I'm about to install the latest version & start a new game so here's the last of my comments & suggestions I noted during the last game.
- Cartographic Commissions might as well be called Pointless Commissions, because at least 90% of the time, it is literally impossible for me to reach that spot in the time allotted (these are Iconian’s Really Huge maps with Perfect World_3 Script & Marathon speed, btw, so that might be the issue.)
- It would be nice if there was a small penalty if you pledge to protect a city-state, but you don’t actually do it (like say -1 Influence every time a barbarian attacks them.) I think it’s fine when it comes to Civilizations, but barbarians can hurt too, especially with Raging Barbarians turned on (which I always do,) and event like Barbarian Horde. In a similar manner, if you protect a city-state by even attacking a barbarian near them, it seems you should get that same in bonuses (+1 influence.) This could even be extended to all city-states in all situations, to provide a more dynamic element to the game (which would be awesome) not just those city-states you pledge to protect, however, I know that would require a huge rewrite of the AI & this mod is all about working with the AI.
- All the Civs that have “The” in front of their names – can we get rid of that “The” so that they’ll actually be in alphabetical order? It’s just so pointless. I know either the Sapiens or Gaia mod already does this, btw, so it’s perhaps a simple copy/paste thing.
- I feel like military strength should increase happiness. I’m not sure if this is already happening somehow, but if it is, it isn’t immediately apparent & I just can’t find it. Perhaps every unit should add +1 happiness? Or maybe show how units add to happiness more easily?
- Founding a Pantheon – honestly, I just don’t want to anymore. There are too many that can make sense in too many situations. Can I just get an option to select the one the AI would choose in my situation? I’d be perfectly fine with automating this stuff at this point. In fact, if it can be automated, it should always be an option, no matter what the issue.
- Civilization Placement needs to be addressed regarding city-states, if possible. I feel like it’s way too often that I see a single City-State on an island which is clearly large enough for 2 or 3. Am I the only one that would rather see maritime city-states clustered on those islands?