Are Armies less powerful again?


Dec 23, 2003
When C3C first came out, Armies ruled the battlefields, almost to the point of being unbalancing. With the latest patch, they seem to be weaker again, though not as much as in the original CIII.

My army of swordsmen now only attacks twice per turn, and doesn't seem to have the same movement bonuses as before.

Does anyone know if this is the case and, if so, are there any comparisons between Armies in CIII/PTW/C3C/C3C Beta Patch.
I'm not sure how it was before the patch / C3C, but now the army just gets +1 movement points.

I guess before it was so that the army had 3 movement points? But I don't think so... I believe that the army always had the movement of the slowest unit, so it actually got boosted with C3C. :)
Welcome, JDexter! :thumbsup:

He's right, Yumbo. The slowest unit dictates the movement speed of the Army. Then, of course, there is the +1 to movement. So two attacks sounds right.
It seemed last night, though, that I was no longer getting the +1 movement.

And I thought an Army of 3 got 3 attacks (at least according to out-of-the-box C3C).
The other day, I had an army of cavalry and I had 4 attacks in one turn! I'm not sure how the patch affected this though..
The patch didn't alter armies. An army of swordsmen will have two attacks and since it has two movement points, since obviously a unit can't attcak mor than it has moves. BTW those cavalry armies sure be come strong with 4 attacks !
Originally posted by lbhhh
The patch didn't alter armies. An army of swordsmen will have two attacks and since it has two movement points, since obviously a unit can't attcak mor than it has moves. BTW those cavalry armies sure be come strong with 4 attacks !

Maybe I'm just unlucky, but I lost two complete Cavalry armies to TWO pikemen. I killed one pikeman with the first army (took half their hit points) and the other pikeman suffered one HP loss and destroyed the remaining first one and second.

I suppose the city could have been on a hill or something (it wasn't behind a river though), but man, that was incredible luck by the AI. My wife told me to stop playing because I was yelling at the computer when that happened!
Sweet, So an army of Modern Armor can potentially attack 3 times and move 4 tiles? Wow, practically invincible!!! I love the new armies, now I actually bother to build them. Before, I was just too darn lazy.
Originally posted by RealGoober
Sweet, So an army of Modern Armor can potentially attack 3 times and move 4 tiles?
No, an army of Modern Armor can attack as many times as it has movement points. Each attack uses up an movement point. MA have three movement points of their own, being in an (all MA) army will add a fourth one. Four movements points equals four attacks. Add to this the combat bonus armies get and an army loaded with MA becomes very powerful.
I think the heal rate for armies was increased way too much. I agree that it needed to be increased, but now a redlined army basically is immediately healed, with or without barracks. Too strong.
Armies rock even more than they did before - it'd be nice if the AI tried a little harder to build them.
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