History channel, the Soviet space division became convinced to build 'new' space shuttles when they heard the line, "...I know the new space ships are much more expensive... but the Americans are a pragmatic people. They obviously know something we don't."

The new space shuttles probably ended costing ten times as much to build and maintain.

But now, in recent light on the war in Iraq, asinine budget handling, and various other incidents do you think Americans still deserve that title? Did Americans ever have it? If yes, does anyone consider that to be a good thing?

please note: Pragmatic is similar in meaning to the word, 'practical'.
I don't think any group of people can be considered pragmatic. Human nature and pragmatic are antonymous.
It would be daft to make such a blanket statement about 300 million people, but there are plenty of pragmatic Americans. Unfortunately, it is human nature to have a bit of greed, and pragmatism isn't nearly as much fun as having it all. It requires pragmatism to get to the point where one can be un-pragmatic.
No, they're human. They're a group of induviduals, some of them can be pragmatic, while some of them are not.
does anyone consider that to be a good thing?

I'd say that its not really good or bad as a general thing. There are situations where it can be good and ones where it can be bad.
I think that the decision to invade Iraq was a pragmatic, though flawed decision. It boils down to the oil, and whether it will end up in the American or Chinese sphere of influence. Right now it's looking good for the Chinese...time for America to engage with Iran, methinks :)
In my opinion as an American, Americans (or at least the government) ditched the pragmatism the moment we invaded Iraq.
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