• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Assorted N.P. Team News

Started a couple more team matches after all. I wasn't planning to but 1badmf said he wanted to play in some more team games. No pressure to join (of course you're welcome if you want to), I know many of our best minds are focused on round 2 of the CFC tourney & other tournaments. :)
We lost our first long-time-control vote game against Chess Team International. :(


and this one against Team Canada is completely lost.

However, out of our remaining five long vote games, one has just begun, another three are won games (though in two we are only up a pawn) and the fifth (against the Indian Marauders) is pretty tight (we may be at some disadvantage but it's still anyone's game).
If you're interested in playing in our Speed Vote Chess league this Sunday or Monday please check out this thread.

Also, if you have any new avatar ideas please let me know! We could continue with the spearman vs. tank theme or switch around to something different. I lost a few new avatars I'd created during a computer crash :( but I like to see everything as an opportunity to recreate better. :)
That's an 8 am my time start. Count me out, I won't be up til 10 am tomorrow, and then I have shopping and payment of the cable bill to do! :(
We won (on time unfortunately), was an exciting game while it lasted though.

x-post : yeah, I was actually disappointed to see that we'd got it on time. Thx for being a part Riffraff! :)
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