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Barbarian Immersion Enhancements

Really interesting, brings in flavor to the vanilla Barbarians. One thing I want to ask though is if it's compatible with the Community Patch. The one thing that stands out to me is the Barbarian Generals, in the CP Encamped Barbarians can already heal themselves. I'm wondering it they'll heal double when using both this and the CP or something else.

And right when I typed that I saw that you can disable/enable what you want. Still, I like the idea of Barbarian Generals.
I don't know why I went to the workshop first to comment, but the game I tried this out in had every encampment spawn a great general. If not initially, then shortly after I discovered them. The one encampment I did take with a general gave me no extra gold or culture.
Not in my game. And the camps-with-Hero yield 100 gold and 75 culture. A tad bit much maybe. 50 gold + 25 culture seems more appropriate, as it's not like you're capturing a city.

Anyway, I was wondering if this works with Great Heroes (v. 1), and it does. As well as with Unlimited Exp. So, good job.:goodjob:
@pyroflare: any other mods you're using?

@Agent: It probably does work with either of those mods, I don't think it changes anything that would affect them directly.
@pyroflare: any other mods you're using?

@Agent: It probably does work with either of those mods, I don't think it changes anything that would affect them directly.

Well, it seems to work with both, but I'm now getting 100 gold plus 75 culture for every camp destroyed - also if there's no General in them... :crazyeye:

EDIT: Correction: If there is a General I get 100 gold, 75 culture. But if there isn't I get 150 gold and 175 culture (and the General message appears, even though there wasn't one).

EDIT2: Actually, I can't make heads or tails of it. Sometimes I gain 100 gold, 75 culture, sometimes I get 150 gold, 175 culture... It doesn't seem to be related to whether there is a General in the encampment.
I understand the camp destroyed reward even goes up per era? I'm now getting 300 gold, 300 culture for a dead General. :wow:
Hm. I am sometimes reading like "You gained 175 gold and 150 culture" (immediately after killing a General), and then when I click through that the screen tells me I gained 150 gold and 150 culture.:crazyeye:
Yeah, the reward increases on era (if you think it increases too much I can lower it, balance is quite hard as it is a whole new mechanic)

About the Gold and Culture alert, out of the popup it does say 150 instead of 175 for good reason; the 175 includes the basic Gold earned for conquering the camp. If you see well you'll also have the old typical "you earned 25 gold for capturing an encampment", so since I couldn't remove that without too heavy editing, I decided to make an alternate alert for the general reward only.
Yes, that last bit would explain the discrepancy. I do think rewards going up to 300 gold, 300 culture (around turn 300) are a tad bit over the top. (It's not like you're conquering a civ, you're just eliminating a barb camp.)
My barbarians captured Geneva. Its a nice surprise but didn't see anything about it in the notes. Is this normal?
It's possible something I did allowed Barbarians to capture cities, however it was not (yet) intended. It has not happened to me before though...

Would be interesting indeed... Are you using any other mods though?
I know using CSD allows barbarians to take city-states during one of the city-state quests of that mod.
I love the mod, but I was a little disappointed that there weren't some ways for the mod to make use of the Honor tree. Like, larger culture bonuses on the capture of a general.
I don't know why I went to the workshop first to comment, but the game I tried this out in had every encampment spawn a great general. If not initially, then shortly after I discovered them. The one encampment I did take with a general gave me no extra gold or culture.

I can't say for sure yet how many generals there are because it's early but I've seen a general in every camp I've encountered so far (2-3).

The one camp I've cleared so far, I gained no extra gold or culture from the general (on screen it said I gained 0 gold and 0 culture from the general).

Spoiler :
Anyway, I was wondering if this works with Great Heroes (v. 1), and it does. As well as with Unlimited Exp. So, good job.:goodjob:

Any pointers on getting this working with Unlimited Exp.? I've had Unlimited Exp. for a while now, and picked up BarbIE a couple days ago. Now my units are capping their Exp at 60 when fighting Barbarians. Would unsubscribing/resubscribing Unlimited Exp. make a difference?
The concept is great, the little I have used it, wonderful!

However, it seems to have a conflict with BlouBlou's unlimited barb exp mod, as in, it doesn't work. My units exp stops where it normally would. I did the usual reloading and deleting cache stuff, but didn't help.

As I said, I haven't used this much, for the above reason. What I did notice, and this was a hotseat game, so this goes for both of us, is as follows. I have used it a couple of times with just me playing as well. But always using the hotseat mod.

Generals, they just seem to heal. I noticed no difference in exp and culture bonuses, by era, General in an encampment or not. (which is fine by me) Just taking an encampment gave me as much as taking one with a General in it, just harder because of the Generals healing and maybe defense bonus, not easy to tell on that last part.

There are a lot of Generals, not a once in a while thing, more like, rare if they aren't there.

I'll be happy, maybe, to give a list of mods I use. (if I can copy the damn list to notepad, lol) But really looking forward to an unbroke Unlimited Exp and the Capture + mod I have just subscribed to on Steam. I am not using Capture + at the moment because I wasn't sure what had broken Unlimited Exp.

I am not sure of game balance and the reward of this mod. Didn't play enough. On the surface it seems a bit high, but don't hold me to that yet. It might be fine and I would so much like to fill out my culture ladder better.

Your concept is spot on. I was so tired of killing encampments and getting a touch of gold and nothing else. Fine for starting out, but just wrong in the later game.
If Leugi's mod loads after the Unlimited Barbarian XP mod, Leugi's mod will wipe the info the UBXP mod is writing to the Defines Tag Name="BARBARIAN_MAX_XP_VALUE". I also have an unlimited XP's from Barbarians element in my Barbarian Spawn Increase mod, so I had to add what is called a reference in the mod's xxx.modinfo file to ensure that Leugi's mod would load before my mod.

You can actually directly edit a xxx.modinfo file with Notepad or other text editor, and save the changes as text only. This can allow you to force Leugi's mod to load before another mod. Here is what I had to make my xxx.modinfo file look like (blue highlight for the necessary bits):
Spoiler :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Mod id="fbb66e17-44f3-4f84-a801-8c0c1fe2b61f" version="2">
    <Name>Barbarian Spawn Increase</Name>
    <Teaser>Increased Barbarian Spawning</Teaser>
    <Description>redacted blah blah about what the mod does</Description>
  <Dependencies />
[COLOR="blue"]  <References>
    <Mod id="84dc210e-0bdd-440a-b1cd-a0a886064863" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="(BNW) Leugi's Barbarian Inmersion Enhancements" />
  <Blocks />
    <File md5="2C799AFA59E8DF1FB8F5C7DAE370DF46" import="0">Barbarian_Hordes.xml</File>
    <File md5="DB80D8781F56287107E712D7A837C2C8" import="0">UnlimitedXP.xml</File>
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do Not edit in such a way between game saves. You must do so before starting a new game, and you will have to re-check the "enable" button for the mod you do this to.

2nd Important Note: If the author of the mod you do this to issues an update then that update will wipe away any changes you made to such a mod's xxx.modinfo file.

Best Possible Solution: Contact the original author of the mod (if possible) and ask them to add a "reference" to Leugi's mod, so Leugi's will load 1st and not wipe the effects of the Unlimited Barb XP's mod.
BlouBlou is aware of the problem and suggested to unsubscribe (Steam) both, and do the bit you should always do with cache stuff and then, making sure Luegi's mod loaded first, much as you have suggested and it worked. Took me a while to do all of the cache bit, reload it all and test and play.

While I'm not looking forward to editing anything, anyplace, at anytime, (reminds me of making start DOS disks to free up ram, to play a game, bad bad joojoo) thanks for the heads up it is there. It is getting to be a real hassle going through the resubscribe crap after wiping the cache stuff and loading what needs to be first through last.

So yes, the two will work together.

Thanks, very much

PS: is this mod dead?
For some reason, this mod seems to have a conflict with the Communitas mod: in particular, when loaded simultaneously, it does not show buildings or Wonders in your cities' production screen, preventing you from constructing them. (I don't know if the AI is still able to construct cities or not.)

Is there any way around this; any idea why it's happening?
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