Best and favourite UU's


Mar 8, 2012
Hey! I have read these forums for some time and I ment to participate to the discussion but totally forgot about it. But now I'm a bit bored so I'll share my opinions about the best and my favourite UU's, I hope it is at least a little interesting or something like that. :lol:

Many people tell that praetorians are without doubt the best UU's in the game. I disagree. Of course they are good because they have 2 strengths more than a normal swordsman but in my opinion they are not THAT good.
Iron working is a tech that I don't like to research myself, I let the AI research it and trade for it. I think there are more useful techs to research in the start than iron working. If you go for iron working, the moment you have enough praetorians the AI will probably have axemen and you should have catapults to not suffer too much damage, I think this is the case at least in higher difficulties. And if you wait for construction to attack and you build enough catas you should do almost as well with axemen after the collateral damage. Of course I could be wrong on this one but I haven't found very much use for them so this is just my opinion.

In my opinion the best UU's are Queshuas, war chariots and conquistadors. Queshuas are great for early rushing, barb defense and stuff like that. War chariots are good for pretty much the same reasons and the techs to get them are easily gotten. I still don't like these two that much because it sometimes feels just too easy but as I said, they are good.

The conquistadors on the other hand are in my opinion fun and very good. Military tradition is a tech I research myself almost every time. I like how it is part of a strategy to be first on the liberalism race and then you get it before anybody else and you can conquer the world pretty easily. You actually HAVE TO play a good game and plan ahead to get it, you can't just rush immediately and win. They are very useful only if you get them early enough, if everybody else has cuirs/rifles/some good units they loose their bonus(against melee units).

Fast workers are great also but I don't like them that much because I find them a bit boring. Also I don't think they can affect the game that much, they just make your land working a little faster. But still they are top tier.

Other units I do like very much are immortals and numidian cavalry. Immortals are like war chariots but they are more interesting since they aren't just chariots with more strength. I like rushing with them.
Numidian cavalry are very underrated in my opinion. I usually don't like going for HBR but these units are just so much fun. They are like axemen with two movement points, they have 20% withdraw chance from combat + they start with flacking and units with promotions that stay when they are upgraded are always great. Sure they have 1 strength less but I think they are just great for flancking the enemy catapults.
Hope you understood something since my english isn't very good and I would like to hear your opinions. :)
I am sure there was a discussion about this, probably more, than once. But since I am new to the forum, I am happy to share my thoughts.
I basically agree with what you said. But you have missed my favorite UU, Fast Worker. I am a builder type, so it suits me.
Only Quechua can rival Fast Worker: both you always get, both are useful early, but Fast Worker is useful all the game, in all circumstances. Therefore Fast Worker, for me, is better.
I am sure there was a discussion about this, probably more, than once. But since I am new to the forum, I am happy to share my thoughts.
I basically agree with what you said. But you have missed my favorite UU, Fast Worker. I am a builder type, so it suits me.
Only Quechua can rival Fast Worker: both you always get, both are useful early, but Fast Worker is useful all the game, in all circumstances. Therefore Fast Worker, for me, is better.

Multiple discussions. Just search "Best UU" or items like that. There are sometimes long discussions about usage.

Warmonger or Builder, Fast Worker is a top UU. It's somewhat speed-dependent. I'd rank it as average on Marathon, and a top-5 UU on Normal. If anybody plays Quick, I'd imagine Fast Worker would be an incredible UU. You have a pretty good understanding of the game, a lot of the newer players don't like the Fast Worker.

About a year and a half ago, there were some excellent threads about the best leader for various traits (search for, say, "Best Spiritual Leader"). India ranked high in those polls, partly because Fast Worker was so good. India is, surprisingly, a very good warmonger Civ as well.
There is not particularly much discussion to be had. Early UU's are always much better than late UU's, and anyone who knows Civ knows a faster worker is extremely advantageous
I'm sorry if there has been so much discussion about this, should've thought of that. But I've only read threads where they compare a group of UU's like axemen(phalanx, vulture, dog soldier).
And yes of course a faster worker is always good but I still don't think it is the best UU. Also I don't think it is true that early UU's are always better than late UU's. For example an impi is an ok UU wich allows you to do a good job countering enemy mounted units but I still think the later coming conquistador is much better. If you get them early enough there's really no counter units to stop you. :)
Pleeeaaase, split your posts up in paragraphs, it's so horrible to read, my eyes would hurt now if I didn't have strong medicine :D

Your analysis is good imho, but I think you forgot the Cho Ku Nu, and you underrate Praets. To the first I say: Just took a 60% cultural City with LBs in them without Siege, and had only 2 losses. The enormous strength of those comes by starting out with drill, which allows instant Cover / Shock promotions from a Barracks, and of course, the collateral. Even if the first Cho Ku Nu has like 5% Chances, the 2nd will already have 20% and the 3rd 70%.
To Praets I say, that in my last Huge Marathon Deity game against 17 Civs, 20 of these guys defended against attacking Brennus who had an SoD of 40 units at that time. They were still wounded from the last fight, but the GG-Praet alone killed 5 attacking Catapults. After that, I had to attack a hills City with Walls having 2 Shock Axes in them, still, 20% Chances with CR2. Lost 2 Praets, the rest of the defenders was piece of cake with like 98% chances.

They're not as broken as the Quechua, but imho they're only slightly behind the Immortal and can compare with the War Chariot and the Numidian. Conquistadors are imho slightly before being broken too imho, because of the absolute inability of the AI to tech them, and because they come at exactly that point of the game, where the player most likely has reached a tech advantage.
Pleeeaaase, split your posts up in paragraphs, it's so horrible to read, my eyes would hurt now if I didn't have strong medicine

Second that! :)
Largly dependent on game speed IMO. Fast worker and 2 speed UU (like immortals) are generaly better at normal speed, while pretorians and Cho Ku Nu are better at marathon speed.

Just my 2C
I'm sorry if there has been so much discussion about this, should've thought of that. But I've only read threads where they compare a group of UU's like axemen(phalanx, vulture, dog soldier). And yes of course a faster worker is always good but I still don't think it is the best UU. Also I don't think it is true that early UU's are always better than late UU's. For example an impi is an ok UU wich allows you to do a good job countering enemy mounted units but I still think the later coming conquistador is much better. If you get them early enough there's really no counter units to stop you. :)

Sure, you can disagree Fast Worker is that good, it's a matter of taste, and opinion. Just remember, saved turns:)
I am not saying, that early UU is always better. But it's better to have UU early rather, than late. This way the advantage you gain thanks to them works for you for the rest of the game, possibly triggering snowball effect. Or it just saves you, when you got boxed in.

Sure, Conquistadors are better, than Impis. But they have huge bonuses. Imagine instead Horse Archer with 6 strenght, +50% against Melee, and receiving defensive bonus. I would take it over Conquistadors any day.
Splitting the texts into paragraphs actually sounds like a good idea. :lol:
I forgot about Cho Ko Nus, they are great... And maybe I've missed something with the praets, I should give them another chance. I haven't played on marathon so I should try.

And zig-zac that comparing with conquistadors and impis was supposed to prove that early UU's are not always better. Sure if there was an early unit like that it would be better. ;)
Cataphracts also aren't bad on low difficulty levels (Monarch and lower, maybe it will work on emperor, but never tried it myself); like the Praet, though, the catch is that it lies on the wrong tech path :lol:
Top2: Quechua, Skirmisher.
Both are resourceless and allow getting out of tight spots right at the start. Both have a long shelf life (skirmishers beat everything until knights hammer for hammer, I've mass-build Quechuas to upgrade directly to Riflemen).
Quechuas excel at making good starts ridiculous, Skirmishers at making bad starts survivable.

3 and 4:
War Chariot and Praetorian. They can dominate early war more than Skirmishers, but require a resource and soft counters exist during heir prime.
Both remain cost-effective for a long time, I usually keep building more War Chariots than Horse Archers and more Praetorians than Macemen.

Number 5 and personal favourite:
Oromo Warrior. Worth a beeline, against Longbows they're at least 3.5 first strikes ahead of normal Musketmen. Great at supporting cannons (first strikes excel at taking out wounded units). Excellent upgrade fodder... because of the above, directly to Infantry more often than one would think.


I used to rate Cho-Ko-Nu and Immortal very high... but in Civ4 fancy tricks are best performed with a sledgehammer. As the mainstay of an army, Cho-Ko-Nu usually aren't worth the cost difference to Praetorians and they come much later. Immortals are only noticably ahead of War Chariots when attacking unpromoted unfortified archers on flatland, they're actually worse against entrenched archers.
I know people dislike Numidian Cavalry in general and consider them downgrade rather than upgrade, but I really like to go for Flanking2 Numidian cavalry. It's not effective, but it's fun - you get to save your unit half of the time even if it loses, and I'm lucky enough to save maybe 60-70% of losing troops. I love the extra 50% vs. melee since this guarantees a single spearman will not stop me dead in my tracks ;) And it's pretty fun to kill axemen.

But whenever I play online I don't even make those guys, waste of time.
I know people dislike Numidian Cavalry in general and consider them downgrade rather than upgrade, but I really like to go for Flanking2 Numidian cavalry. It's not effective, but it's fun - you get to save your unit half of the time even if it loses, and I'm lucky enough to save maybe 60-70% of losing troops. I love the extra 50% vs. melee since this guarantees a single spearman will not stop me dead in my tracks ;) And it's pretty fun to kill axemen.

But whenever I play online I don't even make those guys, waste of time.

Favorite UU is Numidian.

Best? I suppose Quecha or Skirmisher.

Honorable mention- Any musket UU makes me feel like I have a big edge.
seals are actually one of my favorite units

but i'd say that cho ko nus are one of the best. they even make me want to bother with researching archery
Conquistadors for the melee bonuses and defensive possibilites on a very good unit to begin with, WC's for the strength boost and their earliness, and fast worker for getting everything done faster.
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