Thorvald of Lym
A Little Sketchy
I cannot tell a lie. Even though the original casus belli died with DYOS 9, I still wanted to invade Canada. It probably turned out better this way: casting our minds back we find that I was not entirely guilty of precipitating the war. Plus, as I was the sole teller of the story I could manipulate it to my liking (avoiding such unpleasantry as dying, par example).
Then Captain2 got involved, and things only got better.
At the time of the piece, Walter Natynczyk had only recently been appointed Chief of Defence Staff after the retirement of his predecessor, Rick Hillier. Barely a month into the job, he faces his first crisis... and it's a doozie.
I've invested more time in research for the Canadian theme than any other, but I think it's worth it.
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