Beginning of the World As We Know It 4

I'm starting work on the update now. Currently I am missing orders from: Tolina, ork75, Belgarion95, poketwo, Robert Can't, and Dunebear.
Spoiler This is the last week's story update that I forgot to post! :
It was... unique. A new way of life for the people of the Vault. The outside air was something that offered a mixture of fear yet eagerness, the sun's rays were something that they could never trade away. The artificial lights of the Vault felt atrocious and unnatural compared to the addicting beauty of the sun. Yet, as much as they wished to stay outside, the constant reminder of ruin and destruction were visible upon the entirety of the wasteland, a reminder that none of them were certain on who or what was out there... -if- there was someone else out there. Should they wish to reforge a civilization, they would need to find out more clues, understand on what kind of world they live in. Thus, eight parties were formed. Each and every single one consisting of teams of five armed men. The task? Scout out the land. Each scouting party was sent in a different direction on the horizon. North, West, East, South, North-West, North-East, South-west and South-east. The group was small so that they would not be spotted with ease and supplies for multiple purposes was given to reassure the best chances of success. After a few days after their depart however, they saw something unique, something that almost nobody had seen in their lifetime: A stranger. Someone was waiting at the vault gate. One that was not wearing a Vault-dweller uniform. The Vault's gate opened, from within the very leader, Raoule Cinders, stepped from within with a stern, almost harsh looking gaze that was piercing his broken form. The look of uncertainty.

The refugee was taken in, not out of charity of course. But for information. He knew the outside world better than any of them ever would. The refugee would spend a lot of time with the leader, passively and in time he had taken an advisory position without either of them even noticing. He told her tales of madness and terror of the outside world... yet he also told her of tales from the hope of humanity and what some have accomplished. Tales such as these were the ones that got her attention and the ones she focused upon, for stories like these would give her a hind sight on what the world had become. The refugee proved to be quite valuable. For both entertainment and knowledge and single handedly managed to sway her decisions for his kind. "Those who are willing to partake and adapt to our ways are always welcome to join us. More hands will always be needed after all."

Weeks later.
A small wave of people were seen going out of the vault for a short amount of time, merely a few minutes. Repeatedly. They were returning to the vault with pieces of scarp and little trinkets, either to use them on their own creative devices or simply to use them as souvenirs, as memoirs of the outside world in case it was decided that they were to be sealed again. At first, Raoule Cinders did not pay much attention to that, she herself had found at times the air inside the vault to be unbearable compared to the one outside. However, the refugee rose his voice. He explained to her how scrap, small pieces of rusted metal and ruined alloys was used in order to build entire cities. How the (most likely radiated) chunks of metal and bolt of wires were now the new building blocks that civilizations used. At first, she scoffed to that idea. They were better than this. Surely. But then again, the engineers had made her aware that the resources of the vault could only be recycled for so long. They were not infinite. She was aware that should she wish to reassure the safety of the people within and outside of the vault, she…d -they- needed to adapt to the new ways and new order of things.
Thus, a new line of work was announced for the inhabitants of the vault. The art of scavenging. Organized groups would be made whose purpose was simple: Mine and carry back these pieces of metal for further use. Small lessons were even given by the Refugee, telling them the 'secrets' of the 'art' that was surviving the process of metal picking. His answer to most questions that were proposed was simple yet effective: "Look at it. If it aint movin' then you can pick it up. If you see something moving beneath, hop away and pray. For either the junk pile is falling on you or there is a nasty sleeping within"
What would the scouts find in the wilderness? Would any of them manage to come back intact? Would the salvaging supply line be under danger by the hostile world? One thing was for certain: Curious days awaited Vault 512.

Spoiler ...and the latest one! :

One scouting party after the other one returned. Each and every single one bearing news of the surrounding area. South and west were nothing more than swamp lands. Areas that are not even worthy of exploration. The focus should be north. That was for sure. However, there was a unique series of information that she had received. A civilization, just like the ones from the tales of the Refugee. Raiders, just like the stories that she was told by him. And… something that neither of them could have expected. Another Vault.

On top of that, the raiders had found them to be ‘easy’ targets, demanding tribute from them. ‘This is the new order of the world’ She thought as Raoule was staring on an Old World map of Florida that was being marked with whatever information the scouts had returned with. ‘Pay them up… for now.’

Food supplies were stored and ready for moving. The leader of the Caravan however was asked also a single thing: ‘Information. Ask them for it. Bribe them if need be.’ She repeated the quote ‘They know the outside world better than we do. Any information can be helpful’

On top of that, a small shipment of food and water was also sent towards the Town of Homestead. It was not much yet it was a fine gift for the people within. The representative of the expedition was a young man in the name of John Copper. While still young, his bargaining skills were quite, for lacking a better word, elegant. He would make for a perfect diplomat for the requests that they will have in mind.

And lastly, the other Vault. Raoule Cinders, the Overseer herself was seen leaving the doors alongside a small escort. She herself sought to travel outside the wastes in order to go and meet the Overseer of Vault 299. Negotiations such like these after all requited a personal touch.

In her stead, the Refugee was tasked to keep piece and order. A command that made many of the people in the vault remain wide eyed, even he himself was stunned from the sudden authority he got in his hands. But apart from the initial shock, nobody was willing to challenge that choice. For the quote that Raoule repeated lingered in the mind of the people: ‘They know the outside world better than we ever do’

In her absence, he decided a passive approach. Since they had the extra protection from the raiders after the tribute was payed, a slightly more aggressive salvaging could be made deeper into the city. He did not feel comfortable in being a leader. But what he could do in this position was set up a stronger Economy for the return of the Overseer. The more salvaging teams were created. And a lot more organized on top of that.

The leader was gone. Negotiations were established, information and supplies were shared. And on top of that… there was also the other Vault. To what extend will this diplomatic gamble pay off? Time will tell.

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Yes, yes. This is a fertile land and we will thrive. This land, given to us by the father, oh dear god in heaven bless this land. Help us to rebuild that one day we may return to our home of Monticello and thrive there once again. Let none unseat us here, let nothing cause us alarm. Let all be full of joy and mirth and let all know that this land is our land. Fear not the laughter of the outsiders as they look down upon us - it is an evil laughter. Praise those who have aided us and suffer not those who so cruelly betrayed us. This land will be called our land.

-Harold Daughter, Address before the Settlement Party

Spoiler :
Build a water station at the Newport Springs
Build a Farm for farming purposes

Once construction has been finished a bonus amount of food is to be handed out as we are going to have a huge and magnificent PARTY in order to make everyone feel better. Once the festival has been concluded people are to get to work either farming or prospecting scrap from the ruins of Newport.
Spoiler :

Lead Archivist's Log

The time has come. We've got to fight back. It's now, or never. We must refuse the demands of the Kind Flayers, and begin preparations for a desperate battle.

200 of us will collect scrap metal, which shall be promptly turned into Leather Armours. 100 of us will stand permanently on guard, equipped with 2-H weapons & laser weapons. Our farmers must be on red-alert, so as to say, equipped with 1-H guns. The rest will be scavenging for 100 scrap metal, also armed with 1-H guns.

This is our stand.


Update 7: January – June, 2164
God Wills It

Multi-Faction Reports​

MULTI-FACTION CHALLENGE. This Challenge is for any faction on the Florida Peninsula or within twenty miles of the Atlantic Ocean or Gulf of Mexico coastline. We have only been given a day’s warning, as the older folks among our communities recognize the signs as they approached. Darkening skies, receding seas, and unusually pleasant weather for a brief time. The animals are sheltering as though before a fire, and the winds begin to gust. A hurricane is coming, perhaps the worst storm in decades. Most new buildings will be shattered and swept aside while even some of the old will crumble, crops will be destroyed, and anyone unfortunate enough to be outside unprotected will surely die. Along the coast, a storm surge will sweep in over the barrier islands and beaches, wiping the shores clean. Some places further inland face reduced winds, and don’t have to worry about the storm surge, though the immense amount of rain will definitely cause flooding in low-lying areas. Throughout all of nature’s chaos there could also be things swept in from the sea. We have maybe a day to prepare, how do we respond to this crisis?

CRUSADE VANQUISHES ANOTHER RAIDER GANG. The Crusaders of the Holy Land have launched a new crusade to rid the lands of the Orlando Compact of another vicious band of raiders. Poxxy’s Chem Dogs, a group recently fled from attacks in the south, arrived in the area last year. Since the year began, reports were made of raider attacks in the area around Kissimmee as traders were harassed or captured by the Chem Dogs. The Crusaders soon mustered a considerable force and sent them out towards the Chem Dogs’ new stronghold. On the way, they quickly and efficiently wiped out most of the raiders’ scouts and patrols, and reached the gates of the stronghold. They were able to bribe the raider guards with chems that had been previously taken from the Gatorlanders. With the gates opened, the Chem Dogs had little defenses remaining, and the slaughter was inevitable. While a few of the slaves were forced to fight or simply killed by the raiders, most have been liberated by the Crusaders along with the Brahmin herds and ample stockpiles once possessed by the Chem Dogs. Another threat to the Orlando Compact is no more and southern Orlando has become slightly safer.

Faction Reports​

Alexandrite Archivists
Spoiler :

The Alexandrite Archivists have grown afraid as the Kind Flayers insisted on the provision of armor to help the two groups remain friends. They decided to prepare for attack, hoping that the Flayers would not make good on the implied threat. When the Kind Flayers did arrive, they attacked, but rather than seeking to overrun the walls, they appeared to only be probing defenses. The walls and defenders held the line and easily kept back the occasional forays and attacks over the course of a week. The siege came to an end as the Kind Flayers decided to withdraw, surprisingly leaving the area untouched as they pulled back, leaving a final warning about others being more dangerous than they are. Work was resumed on the farms as the Archivists have returned back to their daily lives.

Turn Stat Changes
+200 Scrap Parts from local area scavenging
-200 Scrap Parts, +40 Leather Armor from production
-20 Population, -395 Ammunition from Kind Flayer attack losses
+10 Population from natural growth
+20 Population from immigration
-10 Food and Water from consumption

Lead Archivist’s Challenge
A shift of gate guards has been severely lax in their duties. They accidentally left the gate open one night and neglected their jobs to play a game of cards instead. This allowed a child to wander out into the wilderness and fall prey to the vicious creatures that rest in the darkness. The remains were found the next morning, and the outrage in our community has surged. Some have gone as far to demand that the guards be hanged for what they are calling murder. How do we respond to this incident?

Mr. Bawkes's Box Emporium and Boxing Solutions
Spoiler :

The Box Emporium has continued to struggle to establish themselves as a legitimate business, and relations with nearby Ceeargi have continued to be strained. While some “techboxes” were sold to them, the boxes themselves were horrifyingly just thrown away after the residents removed the tech parts. Furthermore, while the town’s leadership was happy to assist in the search for an embezzling Vice President, there are some suspicions that people in the town may have helped him to escape to lands further south. They were however, happy to assist with an expedition headed in that direction, to the Jacksonville outskirts of Southside. The expedition found the town to have a minor infestation by ghouls, which thankfully was easily evaded by the scouts. They managed to recover a small supply of technology and some rifles from the ruins before returning home.

The scouts eventually returned home to make a new attempt at looting the Jacksonville International Airport. They decided to take some of the computers they had previously used to try to hack into the systems. They successfully snuck past the defenses that existed, and seemed to be well on their way to achieving an infiltration with the computers. Unfortunately, the hacker apparently set off a failsafe, which triggered the deployment of reserve turrets and robots, significantly increasing the airport’s security. To make matters worse, the computers used in the hack were completely fried or destroyed in the ensuing chaos and no longer useable. Most of the expedition was wiped out and the rest barely escaped.

Turn Stat Changes
-300 Scrap Parts, -1 Tech Part from construction
-2 Tech Parts, +100 Ammunition with trade from Ceeargi
+230 Scrap Parts from Blount Island salvaging
+3 Tech Parts, +35 2-H Guns from Southside scavenging
-40 Population, -40 Ammunition, -1 Intact Computers from Jacksonville Airport salvage attempt
+5 Population, +5 Dogs from natural growth
+5 Slaves from immigration
-40 Food, -290 Water from consumption
-20 Food from animal consumption

Mr. Bawkes’ Challenge:
A lock container with no markings has recently washed up on shore of Blount Island. People who walk by it claim a feeling of it giving them the creeps. When dogs are brought nearby, they howl and attempt to flee. Some of our people believe we should use our improvised explosives to simply destroy it, while others suggest we should open it and see what’s in there. What should we do?

Boco Ciego Academy
Spoiler :

With the Academy open for business, the Dockmaster has sent out multiple patrols into the greater St. Petersburg area to look for anything of value or threats to the institution. The first of these expeditions went to Kenneth City, which was found to be empty of any real threats besides some homesteaders and radroaches. The second was to observe the neighborhood of Lealman, which was also fairly empty. Nothing of particular value was found in either location. The third was sent into Kenwood and downtown St. Petersburg, and even in the heart of the city, there were very few signs of any life besides the occasional seagull and roach scuttling in the alleys. There were no indications that anything had happened in these ruins since the war, as the streets were oddly clean of debris and any inhabitants. They did find an old National Guard barricade with some assault rifles tucked away. In Gulfport the story repeated itself, with clean streets and no sign of any living inhabitants, hostile or otherwise. Some bits of technology were found, but nothing else of interest was located.

The Academy’s boat was also sent out to survey the Boca Ciega Bay and look for any signs of life or interesting landmarks that may have survived the war. The historical region of Bay Pines looked as though it avoided any indicator of war, but like in the east, there were no signs of any human or creature habitation. The hospital had some intact technology that was recovered and brought home. On Madeira Beach, the expedition found a ruined freighter, which apparently was carrying an intact industrial grade defunct nuclear reactor. The beast was salvaged and brought back for possible future use. Treasure Island was similarly empty, and nothing of value was located.

Turn Stat Changes
+20 2-H Guns from St. Petersburg salvage
+8 Tech Parts from Gulfport salvage
+5 Tech Parts, +1 Defunct Reactor from Boca Ciega Bay expedition salvage
+5 Population from natural growth
+5 Population from immigration
+140 Food, +90 Water from surplus production

Dockmaster’s Challenge:
The quiet in St. Petersburg is beginning to get to some of our scouts, and ghost stories of all types abound in the Academy as people discuss what could have happened. There’s few signs of any post-war conflict or struggle, and the streets are clean for nuclear devastation. What do we say or do to relieve the nerves that are starting to grow about venturing into the rest of the peninsula?

Citrus City
Spoiler :

The people of Citrus City dealt with a handful of minor tragedies as the year began, as a particularly enterprising member of a previous salvage group attempted to raise his very own gatorclaws. To no one’s surprise, as soon as they hatched they killed him and several others in the area attempting to prevent a rampage. They succeeded, but could not save themselves. Over a dozen others were killed to the north, attempting to keep an eye on the super mutants encamped in the region. The camp was found by a super mutant patrol and promptly attacked, lured to the site by barking of dogs. As before, the super mutants hungrily consumed everything they could lay their hands on. A handful of scouts survived and were able to complete their missions, observing the super mutants as they seemed to scour the earth for anything they could eat in the area. Surprisingly, they seemed to have little activity outside of their outpost in Zolfo Springs, and no interaction with others was witnessed besides the hunting for food.

Turn Stat Changes
-150 Food, +30 Scrap Parts from trade with Palomatown
-500 Scrap Parts, +5 Tech Parts from construction
-50 Scrap Parts, +10 Leather Armor from production
+500 Food from hunting/gathering
+300 Scrap Parts from Venice expedition salvage
-15 Population, -5 Ammunition, -10 Dogs from lost super mutant observer scouts
-5 Population from gatorclaw hatching
+10 Population, +5 Dogs, +1 Horse from natural growth
+15 Population from immigration
-260 Food from consumption
+40 Water from surplus production
-130 Food from animal consumption

The Fox’s Challenge
As we have settled down into the area and people begin farming, salvaging, and successfully just living ordinary lives, we’ve had immigrants and otherwise peaceful development. Some of our new immigrants have suggested establishing an organized system of education in our town, which could help develop our abilities and attract specialists who can provide the expertise to construct more useful buildings. On the other hand, some of our people believe this could lead to the abandonment of our unique tribal ways. How do we respond to this proposal?

Conch Republic
Spoiler :

The Guards of the Coast have made great strides as they began to put together the foundations of an actual nation. In combination with Neuquex, a new “Conch Republic” has been formed between the two settlements. Combining the resources of the two groups, the new Conch Republic has high hopes for the future. The key issue facing the Republic of course is the lack of supplies and resources in the Keys for further development of local infrastructure. To remedy this, an expedition was sent out via boat to the mainland for exploration of possible footholds for exploitation of the vast amount of ruins there.

The first place the expedition checked were the ruins of the small town of Chokoloskee. There they found a small but friendly community built on stilt houses and floating platforms, welcoming the travelers for a brief time to their settlement. They did warn that they had salvaged through the nearby Everglades City quite extensively over the years, and that the Republic would find little there. As expected, nothing was found in the mostly abandoned ruins. The third stop for the expedition was Marco Island and Goodland, where they found both towns fairly empty of any hostile life, besides a few remote alligator nests. They did find some old technology in an abandoned hardware store, but nothing else of note. In Naples, they found the area to be heavily infested with mirelurk nests, and were forced to withdraw from the coast after heavy fighting and several casualties. Thankfully they recovered an old pre-war army cache with some laser weaponry and technology from a ruined ship right off the coast.

As the ship was passing by Big Hickory Island and avoiding the mirelurks within, they were hailed from the shore by a group of scouts. Claiming to represent a group called the “Sons of Hope” they claimed to originate from a bunker in San Carlos Park to the north. They seemed friendly enough as they exchanged information. In Fort Myers Beach there were less friendly inhabitants, as the town was home to a small number of ghouls. The creatures were easily dispatched while exploring the ruins, and kept out of the way of the scouts. A small gun store was found and scavenged for all of the guns it had remaining. The boat had to stay out of Sanibel, where it was almost overturned by a mirelurk queen headed towards the shore. They managed to speed out of the way to avoid a fight with the gigantic creature, but they soon turned back towards home to report all that they had found.

Turn Stat Changes
+1,260 Population, +3,530 Food, +2,830 Water, +400 Ammunition, +1 Defunct Reactor, +100 1-H Guns from annexation of Neuquex
-10 Population, -150 Ammunition, -4 Energy from mainland expedition losses
+12 Tech Parts, +35 1-H Guns, +15 Laser Weapons from mainland expedition salvage
+20 Population from natural growth
+730 Food, +180 Water from surplus production

Admiral’s Challenge
The establishment of the Conch Republic has left our Admiral currently in charge, but there are some who argue that a military command structure is not correct for our current situation. They have suggested new elections be held for a President of the Conch Republic. Currently in the running are the Admiral of course, and a Charismatic popular leader from Neuquex. How do we respond to the proposals for an election?

Crusaders of the Holy Land
Spoiler :

The Crusaders of the Holy Land’s main focus was on preparing for the conflict with the Chem Dogs. Trade for military gear and equipment with the Elias City Representatives escalated as more armor was brought into the ranks. The armor proved to be a literal life saver, as many who would have been left dead on the battlefield were instead recovered for future service. Thankfully, a ruse using chems to bribed the guards on the enemy gates allowed many of the stocks and supplies of the Chem Dogs to be seized intact, and a large number of slaves to be liberated. The freed slaves have joined up with the crusaders and seek to preserve the Orlando Compact just as devoutly as any other.

Turn Stat Changes
-1,300 Food, -475 Scrap Parts, -4 Tech Parts, +150 Leather Armor, +30 Metal Armor, +5 Horse Armor from trade with Elias City Representatives
-50 Population, -150 Ammunition, -10 Leather Armor, -10 Dogs from Battle of Kissimmee losses
+180 Population, +1,060 Food, +1,715 Water, +920 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, +220 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, +230 1-H Guns, +70 2-H Guns, +50 Brahmins from Battle of Kissimmee spoils
+10 Population, +5 Dogs, +1 Horse, +5 Brahmins from natural growth
-855 Food, -420 Water from consumption
-135 Food from animal consumption

Grandmaster’s Challenge
Some of the slaves we freed from the Chem Dogs claim to have once been residents of a Vault-Tec Vault, Vault 404. They state that their vault was somewhere to the south, near the ruins of Winter Haven. They claim that if we were to outfit an expedition to the south, they could arrange a warm greeting and support from the vault dwellers for any future conflict with the clans of Orlando. How do we respond to this proposal?

Elias City Representatives
Spoiler :

The people of Elias City spent most of the year trading and protecting the roads of the Orlando compact while watching the Crusaders deal with yet another raider gang. Unfortunately, the Representatives were forced to deal with raiders themselves. As a large group of Bobblers came to the city for their pilgrimage to the Vault-Tec exhibit, the Felony Lane Gang organized an ambush with the help of Elias City. The people of Elias City laid low, and the Bobblers must have realized that something was up, turning the ambush around on the Felony Lane Gang and the people of Elias City. The result was a brutal battle in the streets of the city, as the militia attempted to contain the situation. The ending of the conflict came when essentially all of the members of the gangs were dead, and quite a few members of the Militia had joined them. Tremendous damage was down to the town, as both raider gangs had no issues using high end weaponry on each other and the townsfolk, while the Bobblers’ blue and gold robots went on a destructive rampage. Thankfully, as no raiders were left standing, there was no contest to the Representatives taking their stuff, even reprogramming a few Mr. Gutsys that the Bobblers had brought in as escorts that had been temporarily disabled.

Trade continued in the area of the Orlando Compact, and plenty took place with the Crusaders. One of the things received was an imprisoned man, who the Crusaders reported came from an area known as Celebration. They requested that the somewhat more skilled medical staff in the city do their best to determine what is wrong with the individual, and proceeded to put a crossbow bolt through his head. In the ensuing autopsy, they found something horrifying. Organs and muscle had been replaced with gears and machinery, while the brain had significant scarring. Further investigation made the situation even stranger, as it appeared all of the gears and machinery were made out of flesh and bone, rather than steel or other metals. The people performing the autopsy were baffled at the situation, as they could see no way that the person was still able to function. Even stranger, is the skin showed no signs of previous exterior scarring where an operation could have taken place.

Turn Stat Changes
-300 Scrap Parts, -5 Tech Parts from construction
-1,150 Scrap Parts, +170 Leather Armor, +30 Metal Armor, +5 Horse Armor from production
+1,300 Food, +475 Scrap Parts, +4 Tech Parts, -150 Leather Armor, -30 Metal Armor, -5 Horse Armor from trade with Crusaders of the Holy Land
-40 Population, -230 Ammunition, -2 Water Stations from Elias City ambush losses
+50 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, +190 1-H Guns, +80 2-H Guns, +30 Leather Armor, +5 Mr. Gutsys from spoils of Elias City ambush
+780 Scrap Parts from local area scavenging
+15 Population from natural growth
+35 Population from immigration
-1,120 Food, -520 Water from consumption

Senior Manager’s Challenge
The recent violence in Elias City and the fact that we now have two major raider clans angry at us has caused some doubt to rise upon the abilities of the Senior Manager. Some have called for her resignation and the appointment of a new leader. A town blacksmith has been a vocal opponent of the Senior Manager, especially after the destruction of two water stations. He is known to be a strongman of sorts, and has gained popularity for his efforts, making him the likely heir apparent. How do we respond to this situation?

Fair Play Inns
Spoiler :

Fair Play Inns has begun to do its best to protect its workers and explore the area. They looked for supplies and food in the area around Vault 107, keeping a close eye on the door in case it reopened. There were no signs of any activity, however, leaving the hunters to do their work without any distractions. Around Martin, heavy activity was undertaken to drive out the wolves, but none were ever spotted, though howling could be heard in the night. They evaded all efforts of the raiders to find their dens and drive them out completely, but also avoided attacking. Another attempt was made to reach Fair Play on the other side of the river, and the crossing proved successful with no signs of any hostile forces in the water. A small group of ten was sent over to the other side and all seemed well. As they ventured to Fair Play itself, which was the last anyone would see of them, except for one. One of the scouts on the south bank saw one headed towards the canoes, bloodied and without his weapons. Behind him was a terrifyingly torn apart bear, roaring and chasing him. When he caught the man, he simply tore him apart, not eating or feasting at all, and roaring defiance at the people on the south side of the bank, leaving the remains in the open for carrion.

A new scouting expedition was sent south, and started with the town of Royston. Therein the town at first appeared empty, until they found their escapes cut off by giant ants. A massive swarm appeared to have laid a trap for the expedition in the ruins, and they attacked relentless. The raiders had some experience fighting giant ants and were able to acquit themselves well, but most were killed or dragged off to an unknown underground lair. The few survivors escaped from the ruins with not but their weapons and lives, and reached the surprisingly large and well established settlement of Franklin Springs. The town had tall walls, and defenders atop them, who were astonished to see anyone emerge from the ants’ hive in Royston, which constantly attacked anyone leaving the town headed east or north. They moved on quickly, hoping to finish their mission, and ended up at neighboring Sandy Cross which was smaller and less friendly to outsiders, telling the raiders to move along at gunpoint. The expedition cut over to Ashland, which had been previously scouted and known to be safe before heading back home empty-handed.

Turn Stat Changes
+400 food from hunting/gathering
+380 Scrap Parts from local area salvage
-505 Scrap Parts, -50 Alcohol, +50 Improvised Explosives, +1 Canoe, +2 Rafts from production
-10 Population, -5 Ammunition, -5 1-H Guns, -10 Low-Tech Melee Weapons from lost Fair Play expedition
-40 Population, -15 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, -20 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, -10 Improvised Explosives from scouting expedition losses
+5 Population from natural growth
+20 Population from immigration
-320 Food, -145 Water, -125 Alcohol from consumption

Innkeep’s Challenge:
These two new communities we’ve discovered don’t seem to be aware of our existence up until now or Hartwell’s past and fate at our hands. This could be a chance to reinvent ourselves to outsiders and put on a slightly more respectable face. That could open doors for trading with these two towns, but it would definitely lose us some respect among the raiders. How do we handle diplomacy with these places?

Spoiler :

The people of Folkston have desperately attempted to clear up the home front as they remain concerned about the possibility of an attack by the Ruby Vipers. They did their best to remove all of the spore plants from the city, and appeared to do so successfully. There were some rumors about the trees being used to affect the dogs being given to the Ruby Vipers, but no evidence that such a thing worked. The dogs were delivered, and it appeared that the Vipers kept their word not to attack Folkston. The town breathed easy, allowing it to continue operating in peace. As peace was preserved, two expeditions were sent out to other areas to explore for valuable salvage.

The first of these expeditions went south into Florida. They passed through Andrews on their way to Hilliard. Hilliard was found to be mostly abandoned besides a few small pockets of ghouls in some of the ruins. They were able to dispatch the pitiful creatures without difficulty or using too much ammunition, clearing the town for further exploration. Callahan was in a similar position, with having a handful of ghouls in some of the buildings, that were easily cleared out with clever tactics. In Hilliard they found a small gun shop that had most of its stock, free for the taking. In Callahan they found a decent supply of technology and a cache of assault rifles in the police station.

The second expedition went north instead. They had a harder time of it, as they were hunted by either vicious packs of wolves or wild dogs who were desperate for food. Either way, sentries and scouts were picked off from the main group, without ever giving a chance for defense. The party learned to stay close to the fires, sometimes completely foregoing putting out a sentry to get eaten. Their determination was rewarded with the retrieval of a large amount of technology and some hunting rifles from an abandoned cabin. Once they pushed north, they found that the area around Hickox was under the control of a brutal raider gang calling themselves the Wolfskins. They managed to avoid any hostile contact with the raiders as they passed by, but they were clearly followed for the rest of the journey. They passed to Nahunta, and found the wreckage of a town, clearly destroyed some years ago by an attack. It seemed likely that the Wolfskins were responsible. Surprisingly, there was a cache of guns that was apparently overlooked by the victorious Wolfskins, and it was recovered by Folkston.

Turn Stat Changes
-45 Dogs from Ruby Viper tribute
+60 Scrap Parts from local area salvage
+75 Scrap Parts, +9 Tech Parts, +45 1-H Guns, +45 2-H Guns from southern expedition salvage
-20 Population from northern expedition losses
+10 Tech Parts, +75 2-H Guns from northern expedition salvage
+5 Population, +5 Dogs from natural growth
+20 Population from immigration
-85 Food, -235 Water from consumption
-50 Food from animal consumption

Madame’s Challenge:
Our dogs seem to be a curiosity for the raider gangs in our area. The newly discovered Wolfskins, having learned of our location, have demanded some dogs as well (See NPC Diplomacy). As it does not appear that our attempt at biological warfare affected the Ruby Vipers, that does not seem to be an option again. How do we respond to these latest demands?

Spoiler :

The Ganglaw has found itself in yet another fight for survival as the Stranglers seek to push them out of the territory in central Georgia. The Fetch Game was turned from scavenging to war, as the ranks were bolstered by hundreds of slaves offered the chance for freedom in exchange for fighting. They were further assisted by militia from the town of Vienna, as they sought to remove the threat of yet another band of raiders from the area. The Fetch Game started unsuccessfully, with their approach being spotted by the Stranglers, who laid a series of successful ambushes upon their attackers, in small-scale skirmishes. When they retreated into their encampment, the Ganglaw attempted to draw them out into fighting in the open field, which was unfortunately successful. The Stranglers unleashed all of their Assaultrons against the Ganglaw, which moved far more quickly than the Fetch Game could, quickly getting into their midst. The entire plan was thrown into chaos, as lasers from the Assaultrons and deadly whirling blades turned the fight into a slaughterhouse. Once the Stranglers actually attacked, all order dissolved amid the fighting. The remaining members of the Ganglaw retreated in chaos, but the Stranglers were clearly too badly mauled themselves to pursue.

The battle over, the gangs were concerned that a Strangler retaliation could be nigh. The entire Incel gang was wiped out completely, while all of the others had taken heavy losses. In the night, things became more desperate as the recently freed slaves who had survived the battle rebelled against the Ganglaw, slitting throats and disarming bomb collars. The bitter civil fight that emerged led to many of the slaves being cut down, heads blown off with collars, or escaping in force, with weapons gained in the battle. Of course, they were outgunned, and more slaves died than escaped, as well as a number of the slaves who had joined the Ganglaw for the fight against the Stranglers. It was reported that those who escaped made their way to Clinchfield, where they were welcomed with suspiciously well prepared and opened arms. All was feared lost, but rumors of a slave uprising among the Stranglers which caused significant devastation led to the belief that the situation was not as dire as it could have been.

Turn Stat Changes
-500 Scrap Parts from construction
+900 Food from hunting/gathering
-510 Population, -555 Ammunition, -790 Chems, -80 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, -20 1-H Guns, -10 Combat Armor, -60 Dogs from Battle of Goose Neck losses
-280 Population, -210 Slaves, -6 Tech Parts, -300 Ammunition, -60 Low-Tech Melee Weapons from slave uprising losses
+5 Population, +5 Dogs from natural growth
+10 Population from recruitment
-210 Food from consumption
+790 Water from surplus production
-20 Food from animal consumption

MacMaster’s Challenge
Most of the gangs have been reduced to a handful of people, with so many having been killed. Even Rove died in the fighting near the Stranglers. This leaves us with only a handful of people who could vie for power. Without a strong leader, the Ganglaw may collapse. All of the raider bosses are Strongmen, but which of the clans should our new leader emerge from?

Grackle Felda
Spoiler :

The Grackle Felda have had a quiet start to the year, mostly staying around the old homestead. They were approached briefly by a group calling themselves the Sons of Hope. They expressed interest in forming an alliance against the Brass Lions. For now, the Grackles have yet to make a decision, but there is some pressure towards creating unity in arms.

Turn Stat Changes
+10 Population from natural growth
-20 Food, -520 Water from consumption

Elder’s Challenge
The Sons of Hope have given us a chance at establishing a coalition against the Brass Lions. However, some people believe we should keep the peace we have made and focus on our own infrastructure. How do we resolve this debate?

Hermetic Order of the Drowned Temple
Spoiler :

The Hermetic Order has seen new expansion as they develop their military abilities and potential for the future. Due to a desperation for food and protection, the freed slaves of Palm City have asked and been given permission to join under the direct rule of the Drowned Temple. The city has been occupied and the average citizen is relieved that the threat of starvation is no longer a dire shadow hanging over them all. Adding to the relief is the assurance that new patrols along the old Florida Turnpike in the area have offered of protection from raiders and monsters. The patrols have remained mostly untested, protecting the byways between the newly renamed Xanadu and Akhetatan, keeping travelers and would-be migrants safe from harassment or attack. Other efforts of religious expansion were sought out as emissaries were sent to the two large towns to the north, Melbourne and Fort Cocoa. Fort Cocoa allowed the practice of the faith easily enough, though most of the people seemed indifferent to the message, laughing the Order off as crazies. Melbourne on the other hand, expressly forbid any weapons other than their own, and sent the Order on their way when they refused to give up their laser weapons to the town’s armory during their stay. Two scouting expeditions were also sent out to observe and learn about the region around Lake Okeechobee.

The first expedition met with complete disaster when they disappeared shortly after leaving. They reappeared when a band of raiders showed up at the Drowned Temple itself bearing the heads of the slain members of the Order. Wearing primitive powered armor in a show of force, they announced themselves as being the “Direclaws.” Laughing at the defenses of the area, they promised that they would be seeing the Order again shortly. The southern expedition nearly met a similar fate right off the bat as they encountered a large group of raiders encamped recently in Indiantown. Appearing to have come from the west, the encampment was not long established, and the Order’s warriors were able to fight their way around it, but not without losses. Calling themselves the Noles, these raiders appeared to have come from the direction that the expedition was headed. This theory was reinforced in Port Mayaca and Canal Point, where they found the remains of small settlements that had been destroyed fairly recently, perhaps in the last few months. Nothing of any value could be found. In Pahokee, the group found a few very aggressive alligator nests, but the animals were kept away by selective gunfire while they scavenged in the ruins. The efforts were rewarded with a decent stockpile of technology found in a waterfront warehouse.

Turn Stat Changes
-300 Scrap Parts, -1 Tech Part from construction
+340 Population, +290 Food, +1,700 Water, +400 Ammunition, +110 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, +50 2-H Guns from Palm City integration
-30 Population, -50 Ammunition, -20 1-h Guns, -10 Laser Weapons from northern expedition Lake Okeechobee losses
-10 Population, -50 Ammunition from southern expedition Lake Okeechobee losses
+8 Tech Parts from southern expedition salvage
-20 Low-tech Melee Weapons, -5 1-H Guns from Great White smuggling
+10 Population from natural growth
+60 Population from immigration
+150 Water, +5 Energy from surplus production

Dame’s Challenge
The Direclaws have sent us a demand for tribute (See NPC Diplomacy)! They want all of our Energy. We’re not currently using it ourselves, but some of our advisors believe it may be a bad long-term plan to give power-armored raiders more fuel for their gear. On the flip side, if they come in brute force, we may not be able to stop them. How do we respond to these demands for tribute?

The Lordship of San Marcos
Spoiler :

The Lordship of San Marcos has won another impressive victory against yet another local challenger. The Jundiin, a group of foreign raiders from across the seas, was attacked by a large army of the Lordship. Led by poorly armed serfs, the Lordship managed to catch the raiders by surprise while a strange boat was pulled up to their docks. With most of the enemy distracted, the serfs managed to close the distance and attack without allowing them to use their superiority in weapons. The regulars provided ample fire support, and remained well out of range. The fighting quickly drew to a close with many of the raiders unarmed and undefended. A large number escaped on the strange ship in harbor, using machine guns and rockets to keep the attackers off the ship as they withdrew, sailing east. The area was liberated and a number of slaves were freed, taking up residence in the Jundiin’s former hold, calling it Butler, after the name formerly held by the place.

Turn Stat Changes
-40 Slaves, -600 Ammunition from Jundiin battle losses
+50 Population, +1,200 Food, +1,200 Water, +200 Ammunition, +260 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, +90 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, +30 Heavy Weapons from spoils of Jundiin battle
+10 Population, +5 Slaves from natural growth
+635 Food, +285 Water from surplus production

Commander’s Challenge
A man has shown up at our doorstep with a large supply of food, and various other tradeable goods. He claims to have recently escaped from a band of lunatics to the north, calling themselves “box traders.” He claims that their agents have been hunting him for bizarre reasons, and that he seeks asylum. If we grant his offer, he will provide us with a good amount of goods as a down payment, but if we do so, should we ever run into these box traders, it could cause a strain on relations with some sort of merchant group. How do we deal with this request?

The Most Pious and Holy Fraternity of the Star Engineers
Spoiler :

The Star Engineers have emerged from their bunkers underneath the shelter of the Kennedy Space Center to find that the facility had been washed away by the cleansing of nuclear fire. Nothing remained, as what few scraps were there had apparently been washed out to sea. Nothing was found there or at the junction of Wilson, not even usable metals. Allenhurst was the same story, though a boat was found wrecked by the inlet with what appeared to be some packaged technology from further ashore on the mainland, being taken out. A few bodies were found wearing odd clothing, and carrying the shattered and rusted remains of curved swords. The scouts were disappointed until they reached the nearby community of Oak Hill, a large fortified settlement, ruled by a well-armed militia. The scouts, laden in power armor were viewed suspiciously by the locals, and not allowed entry. The neighboring town of Edgewater was significantly friendlier, but openly curious about the power armor as they let them stay. They were quick to inform the expedition that the town’s robots had kept the ruins of New Smyrna Beach clear for years, and that it was safe for exploration. The town’s words proved true, and they found a cache of pre-war melee weapons that the community had not previously discovered.

Another expedition was sent southwest, similarly armed and equipped. They managed to make a safe crossing over the NASA Expressway bridge, which was miraculously intact. They started in Port St. John, which was infested with a large number of mirelurk nests that proved immediately hostile. Thanks to superior firepower and power armor, the expedition managed to fight their way through the ruins without losses, destroying a large number of nests in the process. They entered the ruins of Sharpes victoriously, somewhat, and found it to be mostly empty of threats, but full of civilians, who said they were from the town of Fort Cocoa to the south. Despite competing with these people for good loot, they were able to find a small amount of technology for return to the base. Fort Cocoa was located where promised, and provided a place for the scouts to say in relative safety. As they pushed on to Rockledge, they were warned that the area had already been claimed for salvage by Fort Cocoa, but that as a matter of goodwill they could peruse it this one time. However, it was clear that the best had already been spoken for in the rubble.

A final third expedition was sent to the southeast, crossing the Banana River along the old Nasa Expressway, which proved to actually be somewhat submerged, but still usable as a ford. The Cape Canaveral Air Force Station proved to still have active automated defenses present, and they posed a grave hazard, as they did not recognize the Holy Order as descendants of the installation. They were immediately hostile and fired upon the power armored soldiers. Some of the defenses were destroyed on the exterior of the base, but many more remained active, preventing further exploration of the key structures and locations in the facility. Even on the outskirts, they found a small cache of pre-war melee weapons. As they headed south, they were surprised to find a thriving city named Grand Carnival built on three old cruise ships lashed together in Port Canaveral. Ruled by a “Carnival King,” the city welcomed them, and aggressively attempted to get the scouts to bid their power armor in the hopes of wealth in the casinos.

The third expedition’s scouts continued the push south, entering Cocoa Beach, where they found signs of mirelurks, which mostly appeared to avoid them. Nothing could be found in the ruins, likely picked over by the folks in Grand Carnival. The expedition encountered surprisingly hostile forces a little bit further south, as they approached Patrick Air Force Base. They were halted by similarly equipped power-armored soldiers, identifying themselves as the 45th Space Wing. They spoke in unfamiliar terminology and appeared agitated when the scouts failed to give appropriate responses. Not wanting to provoke a fight, the scouts turned back north when it became clear that the soldiers would not let them pass.

Turn Stat Changes
-500 Scrap Parts, -6 Tech Parts from construction
+10 Tech Parts, +25 High-Tech Melee Weapons from northern expedition salvage
-90 Ammunition, -90 Energy from southwestern expedition losses
+9 Tech Parts from southwestern expedition salvage
-90 Ammunition, -90 Energy from southeastern expedition losses
+5 High Tech Melee Weapons from southeastern expedition salvage
+150 Scrap Parts from local area salvage
+5 Population from natural growth
-255 Food, -5 Water from consumption

Chief Astronaut’s Challenge
We’ve received an emissary bearing a message from the so-called 45th Space Wing. They have demanded information (see NPC Diplomacy) and our advisors are unsure how much we should cooperate with them. How do we respond to these messages?

Nuclear Dragon Clan
Spoiler :

The Nuclear Dragon Clan continues to quietly salvage from ruins in Boca Raton. There was some incidents involving some mirelurk eggs, but they were disposed of quickly and the owner was lectured about his duties to the Clan. Scrap was brought in, but once again very little could be found of true value in the Boca Raton ruins.

Turn Stat Changes
+150 Scrap Parts from Boca Raton salvaging
+5 Population from natural growth
+10 Population from immigration
-70 Food from consumption
+180 Water from surplus production

Emperor’s Challenge:
To deal with the boredom of post-apocalyptic life, some of our people have started a night fighting club. They wager with bottle caps found in the ruins, and it appears to be harmless in most respects. Still, some advisors are concerned that the fights could end in deadly outcomes or result in our more capable warriors being injured out of combat. How do we respond to these events?

Polk County
Spoiler :

The People of Vault 404 have become the center of a rising of a new America, as they negotiated successfully with the free communities of Frostproof and Wahneta. The end of the fighting with the Chem Dogs and the ever-present threat of the Hunger has led to the reestablishment of Polk County. Negotiations between the various communities led to the agreement of a new political system in which each settlement continued to maintain some freedom domestically, but that all foreign policy was dealt with by a new Sheriff. Elections were held among the people, as the various leaders of each of the communities was up for election as the Sheriff of Polk County. Though Overseer Doug Moore was up for election, he was not the vault dweller selected to be the new sheriff. Instead, the war hero Charlotte Blackburn, temporary governor of Winter Haven, was elected due to her deeds of heroism before, during, and after the Chem Dog War. As the new Sheriff of Polk County, it will be on her to decide the fate of Vault 404 an the surrounding communities.

As Polk County reorganized the considerable war machine that had been put together for the fighting against the Chem Dogs was instead turned towards the local wildlife. The first stop for this powerful army of nearly one thousand people was the panthers of Dundee, seeking to clear out their nests and hunting grounds to make them safe for future salvaging. For the most part they were successful, but they faced an ambush from some leftover raiders and the panthers themselves proved not willing to go quietly. Many were killed, and explosives were used relentlessly to clear buildings and locations. The entire town seemed to be a deathtrap, but the people of Polk emerged victorious. The next stop was Lake Wales, and the swarms of bloodbugs within. The army stirred up all of the nests at once, and was faced with all of the swarms of the insects at a single time. Explosives had to be liberally used, but casualties were heavy, as the creatures moved too fast for crossbows and were deadly within melee range. Many were killed, and more injured, but thanks to the use of fire, most of the bloodbugs were believed to have been destroyed. Thankfully, the experience gained in Lake Wales served well in Yeehaw Junction, and while a few people were killed in the night, most of the bloodbugs were exterminated.

After the area was said to be secured, the survivors of the army went out to explore and protect the surrounding. They guarded the old roads and watched travelers, keeping them safe from raiding and attack by animals or bandits. Thankfully, the victory against the Chem Dogs seemed to have at least temporarily scared away raiders, and the patrols were mostly uneventful. Another group was sent out to scavenge the sites believed to have been secured by the army. Yeehaw Junction was found to be completely scraped clean of anything of value, only a few useless ruins remaining. In Lake Wales, it proved that the bloodbugs were still present, as a few people were found dead in camp in the mornings. In Dundee, scavengers did manage to find some overlooked technology that was returned. In the ruins of the Reaper Stronghold in Lake Hamilton, nothing was found but scrap leftover from the wreckage of the Chem Dogs’ retreat. Lastly, the battlefield at Cypresswood golf course was long stripped of anything of value, leaving nothing for the salvage crews.

Turn Stat Changes
Frostproof and Wahneta stats merged with faction
-10 Food for donation to the Hunger
-140 Population, -180 Ammunition, -340 Improvised Explosives from clearing operations losses
-10 Population from scavenging operation losses
+670 Scrap Parts, +6 Tech Parts from scavenging operations salvage
+25 Population from natural growth
+115 Population from immigration
+1,350 Food, +1,250 Water from surplus production

Sheriff’s Challenge
With the securing of roads and the opening up of new towns into our new regime, we have received significantly more immigrants than we have been used to. A handful of these immigrants into Waverly have been identified by some older members of the community as formerly being raiders. It is a situation in which neither side has any proof of the claims, and the accused raiders claim that the accusers are thieves and liars themselves, and are responsible for the collapse of a settlement further north after they stole a large supply of food and water. How do we respond to this heated matter?

Poxxy’s Chem Dogs
Less than three years after organizing the Chem Dogs, Doctor Poxxy is dead, and her accomplishments are gone. The Crusaders gave no quarter to the raiders within the stronghold, and Poxxy was said to be no exception, fighting to the death as her headquarters was breached. The Chem Dogs were betrayed by some of their own, traitors who were bribed with chems to open the doors and allow the Crusade entry. With Poxxy’s apparent death, the rest of the remaining raiders were scattered to the winds, with many fleeing or fighting as they were caught by the crusade and crucified for their crimes against the Orlando Compact. It’s believed that a handful of the raiders managed to flee with their weapons and what supplies they could steal and have since joined up with the Bobblers in Orlando. Others are said to be lurking in the area, or fleeing elsewhere to escape the judgment of the Crusaders and Elias City. The Chem Dogs are no more.

The Preservatory
Spoiler :

The Preservatory has continued undertaking significant salvage operations in its area. This has been aided with a large payment of tribute to the Black Razor Gang. With the raiders off their backs, they have been able to work without the fear of a surprise attack from the north. The salvagers even managed to find a previously undiscovered supply of technology that was added to the vault’s stores. Another expedition was sent to the northeast to explore a long abandoned industrial park. They found nothing of interest except some usable pieces of scrap that were promptly returned.

Turn Stat Changes
-800 Food and Water from Black Razor Gang Tribute
+720 Scrap Parts, +8 Tech Parts from local area scavenging
+90 Scrap Parts from industrial park salvage
+10 Population from natural growth
+10 Population from immigration
+800 Food and Water from surplus production

Overseer’s Challenge
A self-proclaimed artist has locked himself in his quarters with minimal food and water. He has refused to let anyone in to see what he is working on, only that it would be his “greatest masterpiece.” Some are concerned about what he is doing and his well-being. They have suggested we force entry to make sure he is all right. Others believe we should just let him complete his work. How do we respond to this issue?

The Revenant Corps
Spoiler :

The Revenant Corps have won a major victory for their security in the region, taking on what some believed to have been the toughest raider clan in the north Atlanta area. Claiming to be willing to pay tribute to the raiders, they laid out an ambush for them in the exchange of weapons. The raiders fell for the trap and were slaughtered, having nothing that could effectively counter the Corps’ power armor. The fight was then taken to the Clawmen stronghold itself, headed towards Acworth. The Corps laid the compound under siege for a time, shooting anyone who stuck their heads above the fortifications or outside of the walls. After a month-long siege, the Corps attacked in full force, using their weapons, explosives, and power armor to breach the formidable walls that had been built. The fighting was incredibly one sided despite the fortifications, but the Revenant Corps began to experience casualties as they ran out of fuel for their power armor. This left a number of soldiers vulnerable, some stuck motionless in their gear as the raiders cut them down. This proved only a setback, as the rest of the Clawmen were slaughtered, with only a few dozen escaping. The slaves were free, and the town placed under their control, as a new farm was built and the resources of the area turned towards the perseverance of the Corps.

Turn Stat Changes
-200 Ammunition, +40 Improvised Explosives from production
-20 Population, -289 Energy, -695 Ammunition, -40 Improvised Explosives, -5 T-51 Power Armor Suits from Clawmen campaign losses
+250 Population, +3,000 Food, +3,000 Water, +200 Chems, +400 Alcohol, +690 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, +110 2-H Guns from spoils of Clawmen campaign
-300 Scrap Parts, -1 Tech Part from construction
+10 Population from natural growth
+500 Water from surplus production

Captain-General’s Challenge:
We’ve run out Energy supplies with our recent campaign but some of our leaders believe that they may have a solution. They suggest that if we deactivate and dismantle the bunker’s essential systems, we can recover enough to gain a small amount of energy back. It certainly won’t be enough to power all of our armor remaining, but it would be enough for a few in a major engagement. Of course, we would have to abandon the bunker afterward as dismantling the systems would render it uninhabitable, likely requiring us to move to Acworth. How do we respond to this proposal?

Sons of Hope
Spoiler :

The Sons of Hope have continued to do their best to maintain peace and stability for their people. They agreed to the demands of the Brass Lions to provide them with ammunition, while beginning training in preparation for an armed conflict. Local scavengers have continued to collect scrap to help build new infrastructure for a better future. Scouts were sent to make contact with the group called the Grackles, and they were successful, but unresponsive to any diplomacy, stating that they would have to consider carefully before making any future moves against the Brass Lions. Another group of scouts were sent south to Bonita Springs, to explore the area. They found the area infested with giant mosquitoes, termed bloodbugs. The creatures were easily avoided by the scouts, who reported only a small number in the region. A more interest find was made when a ship was spotted traveling off of the coast not far from Bonita Springs. The ship was contacted, and they announced themselves as being a scouting party of the Conch Republic, based in Key West. There was a brief but cordial information exchange before the ship left once more. The came back from the ruins with a small supply of technology recovered from the ruins.

Turn Stat Changes
-100 Ammunition from tribute to Brass Lions
+340 Scrap Parts from local area scavenging
+3 Tech Parts from Bonita Springs scouting
+10 Population from natural growth
+25 Population from immigration
-125 Food, -425 Water from consumption

Hope’s Challenge
Things are starting to look grim for our water supplies. We only have a safe month left before we start running critically low. How do we manage this crisis?

Stake of Monticello
Spoiler :

The Mormons of Monticello have at last found a home, taking a rest from their long exodus. Those who survived the journey have begun to make a home for themselves in the ruins of the Floridian town of Newport. The ruins have been excavated for scrap, though plenty still remains in the outskirts. A farm and water station were quickly established, using many of the materials that were found on the way here. A celebration was had to rejoice in the ending of the long trip, and it’s hoped that at long last the Mormons can find peace in away from those who would harm them.

Turn Stat Changes
+1 Military Skill from surviving the Exodus
-900 Scrap Parts, -6 Tech Parts from construction
+150 Scrap Parts from local area salvage
+5 Population from natural growth
+10 Population from immigration
+35 Food, +285 Water from surplus production

Overseer’s Challenge
We’ve finally settled in a new land, and once again we have to consider the matter of immigration. With so many people now aware of where we are from our journeys, we’re likely to see a rise in the numbers of those who wish to live in our community. Do we continue to open our arms to these individuals or should we enact a more strict entrance policy?

Vault 117
Spoiler :

Vault 117 continues to make its best efforts to keep all of its people safe, protecting the towns and facilities it has under its control. Large amounts of people continue to work in the area between New Gwinnett and Vault 117, salvaging any useful supplies. Unfortunately, the ghouls of Lilburn continue to cause troubles, killing a few slaves and other workers. Thankfully, efforts to clear the ghouls out have shown some progress, as soldiers continue to roust the abominations out of some of the larger buildings and places for scrapping. The area is still not safe enough to be declared clear yet, but an end can be seen in sight.

As in the past, scouts were sent out to explore an ever growing region around the vault. The first band went to the town of Snapfinger, where they were attacked by a single individual wearing a power fist and powered armor. The individual overwhelmed them, killed half of the group, and left after claiming that they were now perfectly balanced. Sadly they were unable to find anything else of value in the ruins. Expeditions to Sheffield Woods and Ellenwood failed to return entirely. After the Ellenwood expedition failed to return, some raider scouts were spotted lurking around the vault, and they were identified as a gang called the Bravemen, apparently located in the area and had captured the vault dweller scouts. Scouts coming back from Stockbridge confirmed the information, claiming that they had lost some of their own to a fight between the Bravemen and another local raider clan called the Sad Clowns.

The expedition to Morrow found a truly horrific scene. At first they thought it was a particularly brutal band of raiders, due to the sheer amount of gore and blood spread over every building. Then they saw that the devastation was caused by odd treaded robots, with brains in glass cases at the top. These “robobrains” appeared to be conducting “experiments” along the lines of seeing which humans head lives the longest when removed. The robobrains were wearing odd costumes, and when the party was spotted, deployed painful sonic devices. It was sheer luck that anyone managed to escape alive.

The expedition to Zingara found a more promising scene, in the form of a small but prosperous farming community. They appeared to have grazing lands set aside for a growing herd of horses, which appeared to be thriving despite the apocalypse. In Willow Wind, they found that the area had a moderate amount of ghouls, which appeared to be fairly nonaggressive, staying in their lairs and dens, and being easily avoided by the scouts. This allowed them to collect a decent amount of technology, and loot a police armory of some rifles. The scouts in Loganville had similar findings, reporting a smaller amount of nonaggressive ghouls. They had no goodies to bring home, however.

Turn Stat Changes
-20 Slaves, -10 Population from local area salvage losses
+2,090 Scrap Parts from local area salvage
-1,045 Scrap Parts, +1,045 Ammunition from production
-900 Scrap Parts, -3 Tech Parts from construction
-300 Food and Water from tribute to Vagrants
-35 Population from scouting expedition losses
+9 Tech Parts, +25 2-H Guns from scouting expedition salvage
+30 Population from natural growth
+610 Food from surplus production

Overseer’s Challenge
We’re having a bit of a reputation problem in the wasteland. The towns of Zingara and Chanafee seem to be uninterested in much cooperation and have been actively avoiding letting our people into their walls. Reports indicate that the matter could be twofold. One could be that they’re trying to avoid attention from raider groups, the other word is that they believe we’re barely better with raiders, with our forced labor upon slaves who would have been immigrants. Some of our advisors believe we shouldn’t give a damn what they think, others believe that we may want to be more personable. How do we deal with our publicity issue?

Vault 121
Spoiler :

The people of Vault 121 emerged for the first time into the open to explore the surrounding territory. They were surprised to find that some of the automated defenses including robots and turrets in the Kings Bay Naval Base were still operational and hostile. Thankfully good planning and effort led to the destruction of these defenses with only a few people wounded, making further forays into the base unopposed. Unfortunately there appeared to be very little left to find of significant value, but in one of the old drydocks, they did find a set of precision working equipment. The scouts went further out to Kingsland, where they found the city had clearly already been picked over for valuable loot. It was unsurprising that nothing new was found, and they went back towards St. Marys. St. Marys had a large number of mirelurks in it, who aggressively attacked the expedition whenever they came close to the nests, killing a few. They did manage to salvage from technology from the ruins before they fled back home. Follow-up salvage teams in the Naval Base area had some more successes, finding technology in the ruins of a wrecked submarine.

Turn Stat Changes
-10 Population, -200 Ammunition from scouting expedition losses
+4 Tech Parts, +1 Precision Tolls from scouting expedition salvage
+1,230 Scrap Parts, +5 Tech Parts from local area salvage
+10 Population from natural growth

Overseer’s Challenge
We’ve discovered that one of our vault’s residents managed to reprogram an assaultron from the base’s now defunct defenses to act as a “service robot” for “carnal relations.” Appropriate modifications have been made, and this resident has become very popular among a small subset of our people. Needless to say, this robot, if restore to original programming could be a powerful weapon. On the other hand, doing so will upset some of our vault’s inhabitants. How do we respond to this issue?

Vault 299
Spoiler :

Vault 299 remains in a constant struggle with the Matecumbe tribe to the southwest. They have begun skirmishing with the tribesmen in a series of running nautical battles between their boat and the canoes of the tribe. For the most part, it seems as though the vault is winning the fights, due to their speed and ranged weapons. Still, it's hard for the vault dwellers to gauge whether or not the attacks have been effective, but they’ve only sustained a couple wounded with dozens of confirmed Matecumbe kills. More losses were had with a renewed expedition to Layton, where they worked to begin proper scavenging operations in the ruins. The initial landing party was faced with heavy resistance by local ghouls, who attacked aggressively. Still, after brutal fighting, the party managed a foothold, and they continued to hold it for some time while robots and workers did their best to retrieve supplies for return to the vault. The prized finding was a collection of old assault rifles which have been added to the armory.

Turn Stat Changes
-150 Alcohol, +150 Improvised Explosives from production
-10 Population, -65 Ammunition, -2 Energy, -50 Improvised Explosives from Layton expedition losses
-40 Ammunition, -3 Energy from Matecumbe skirmishes
+75 Scrap Parts, +20 2-H Guns from Layton expedition salvage
+10 Population from natural growth
+210 Food from surplus production

Overseer’s Challenge
A large amount of our alcohol supplies has gone missing. It is believed to have been stolen by a small subset of our population who have recently become heavy drinkers. It is believe that a group of organized thugs have rounded up the liquor and are distributing it at a cost. How do we deal with this situation?

Vault 323
Spoiler :

Vault 323 at last decided to take the fight to the Muharibs who had long been blighting them with raids and attacks from the coastline. Nearly the entire fighting population of the vault was sent out with weapons and gear to wage war upon the foreign raiders. They managed to do well against the initial first patrols from the Muharibs they encountered, but when the raiders retreated to their fortress, there were problems. An attempt at infiltration failed miserably, while initially they attempted to skirmish and snipe from the ruins surrounding the stronghold. This invited the wholesale destruction of these ruins by rocket launchers, leaving the vault dwellers nowhere to hide. The full attack was launched at night, sprinting towards the walls in small groups. Massed machine guns and heavy weapons fire laid low hundreds of the vault dwellers as they charged. Some managed to scale the walls using ladders, but the Muharibs inflicted a heavy toll on each attempt. Eventually the vault dwellers broke through the defenses, and once they secured the walls, victory was in sight. The last vicious fighting inside the stronghold led to more and more casualties, as a large number of the Muharibs escaped on a boat, laying down suppressing fire with machine guns as they left. Thankfully, the slaves were all found alive, and the scattered few vault dwellers who survived and were unharmed recruited them into bringing the hundreds wounded back to the vault for treatment.

Turn Stat Changes
-510 Population, -40 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, -30 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, -20 Metal Armor from Muharib crusade losses
+2 Military Skill, +50 Population, +150 Scrap Parts, +1,195 Ammunition, +250 Low-Tech Melee Weapons, +80 Low-Tech Ranged Weapons, +20 Heavy Weapons from Muharib Crusade spoils
+10 Population from natural growth

Overseer’s Challenge
Among the dead of the attack on the Muharib encampment was Overseer Carla Ladouceur. With the overseer dead, the question is who will take her place. There have been two citizens who have stood out among the rabble. The first is the clinic doctor who is an intelligent person that has made their mark in the skilled and able treatment of all the patients, especially those wounded in the recent fighting. The other is a strong veteran of the fighting with the Muharibs and is verified to have slain over thirty of the raiders with his sword. Who do we select as the new leader of the vault?

Vault 512
Spoiler :

Vault 512 has continued to expand its operations in the area south of Miami. Food and tribute were provided to the Winged Dolphins and Homestead, helping to maintain security against any raids from the clan. They also continued scavenging in the region, and found something unusual. At a place called “Coral Castle” they found some strange markings of an “E” surrounded by stars on all of the stones. They found some disturbed earth and a hidden cache. Buried beneath the ruins, they found five coffin-sized boxes, each clearly using some form of self-sustaining energy to maintain themselves. The boxes could not be opened, and were returned back to storage in the vault along with the other salvage.

Another expedition was sent to the north, avoiding Winged Dolphin territory, and they decided to head towards the Miami Executive Airport. Scouts thankfully stopped the expedition before entering the grounds of the airport, as they found that the airfield possessed incredibly sophisticated automated defenses, including turrets and robotic sentries. The defenses were too great for any hope of being able to bypass or overcome them, and they salvaged what they could on the outskirts before returning home. When they heard about the discovery at Coral Castle, they reported that on the center of the airfield, apparently intact but abandoned, rested a large cargo plane with the same symbols upon it.

Turn Stat Changes
+405 Scrap Parts, +5 Mysterious Crates from local area scavenging
+200 Scrap Parts from northern expedition scavenging
-500 Food from Winged Dolphin tribute
-250 Food and Water from Homestead gifts
+15 Population from natural growth
+45 Population from immigration
+740 Food, +500 Water as surplus production

Overseer’s Challenge:
These new crates have aroused the curiosity of our people. Based on our observations, we believe that they could be accessed or linked using the computers we have here in the vault systems. Of course, doing this could lead to catastrophic failure of the vault’s systems should it turn out that the crates are defended somehow. Still, it might be worth the risk to know what’s inside the crates or at least obtain some more data. How do we respond to this proposal?

NPC Diplomacy

To:Alexandrite Archivists
From: Kind Flayers

Well, you didn’t have to be so rude about it. I suppose we’ll just have to leave you to the tender mercies of the Beholders instead. Good luck.

To: Hermetic Order of the Drowned Temple
From: Direclaws

We had no idea that there were such refined religious people nearby until your friends showed up. We had a few of them for dinner, and the rest were delighted to tell us all about your group and everything it could offer us. You even took care of our rivals in the area. We hear that you have some excess energy you’re not using. Give it all to us, and we won’t have you all over for dinner next time.

To: Hermetic Order of the Drowned Temple
From: Melbourne

Our house our rules. If you want your missionaries to be allowed to stay in my town, you have them give up their weapons to our mutual defense. NO exceptions.

To: Hermetic Order of the Drowned Temple
From: Fort Cocoa

While I appreciate that freedom of religion is a standby of our great nation’s history, I do have to ask that your emissaries to our land mellow out a little bit. Their talk is putting some of our people on an edge, and really bumming some of us out. Can you get your guys to relax some?

To: The Most Pious and Holy Fraternity of the Star Engineers
From: 45th Space Group

Who the hell are you people, and what outfit are you with? Civilian use of high-end military equipment is strictly forbidden by standard United States law, and that’s not even considering the martial law enacted following the crisis. Either provide proper military identification or turn over all sets of power armor before you get someone hurt by it.

To: Orlando Compact
From: Bobblers

For your crimes against the Great Bobble, your lives are declared forfeit. We will show mercy if you provide half of your people as slaves for the holy war for Orlando. This tribute is the lightest we are willing to offer. Refuse, and we will bring the wrath of Bobble down upon you.

To: Elias City Representatives
From: Felony Lane Gang

Oh, you thought you could sell us out to the Bobblers? Clever, thinking you could wipe us both out. Well, I’ve got news for you, ya’ll are on the list. We’re coming for you *******.

To: Folkston
From: Ruby Vipers

You appear to be a woman of your word. We appreciate that. Consider your side of the deal fulfilled with the extra dogs you sent us. We’ll leave you be for the time being.

To: Folkston
From: Wolfskins

We want yer dogs. Give us dogs and we don’t kill you.

To: Ganglaw
From: Clinchfield

According to our reports there are still thirty people left alive in your encampment who have committed crimes against us. We are of course excluding your crimes against those who righteously escaped your abuse. Still, some say that you aren’t as bad as other raiders, so we’ll give you one last chance. Turn over all thirty, and we won’t kill you all for your crimes. This our land, and we will defend it against anyone. We’ll even finish the job with the Stranglers for you if you agree to no longer hold slaves in addition to turning over the criminals.

To: Vault 117
From: Chanafee

While we appreciate the notion of going to war to eliminate the raider clans, we are hesitant due to your continued use and reckless disregard of slaves. We have no desire to simply trade one group of tyrants for another. Liberate your slaves, and perhaps then we can have something more substantial to talk about.


Remember, the hurricane challenge is for very nearly everyone, and in character you have only twenty-four hours to make preparations for it. So it is assumed that whatever you order in response to that challenge will only begin twenty-four hours before the storm occurs. You’ve been warned.

Upon reviewing the map, I have relabeled the starting location of Boca Ciego as “South Pasadena,” rather than St. Petersburg.

World Map

To: Weston
From: Vault 323

Looks like a big one's blowing in from the sea. While your houses and walls are strong, we are sure that this hurricane would be much more pleasant for you within the safe luxury of Vault-Tec's luxury. We'd be happy to invite you to weather out the storm within our walls, and share in our bounty until the storm passes and you can feel safe to return home.
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Faction Name: The Ironclad
Faction Motto: "Iron Within, Iron Without"
Starting Location: North Suncoast Industrial Park - Shady Hills, FL
Capital Type: Bunker - "The Network"
Origins: Pre-War Military
Faction Trait: Warlike

Hailing their origins from the 356th Florida National Guard deployed from Fort Lauderdale to safeguard the vital Suncoast Industrial Park during the final days of social instability before the Last War washed away the United States in nuclear fire, the Ironclad is a martial society of hardened warriors who offer their services to the highest bidder as a standing army for hire.

In the short moments before the nuclear disaster struck the mainland, a majority of the detachment and civilian workers were able to seek shelter within the underground storage networks beneath the park that the 356th were using as their forward headquarters during their deployment. As they shut the blast doors, the world burned around them and sealed the fate of whomever was outside of those entrances. Life in the newly dubbed Network wasn't exactly ideal, but the large spaces of garages, storage depots full of emergency supplies and military equipment along with vast mazes of maintenance tunnels ensured ample elbow room for those living down below. To ensure order and to maintain themselves during the many years in the tunnels, the military remnants and civilian workforce slowly integrated into each other to form a strict military standard of discipline and martial prowess for the time where they would venture out into the overworld.

This military standard became such a vital part of their culture and society that by the next generation the survivors had become a strict military dictatorship with proper hierarchy and social order in striking image of the military their ancestors once served in.

Under the leadership of their commander, Earle Wilkins, direct descendant of the original officer that had taken charge and lead the survivors to safety within the Network, the newly formed Ironclad faction finally opened their blast doors and stepped out into the Sunshine Wasteland. To their disappointment they were met with an overgrown hellscape teeming with ramshackle junktowns, rabid cannibal junkies and grotesque mutants that prowled the crumbled ashes of a nation that once dominated the world through its superior military and technology.

To uphold their martial society and to ensure their continued prosperity in the overworld, they decided that they would become a mercenary army, dogs of war to be let loose upon an enemy by whomever paid the most. They would have purpose, in eternal war.

Leader Name: Commander Earle Wilkins
Leader Trait: Enduring
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To: The Bobblers

Get stuffed.
From Ganglaw
To Stranglers

Woo, good fight, good fight... Now, listen up, folks. There's a big town called Clinchfield nearby, with heavy weapons, ammo factory and all. Until you came around and had a little toss with us, we were planning to get out ducks in a row and take over it. But now we can't, and neither can you. So, this here town sent us a demand that we give away several dozen our good raiders for them to execute, and then they'd "take care of you" for us. Well, the thing is, we're not doing that, 'cause we respect our in-laws and we respect you after that good fight we had. So, consider it a friendly warning. After we turn down Clinchfield's demand, they'll come for us, and they'll come for you. So, we're gonna leave this area, and, if you know what's good for you, so will you. If you want to join with the Ganglaw in our search of a better turf, you can. Think about it. The Incels who conspired and talked us into fighting you are dead. Old man Kane Rove, who wanted to build his empire on your bones, is dead, too, may he rest in war. In fact, we're electing a new leader, and if you join with us, it might be even one of yours.

From Ganglaw
To Vienna

Peaceful dorks as you are, you helped us in our war, and we respect it. Our deal is sacred. You may not see us around for much longer, but you're now indefinitely beyond-laws in our eyes. Live on, fight on, under one law.
A Clarification On the Hurricane: The hurricane may come chronologically at ANY POINT in the course of the six months of the next update. When it does come, you will have exactly 24 hours warning to respond as mentioned in the challenge. Those are the circumstances you need to consider when responding to the challenge in your orders.
To: Vault 323
From: Weston

We appreciate the offer and accept whole-heartedly, we're on our way.

To: Ganglaw
From: Stranglers

We're not afraid of a bunch of softie town dwellers. Run away little puppies, as we told you, this is our turf now.
From Ganglaw
To Clinchfield

Hey, we're gonna make it easy on everyone and leave this land, 'cause the world's big and full of wonders. We know that you don't like raiders, so as a final goodwill gesture, we're gonna tell you where the Stranglers, the gang we fought on your behalf, live. Before you kill them, tell them we said hi. [Pass the location of Stranglers' camp and other info about them to Clinchfield.] Also, one day you may want to cleanse Albany of a bunch of cannibals with dynamite. They're also our past buddies who deserve to die, so tell them we send our hugs and kisses. [Pass the location of Contractors' camp and other info about them to Clinchfield.] Anyway, cheers, it was nice knowing you. Hug the ammo converter for us.
All NPC stats are now updated, sorry for the delay.

I'm intending on beginning the update on Monday, so get those orders in!
The Social Structure of the Fair Play Inn c. 2164

When their brave men and women revisited old scavenging sites, the wilderness surrounding the Fair Play Inn proved to be much more dangerous than expected. Entire towns were converted into massive ant hives, including Lavonia right across the road. To the north, dangerous plants and animals roamed, wolves and shadows and bears oh my. To the south, zap moths and death claws prowled. And their nearest neighbors proved hostile or disingenuous.

Death and inhumanity have changed the Innsitters. The Raider Companies of the North Georgia Badlands, once proud and among the thousands, then tamed to a few hundred under Sassy’s care, were culled again and again in the recent attempts to tame their surroundings. In every battle, victory was the daughter of the Grubbers, and their casualties and losses were the province of their enemies. Old rivalries fell away, replaced by new bonds of fellowship and hardship. They were fewer, but wiser, and in a way, stronger.

With the new discovery of civilization to the south, Sassy saw her opportunity. However, she is also keenly aware that her hold on information is growing looser. Krispy Grubber, Salty Grubber, Sick-eye Sam and others have won names as well. Therefore, she had carefully built bonds with the conquered community of Hartwell, to ensure it’s loyalty, and she had sent tendrils of trade and cooperation across this bend of the Lake. Her plans grew and grew, even more ambitious than the wildest dreams of her youth. But she knew she was 51, and not growing younger. She must focus less on building an empire, and more on building a foundation and then passing along this structure for the Grubber Dynasty to fill out.

The Fair Play Rules

The Fair Play Inns were built on the legend of Granny Grubber, the cunning of Reb Grubber, and the Table Rules and the Neutral Zone Rules. It became a beacon of safety and shelter for the most downtrodden and defeated, and a place for the mighty and victorious to celebrate triumphs without fear of their rivals.

However, Sassy knew that these Rules were too restrictive to establish all across the Georgia Badlands. Even the Neutral Zone rules were difficult to establish along the trade route to Hartwell. And she knew that as the Inns become franchised and grow, there are many peoples of the Badlands. Vault dwellers. Survivors. Tribals, or even other untamed Raiders. Thus, Sassy, along with the most respected leaders of the Raider Companies and the craftsmen of the Innsits established the Fair Play Rules that consisted of two parts.

First, is a code of conduct that regulated interactions among the Innsit, and between the Innsitters and the Outsiders.

Second, are Icons of Greatness for any Innsitter to aspire to achieve, along with guidelines for any to achieve said image - be they self-driven (or as punishment). These Icons are derived from legends of various Badasses of the Georgian Badlands, from Skinny Snakeskin, who crawled down a well shaft to discover a vast treasure of abandoned tools, to Tom Too Tall, who once killed a gigantic bear by ripping out a tree and using it as a club. Another popular story is that of Justin Coleman, the vengeful hunter who dealt righteous punishments for the weak after he lost his own family. Their stories are subtly changed and injected into the oral culture of the Inns, for it to spread and to inspire.

Then, she undertook an ambitious program to reorganize the Fair Play society…

The Justices, Judges, and the Community Rules

Below the Fair Play Rules, which will encompass all territories walked by her followers, each individual community may establish their own rules and precedents. They can establish their own structures for leadership as they see fit. However, the rise of leaders outside of the formal structures is protected by the Fair Play Rules. These leaders, known for their wisdom, their decision making, or other skills are to be known as Judges, in the Canaanite Biblical sense.

Although anyone may decide and interpret the Fair Play Rules in a variety of situations, Judges become known for wise and helpful interpretations, punishments that are farsighted and that rehabilitate the rulebreakers or provides proper restitution for the victims. They often get appeals by members of their community, asking about what to do with wayward children, or a potential cheater, or other day to day incidents. No community may make rules to outlaw these sources of alternative authority and information - indeed, Sassy sees the Judge-system as a way for the Grubbers to maintain their influence long after Fair Play Inn itself becomes but another Inn among many.

The rulings of the Judges however, may be constrained by community rules. For example, one constraint could be that an individual Judge could not advise and then conduct an execution. Additionally, any ruling needs to be justified by an existing rule - Judges cannot make rules out of nothing.

The Justices are a group of official Judges, the most exalted and respected members of the various communities that follow the Fair Play Rules. Once a Judge becomes a Justice, he or she becomes a Justice for life, and he or she will be held to a much higher standard of conduct. Every community should have at least one Justice to send to a Supper Court - another incentive for them to tolerate the soft authority of Judges among them.

The Justice are Judges that must be confirmed in two ways. First, a majority of their community must support a potential Justice’s bid. They must accept that this Justice, if confirmed, will represent them. This potential Justice must bring stories of their Rulings and Judgement to a Supper Court, along with witnesses. Then, the Justices of the Supper Court must accept this new Justice as one of their own.

Individual Justices have all the authority of Judges but also represent their communities and their word is often seen as having the power to overrule Judges.

The Supper Courts are groups of Justices that make combined rulings on a variety of tough issues. How do community rules apply when members of different communities wrong each other? What if two Judges are in conflict, either indirectly through rulings, or directly through rule breaking? How about crimes on Innsits by Outsiders, or vice versa? There are various rules on what makes a proper Supper Court, but the most important one is that there has to be at least one Justice from each Community for the questions that are raised.

Judges and Justices are not full time jobs. They are expected to be full members of their communities, offering their opinions mostly only when asked, and intervening only when they deem necessary.

At the start of the Fair Play Rules, the Grubbers tend to be overrepresented among the Judges, but Sassy is careful in choosing the first Justices to avoid accusations of overt favoritism.

For the communities: Fair Play Inn will still be lead directly by Sassy Grubber as the Innkeeper. However, Hartwell will be lead by Salty Grubber, who led the attack on Hartwell, in the position of Chief. The Hartwell Inn remains less influential than the Fair Play Inn. In the future, other communities may have their own government structures, but so long as they accept the Fair Play Rules, the Inns, the Judges and Justices, they could be considered part of the Innsit family.

When Sassy retires, the Fair Play Rules will be lead by the Chief Justice of Fair Play.

The Raiders and The Shirifs

The Raider Companies, who operated under the falsehood of independence for a decade, will now be integrated. However, their identities will not be erased. Instead, their history will be whitewashed, celebrated, and made to bring pride and honor to those who serve.

The Raiders will now be known as Shirifs, a title that brings both respect and responsibility. They are the ones who will bring Humanity to the wilderness and the wasteland, and will oversee Fair Play within the communities of the Fair Play Rules. Instead of Raider Companies, with Raider Captains, they will now be Shirif Companies, lead by Shirif Captains.

Every Shirif Company will have at least one second in command, the Lootman or the Head Lootman. The Lootmen are responsible for managing supplies, and lead the Companies in absence of the Shirif Captain.

Additionally, every Shirif Company will recognize at least one Judge among themselves - and this Judge could not be either the Shirif Captain or the Head Lootman. (However, those two may be Judges or even Justices of their community). The Company’s Judge(s) will be the ones responsible for representing the most difficult issues the Companies face to the Supper Courts, and is another example of distributed authority Sassy wishes to implement in her new society. (This role is already played by the extended family Grubbers among the various Raider Companies.)

The Shirifs will retain their history and some of their independence. Their information and service is still highly valued, and their suggestions and decisions are respected. However, the informal information web that Sassy has woven will be formalized and, instead of quests, their missions will be allocated directly as per the needs of the community they’ve decided to serve with or even by the Supper Court itself.

The Shirifs can be recognized by a metallic badge each Shirif is issued, that will identify their name, their company, and their community. In less literate regions, this may be represented by images and icons.

Unlike the civilian Innsits, who are sometimes still known as “Grubber’s Own,” Shirifs are sometimes called “Granny’s Own,” evoking the enforcers of ol’ Granny Grubber of legend, who helped keep her “civilizing and humanizing” influence safe in the dangerous days of the early Georgian Badlands.

Role of the Inn within the Fair Play Rule

The Inns themselves shall be an independent institution under the Fair Play Rule. The Grubber’s Inns at Fairplay and Hartwell shall retain Reb’s Neutrality Rules, but if and as Inns get franchised, their Innkeepers may establish different rules. However, the language of “Innsit” is still the most common way to call citizens of the Fair Play Rule. [Future language may or may not shift to “Fair Players” depending on how things go].

Due to the Table Rules, the Supper Courts cannot be held within an Inn during normal operating hours. However, holding a “Supper Session” instead of an “Open Inn” may become an exception if they did not wish to establish a separate building and location for holding the Supper Court.

The Civilian Innsits

Other than Judges among them, they live much as they have before. Trading labor and credits, practicing crafts, and enjoying the Grubber hospitality at their Inns. Communities that embrace the Fair Play Rules will establish Judges, and soon find an Inn built to help house the Shirifs and other Travelers, a Supper Court established, and find that they will be part of a greater Innsit family.

The Outsiders

It is unknown if Outsiders will Play Fair or not. Vault 107 certainly did not, in the end. However, unjustified attacks against Outsiders are unacceptable. Grubber’s Hospitality is for all.

Outsiders are watched by the Shirifs, especially if they’re within Fair Play Rule and if they’re in groups. They’ll be informed of the main rules, and they receive no leniency in Judgement. They, however, do have a different code of expected conduct - one which can be conceived as lesser but can be better described, perhaps, as simpler and more straightforward expectations.

Outsiders who are just traveling through or who are part of another community can expect some hospitality at the start, but are soon expected to help pay for their room and board unless sponsored by an Innsit. Outsiders who fall behind on their debts for too long may be enslaved for a period to repay their debt. However, probably only the dumbest and most antisocial people would believe that free loafing and avoiding payment, while rejecting companionship and assistance, would have no consequences.

Outsiders who want to join the Innsit community do so as outlined before.


Slavery will still exist for some time under the Fair Play Rules. Currently, all slaves are directly owned by the Grubber Family. Slavery is for public service. Slavery is for paying off debts. Slavery is a punishment for crimes, and for resistance in war.

However, Slaves are no longer accepted as loot directly - captives are imprisoned to be judged for any crimes, and a period of slavery may be judged as appropriate punishment. Other captives may merely need to work a period under supervision, like other Outsiders, and learn the Fair Play Rules, before joining the Innsit community.
Note: I am sending an expedition of 100+ pop down this turn… @EQandcivfanatic

From Justice Jelly Grubber, Commander of the Southern Expedition
To Sandy Cross

Greetings! My name is Angelina Grubber, and I represent the the Innsits of Fair Play Rules. We want to thank you for allowing our scouts to pass through safely. Please, accept these gifts as a token of our gratitude. (+10 Alcohol +10 Food)

I know we may not have made the best of first impressions - all torn up from a nasty Ant-scrap and all - but we’re willing to try again! The Fair Play Rules are interested in trading and cooperation on various levels. Would you be interested in hearing what we have to offer?

[If they show some interest, we’re interested in the following: If so, first of all we’re interested in information. Anything interesting to your south? Also, we’re interested in trading for your water. Finally, we’re interested in turning your excess food into alcohol. If we make any deals, may we have permission to base a delegation at your community? They will keep prevent incidents with future scouts passing through the area]

From Justice Jelly Grubber, Commander of the Southern Expedition
To Franklin Springs

Greetings! My name is Angelina Grubber, and I represent the the Innsits of Fair Play Rules. We want to thank you for allowing our scouts to pass through safely, after their nasty scrap with the Royston Anthill. Please, accept these gifts as a token of our gratitude. (+25 Alcohol +25 Food)

The reason Ol’ Sickeye Sam survived is because we have experience clearing out Anthills before, and we have used improvised explosives made with alcohol. Now, it’s clear that you have a beautiful settlement, well defended against the Ants. However, they’re remain a danger - and we’re willing to help with that. But you’ll have to help us help you. Would you be interested with planning a joint attack that with us in the future?

Additionally, we’re interested in trading and cooperation on several other levels. Would you be interested?

[If they show some interest, we’re interested in the following: If so, first of all we’re interested in information. Anything interesting to your south? Also, we’re interested in trading for your water. Finally, we’re interested in turning your excess food into alcohol. If we make any deals, may we have permission to base a delegation at your community? They will keep prevent incidents with future scouts passing through the area. Additionally, if the hurricane comes and we’re exposed, we’ll try to negotiate to spend the night within their walls, in exchange for helping them rebuild or other trade goods.]
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Have we not relied on other to get here? Only through the generosity and charity of the people's of Florida have we lived this long. It would be wrong for us to turn people away now. For any in our community who say otherwise I beseech you to think of when we fled from Monticello. Think of what you ate and who you ate it with. In those days we were happy to call those people our brothers and sisters and we should be happy to do so again.
It has always been part of our group to be open to others, our message of hope and salvation is one for anyone to hear and we will offer charity to any who need it. When they come and sit and eat with us we will tell them our story, and not just the story of Monticello but of all the children of the Father. People will come and listen and we must welcome them. If they are coming first for food then we will welcome them, if they are coming first for the story then we will welcome them. We will welcome all.

Spoiler :
We will welcome any migrants who come to our community. There will not be any scouting this turn and people will focus on what we already have in the farms and in the gathering of scrap from Newport itself. We will pray that the hurricane does not affect us too badly but if the waters do begin to rise there is higher ground only a short distance to the north which we can evacuate too in a hurry. In such an event people are the priority, not our scrap or structures.
Faction Name: Brotherhood of the Rejuvenation
Leader Name: Luciano Rubio
Leader Trait: Lucky
Starting Location: Near the Rotary Park Environmental Center in Cape Coral, Florida

Leader Background:
A former slave himself, Luciano was 'adopted' into the brotherhood back in the winter of 2143 as a farmhand. He came from a small community of civilians that was mercilessly annexed by the Brotherhood to help rebuild after a particularly terrible storm. Despite being forced from his home, he found the change of pace working as a slave to be simple and full of benefits. He no longer had to worry about where his next meal would come from or whether his neighbors would slaughter him in his sleep, there was a sense of safety that pervaded over the community. Despite the odd raider or mirelurk attack, he was never conscripted into the militia to safeguard the settlement nor asked to take violent measures. He peacefully fulfilled his five year internment as a slave, as was mandated by the Brotherhood, and eventually earned his freedom.

With freedom brought new opportunities including the luxury of owning property, a right to voice opinion, to start an enterprise, and finally to join the ranks of the Brotherhood's militia. Using every seashell (the local currency) he earned with his wages as a slave he invested into a sharecropping enterprise, renting out land to farm and splitting the profits he reaped. Eventually Luciano garnered enough capital to have a controlling opinion in the Brotherhood, greasing the avenue to power with his earnings. Although the structure of the Brotherhood does not allow for one individual to accrue all the power of the organization, he leads as figurehead of the Rejuvenation, aided by a variety of aids and counselors.

Origins: Survivalists
Trait: Agricultural

The Brotherhood of the Rejuvenation are the ancestors of a group of survivalists that were able to successfully survive the fallout of nuclear war by retreating to their private underwater bunkers that were built in the surrounding neighborhoods. Despite coming from a ritzy and well-to-do upperclass, they could see that the end was coming and used their wealth to prepare. The neighborhoods held low-visibility meetings of doomsayers and preppers, eventually establishing a brotherhood of aid to teach and support its members.

When the bombs eventually fell, the members of the brotherhood were the first ones to check on their friends once the fallout subsided. Together the brotherhood was able to reclaim their neighborhood, salvaging what they could for their new future. Once it was determined that long-term surface exposure to the elements was not fatal, the brotherhood set out to find a spot unfettered by the ruins of the past and found it not far from their homes, a green space formerly by the name of Rotary Park. From this space the Brotherhood determined a new objective for the people, the goal of complete rejuvenation.

At this new location the brotherhood spent the past century slowly building their numbers and reclaiming the neighborhoods that surrounded them. What was once decadent-turned-radioactive luxury mansions along miles of man-made canals became well irrigated pastures and croplands to sow the fruit of the community. Despite relatively lucky in endowment, the community has been forced to make tough decisions to make ends meet. A particularly notable decision can be seen in all of the fields and ferrying goods through all of the canals like a lifeblood, the backs and well-toned arms of slaves. In their long progression to becoming the burgeoning community that they are, the brotherhood has lost sight of its original morals of the pre-nuclear wars. Although utilizing one of the most sorrowful and oldest practices in the world, there is little remorse from the Brotherhood today. The decision to use slaves came just decades after the bombs fell, out of necessity, and has since become critically important to the cause of the Rejuvenation.
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