ATTENTION refugees: Poly is back up

Lefty Scaevola

Retired Moderator
Oct 24, 2000
San Antonio TX USA
Apolyton is back up, and the forums are working at decent speed, but they are not sure all server problems have been cured yet.
I'm not a refugee as I only check the Moo3 forum, but I have to say that it's now working at a more than decent speed. It's no civfanatics, but is became a visitable site. At least while it doesn't crash again!
GameStats server saga goes on, or rathr, fails to.
Originally posted by Sixchan
Damn, can't I get rid of the troller for 10 minutes? I hope doesn't come back.


I feel so loved.

On another note, :bday: to me.
Well I hope all you polygon jockeys enjoyed the famed
Civ Fanatic hospitality!

Just like the hospitality in the movie; 'Southern Comfort!'

poly will continue to be down.
Ahhh Southern Comfort. That can be good when your camping and its very cold :)
can anyone get into to poly yet? i can't:( i gone a week and it sounds like both of my favorite sites crashed. i guess it was a good thing i went then after all
Thunderfall should operate an assylum policy ;)

If apolyton continues to be down...THEN civfantics will be ruined as apolytoners come here and will make this site unrecognisable (and give it blue graphics). As a small nation of civfanatics we cannot allow these hordes of apolytoners to enter as we will fail to assimilate them! There will be rivers of trolling! Endless flamewars and spamcrime will explode out of control defeating our moderatormen :p We must act before it is too late :eek:

(Please note this was tongue in check and pointed at William Hague's words against immigration).


P.S Been able to go to apolyton...and pleased to see some modders have done some work whilst the site was down...I have to laugh at the lack of expressions for Hitler be he happy, sad etc in the Hitler mod.
Bye bye.
"Well I hope all you polygon jockeys enjoyed the famed
Civ Fanatic hospitality!

Just like the hospitality in the movie; 'Southern Comfort!' "

Don't know that movie, and anyway, our hospitality is a bit more like "Deliverance", in my view... Curt can be the guy with the strange teeth and the shotgun. All we now is someone to play the inbred teenage muso, so we can hear the most chilling chords of duelling banjo's...

:eek: :lol:
Poly is back up on a TEMPORARY server, BUT only the new threads are currently showing, not the threads from the regular server.
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