Attacko's Babylonian Maneuver

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Mar 26, 2002
The following is a short strategy theory in regard to Babylon that is successful both in single and multi-player modes.

Hammurabi- Babylon
Aggressive-Free Combat I promotion for melee and gunpowder units.
Double production speed of Barracks and Drydock.
Organized-Civic upkeep reduced 50 percent.
Double production speed of Lighthouse, Factory, and Courthouse.
The key wonder for Babylon is The Hanging Gardens (Mathematics and an Aquaduct)
+1 health in all cities
+1 population in all cities
City more likely to generate Great Engineer

Game designers unconsciuosly rely on psychological and visual clues more telling then rationalized desicions, note the color scheme and strange unique unit the Bowmen -(horribly deficient against horse/chariot
and archers). However, this weakness, coupled with traits and finesse' fields a greater army than Rome.
The unique building is the Garden
Replaces Colosseum- (Construction)
+1 :)
+2 :health:
+1 :) per 20% rate

The tech line is fairly straight forward- Archery for the Bowmen- then towards Animal Husbandry. Army composition is Chariots/Horse Archers, and Bowmen and in a reverse of positioning horse archers and chariots are used as city defenders until more Formation and the much neglected Cover promoted Bowmen are available. (Either Drill or Combat line- keep in mind there is a non-upgradable built-in amplified Shock-like promotion for Bowmen- (also Guerilla II will allow for faster troops to keep up with horse if speed is needed over a march- however keep in mind catapults are available with the tech path forseen)
Religion is usually not an option- skip it and adopt Buddhism if it comes around. Teching towards Mathematics and Construction then takes priority ( Hanging Gardens, Garden)
The Organized trait will amplify this small but focused empire allowing for either a defensive or offensive posture, later teching towards Feudalism to upgrade any surviving Bowmen and too switch to the Civics of Vassalage and Serfdom.
This tactic was successful against three opponents of high ability on multiplayer game who had decided that Greece and the Phalanx were the optimal choice- only to have their armies destroyed.
TtF it seems that rather than discussing strategy you just discuss what happens/happened in one of your games. Well done that you defeated some human opponents but none of it had anything to do with anything you wrote here.

Can't take you seriously until you backup your assertions with clear explanations rather than gibberish about venn diagrams and binary genetics.

By the way, who were these three high level opponents?
AHHHHH I GET IT! I had to defend my Babylonian cities with horse archers! Everything makes sense now!
And how exactly is The Hanging Gardens so useful to the Babylonians?
Game designers unconsciuosly rely on psychological and visual clues more telling then rationalized desicions

That explains a lot:lol::lol:

So instead of using your brain and strategies you just "look" at the game:lol:
And how exactly is The Hanging Gardens so useful to the Babylonians?

The Hanging Gardens is more useful to the Babylonians then other early wonders in conjunction with running a small size empire with few workers and heading towards Feudalism and running Vassalage and Serfdom Civics.
"The added health and population increases productivity, research and your economy.-" WoundedKnight
There is also a Colloseum event which gives a bonus adding to the unique buildings.

"Game designers unconsciuosly rely on psychological and visual clues more telling then rationalized desicions"

"That explains a lot"

One simple interpretation is that the hue lavenderish implies a red- (aggressive) color with blue
(spiritual) thereby showing the optimal war path would be a taunting aggression-
The bit of gold is added to imply Budhhism would be a good religion (ie convert early) and building will be favorable.
I just have a small request:

Can you please post a game up here on the forums with loads of screenshots so we can see your strategy in action?

I'm not saying the guide is bad, it just doesn't seem very clear, like this:

Game designers unconsciuosly rely on psychological and visual clues more telling then rationalized desicions
And how exactly is The Hanging Gardens so useful to the Babylonians?
Because in the Real World, they are the "Hanging Gardens of Babylon".

See, troy relies on actual world history to form his strategies, as well as the colors of the Civ's, and of course, abstract mathematical concepts that have nothing to do with actual in-game math.
The starting techs are The Wheel and Agriculture
Getting to Construction with Ivory allows a host of options. The Babylonian immediate worker gives automatic builds (allowing for full automation), while a quick Hunting/Archery dash does little to slow the 48 turns to Construction allowing for Gardens, Hanging Gardens , and War Elephants. (Animal Husbandry and Horsebackriding).
The Attacko Method - Horse Archers/Chariots and/or War Elephants, Bowmen, Garden, Hanging Gardens, Catapults, and a Great Engineer, early and final.
The advice given by attacko is literally just rambling. It makes your head hurt just trying to figure out the point, because there is none.

It's becoming borderline spam now.
to be really really honest, I like his way of thinking.

although most, if not all of his comments should be looked as a good comedy, they do have certain truths in them. Attacko is supposed to be like a super aggressive, war-mongering, blood thirsty zealot, and I like him!
It doesn't really have to make sense or be fully efficient to be "fun", as long as the strategy has a clear objective IMO.

I'd like to see more of these short strategies as I am very interested to know what other civs would look like under Attacko's command.

Keep up the good work!

EDIT: oh yeah, sample game would be so great :O
Bowmen -(horribly deficient against horse/chariot
and archers). However, this weakness, coupled with traits and finesse' fields a greater army than Rome.

Army composition is Chariots/Horse Archers, and Bowmen and in a reverse of positioning horse archers and chariots are used as city defenders until more Formation and the much neglected Cover promoted Bowmen are available.

I'm sorry, but my army of cover promoted and cr promoted Praetorians will make mince meat of your chariot/bowman army, especially since you have your horse archers/chariots defending your captured cities... And why would you give a bowman the cover promotion for city defense (unless of course I'm reading this wrong)?
And why would you give a bowman the cover promotion for city defense (unless of course I'm reading this wrong)?
His point is legit here. Bowman start with + vs Melee, so giving them Cover will make them better City Raiders, since Archery units cant get the CR promo line.

But they arent for defense, you are suggested to leave your Chariots and HAs behind as garrisons while your army of Bowman romp onward.
Bleys said:
Because in the Real World, they are the "Hanging Gardens of Babylon".

Ah, I understood now, why The Pyramids is best suitable for Ramses and Chichen Itza for Monty(it's actually Pacal, but not a big difference) Let me guess. The next will be Qin and The Great Wall, Pericles with The Oracle and Victoria with Stonehenge.
On another note, this reminds me of the bowman unique unit for Babylon in Civ III. Had 2 attack and 2 defense so it functioned as both the normal attacker and defender of the early game. Which means you could just amass bowman and use them as defenders for the cities they captured.

Getting Hunting/Archery early enough to scout with Bowmen- bumping up their Drill or Combat promotions in order to get the sorely needed Cover or Formation is neccessay- battling animals and warriors and getting Cover for the later barbarian archers.

"reminds me of the bowman unique unit for Babylon in Civ III."
The ol Civ3 Bowmen was called a "poor man's Legionairre" but was better and easier than the Civ4 Bowmen.
I'll ask again since my question didn't get answered in my previous post.

Could we see a sample game please? Thanks.

Faith is about believing when there isn't a shred of evidence. Faith is a virtue.

To prove this, I google the keywords faith good. 16,300,000 results.
faith bad. 1,980,000 results.

The internet has spoken.
There are a couple of random events which play into this theory- one is where "our bowmakers have improved bows" (giving Cover) and the other is the colloseum event. Also Mathematics (prioritized in this method) allows for "Can build fort. Workers produces 50% more hammers from chopping ) - using chopping (the Hanging Gardens ) when the chopping is good, and allowing for a Fort as a troops station point and enemy death trap.

"Mathematics. Hanging Gardens -- + 1 POP and +1 health in all your cities is huge, especially when you have a lot of small and moderate-size cities." -WoundedKnight

An optimal promotion path would be Drill/Combat, Cover, Drill II/Combat II, Formation.
Non-frontline troops can later be given the option for City Garrison as they move towards the front.
One way to get a decent anti-horse/chariot/archer defender on the attack without Formation or chariot/horse cover is Guerilla but this can be terrain limiting. Cutting off an enemy's horse resource takes priority over metal. Your early screen of fog busting Bowmen become your frontline assault storm trooper shock archers. There is an old Babylonian adage- "a wolf hunting, panther killing, barbarian mauling Bowmen in the field- never again enters a city, unless it is the enemy's."
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