The latest batch of cruise videos I've been watching has people complaining and whining that a particular cruise line (don't recall which one) will no longer be serving pizza until 3 am. The cutoff time is - GASP! - MIDNIGHT!
Oh, the horrors of only being able to order pizza until midnight! How will they ever survive this calamity???
If I order a pizza, I have to time it so the delivery driver gets here before 9 pm. That's when security locks the outer doors to the lobby and so non-residents can't even get in as far as the intercom (a move intended to deter the homeless from sneaking in and sleeping in stairwells or the lobby between the two sets of doors). So that means placing the order by about 8 pm at the latest.
I have no idea why, but Dominos sent me an "Emergency Pizza" coupon for a free medium 2-topping pizza. It's not the usual one I'd get for accumulating enough reward points; I'm nowhere near what I'd need for that. I guess this must be a 'thank you for your loyalty" thing, and I have until December-something to redeem it.
I had to nuke my Papa John's account. Out of the blue I got an email telling me that my rewards account information had changed, and I should log in and change my password.
This set off my BS detector, since I haven't ordered from that restaurant in YEARS - I don't even live in the same apartment now that I did when I last ordered from them. So I did NOT click the link in the email (I suspect this was a phishing attempt), and instead logged in from the actual website. Turns out that nothing in my account has changed since my last order, over 4 years ago.
So I decided to cancel my account. And holy crap, what a rigamarole! You can't do it from your account. You can't do it over the phone. They send a form to fill out online, and of course it's U.S.-centric. Then after I got everything filled out and submitted, I got ANOTHER email telling me that they need to be
really sure I'm actually me because of "privacy."
They can go to hell. I did make it very clear to the customer service agent that I wanted all my information gone, deleted, and forever.
It's annoying.