Barbarians & Animals

There are threads devoted to the Nature Civs, meaning them. Right now, I think that the Ents will appear with the projects in the Wonders thread. We could discuss it there I suppose. They don't really feel like Barbarians or Animals however.
I think we're going to need to rework the barbarian trait to make this work.

It shouldn't be coupled to a trait, but to alignment.
The barbarian units get an alignment as well.
Barbarian units are at peace with civs of the same alignment.

I'm not sure whether this can be implemented easily, a lot depends on how the barbarian trait is implemented. I don't have time to look at it now, but will try to do so in the next couple of days.
Yeah, that's what I meant. I missed a page.
Should we have Crebain? Would we veiw them as animal/barbarians, or a Saruman type scout?

Best wishes,

That is a possible Idea. I like the Idea as having them as a scout. Perhaps as an ivisible scout that cannot be destroyed ecept by other Flying Units and can go into any territory at will. Make them a National Unit limited to a few.
Like the Crebain idea. They should act like planes in the normal game.
Forgive me if I'm asking a stupid question because I just stopped in cause this mod looks cool, but what about the Balrog?
Hmm, that's an interesting idea. Hadn't thought about having them spawn as barbarians.
Are we liking the list as it stands, or does anyone else have any suggestions for adding to or removing from the current list?

Do we wish to have Balrogs spawn as a Barbarian Unit or just limit is to Angband to begind with?

If no other suggestions are forthcoming, shall we call this list finalized?
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