Pizza Thread

What makes pizza a pizza?

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Ah, so that is a coarser flour? I may have to get some.
I also sometimes use baking paper, but it really depends what I have in the kitchen. My trays aren't exactly new or high-quality, so anything that helps, helps :D

(that and shoving the oven as hot as it can go)
Probably won't work for Samson as it doesn't for me. Malicious compliance with GDPR regulations by just blocking the site from EU and UK IPs.
It was just a picture and source for a 17" skillet.
The latest batch of cruise videos I've been watching has people complaining and whining that a particular cruise line (don't recall which one) will no longer be serving pizza until 3 am. The cutoff time is - GASP! - MIDNIGHT!

Oh, the horrors of only being able to order pizza until midnight! How will they ever survive this calamity??? :run:

If I order a pizza, I have to time it so the delivery driver gets here before 9 pm. That's when security locks the outer doors to the lobby and so non-residents can't even get in as far as the intercom (a move intended to deter the homeless from sneaking in and sleeping in stairwells or the lobby between the two sets of doors). So that means placing the order by about 8 pm at the latest.

I have no idea why, but Dominos sent me an "Emergency Pizza" coupon for a free medium 2-topping pizza. It's not the usual one I'd get for accumulating enough reward points; I'm nowhere near what I'd need for that. I guess this must be a 'thank you for your loyalty" thing, and I have until December-something to redeem it.

I had to nuke my Papa John's account. Out of the blue I got an email telling me that my rewards account information had changed, and I should log in and change my password.

This set off my BS detector, since I haven't ordered from that restaurant in YEARS - I don't even live in the same apartment now that I did when I last ordered from them. So I did NOT click the link in the email (I suspect this was a phishing attempt), and instead logged in from the actual website. Turns out that nothing in my account has changed since my last order, over 4 years ago.

So I decided to cancel my account. And holy crap, what a rigamarole! You can't do it from your account. You can't do it over the phone. They send a form to fill out online, and of course it's U.S.-centric. Then after I got everything filled out and submitted, I got ANOTHER email telling me that they need to be really sure I'm actually me because of "privacy."

They can go to hell. I did make it very clear to the customer service agent that I wanted all my information gone, deleted, and forever.

It's annoying.
Smaller pizza services are much more likeable, at least here.
Not that i really use them..but from my parents i know they tried one with really large pizzas - for the same cost & of good quality.

Bigger companies look overpriced when i compare it, and they care less about one customer (if at all).
Smaller pizza services are much more likeable, at least here.
Not that i really use them..but from my parents i know they tried one with really large pizzas - for the same cost & of good quality.

Bigger companies look overpriced when i compare it, and they care less about one customer (if at all).
I am not sure where "here" is, but one thing that has struck me on my rare visits to Italy outside of Rome is that the cheapest pizza places are better than the "good" ones here in the UK or the US, for values of good that stretch as far as my meagre eating out budget goes.
I expect to eat great pizza:yumyum: at a nearby pizzeria facing the beach for no more than 12-15€ (just the pizza) a person this Sunday...and that's why I keep going there!
Smaller pizza services are much more likeable, at least here.
Not that i really use them..but from my parents i know they tried one with really large pizzas - for the same cost & of good quality.

Bigger companies look overpriced when i compare it, and they care less about one customer (if at all).
Yup, I mentioned earlier that I use a local shop. Their pizza is one thousand times better than any chain's (I really abhor Domino's), and they have fantastic deals all the time, like 50% off a pizza almost every week at a specific time which is huge - no chain does that.
Good pizza works (a large amount) on the freshness of the ingredients (and a lot of personal preference r.e. base style and toppings).

Chain restaurants are another thing entirely. The scale of production, the cost-cutting, etc, tend to make it an unfair comparison. I rate a local pizza place higher than Dominos or Pizza Hut, but if I order a Dominos or a Pizza Hut, I know what I'm getting, right? It's something I'd get for the kids to share (I say, already inducting them into Pizza Snobbery as we make it at home or go to decent restaurants for :D).

PS: Papa John's sucks in my experience, even as a chain / takeaway. Disappointing pizza, very expensive, and I want to set their website on fire.
Substitute a spice shaker for the peppers if you have the misfortune of ordering Papa John's in the future.

But it's interesting to see the economy has gone like that there too. One shop stops discount the owner operator's labor to well under minimum wage(often), and they have to profit to pay for debt and taxes(as well as themselves) in the capitalist meta scheme. The state may subsidize healthcare somewhat(US). Chains also pay taxes and debt, at least minimum wage, maybe healthcare, and then profit for investors. They've been a bad deal for at least 3 years.
If people get that upset about pineapple, what about black pudding on pizza?

Spoiler Black Pudding Pizza :
Maybe i try this soon..looks really interesting.
Spoiler :
It does look lovely, but as a comment on that recipie:

The secret ingredient to this pizza is the Cajun Garlic Pizza Sauce which replaces tomato sauce as the pizza sauce base.

Add the garlic and cook briefly for about 30 seconds.

If that it the most important ingedient, then the most important thing to specify is how long do you leave the garlic between mincing and frying. If you leave it for an hour the result will be many times stronger than if you mince it and fry it straight away. They should specify that.
Hmm all i know is that garlic gets stronger the finer you press or cut.
Didn't hear about leaving it for an hour yet :)
It is very importamt. The garlicky taste is allicin, which is made when alliin (the substrate) and allinase (the enzyme) come together, which happens when you damage the cells. The finer you cut it, or better crush it, the more cells are broken. The longer you leave it the longer the enzyme has to work. When you cook it it denatures the enzyme and stops the reaction.
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If people get that upset about pineapple, what about black pudding on pizza?

Spoiler Black Pudding Pizza :
That looks divine.
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