
I cannot tell a lie. Even though the original casus belli died with DYOS 9, I still wanted to invade Canada. It probably turned out better this way: casting our minds back we find that I was not entirely guilty of precipitating the war. Plus, as I was the sole teller of the story I could manipulate it to my liking (avoiding such unpleasantry as dying, par example).
Then Captain2 got involved, and things only got better.

At the time of the piece, Walter Natynczyk had only recently been appointed Chief of Defence Staff after the retirement of his predecessor, Rick Hillier. Barely a month into the job, he faces his first crisis... and it's a doozie.

I've invested more time in research for the Canadian theme than any other, but I think it's worth it.
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GuitarHero. His brief visit reminded us of the Good Ol' Days, combining campy adventure with actual plot-forwarding. His first comic was cheap... but not deficient. Alas, I doubt we shall see the likes of him again...


Lest We Forget
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I actually read through the thread and stumbled upon that comic. I laughed, yes.
"Come, Louie! We shall save the world!" :lol:
This one's from DYOS X, when Thorvald gave an explanation of the main plot up until that point. Like most of the comics with Mr. Toyoda, he talks very metaphorically.





Obviously, plenty has happened since then, and we're almost to the point where we need more explanation.
The starting comic for the sixth Draw Your Own Story thread:

and all this time, you still had the original eventhough the thread itself is gone. :p
All yes, the era of Style's powergaming. So much headaches.

Whenever I try to describe DYOS X to my circle of friends, I find myself eventually tracing my way back to the very beginning of the thread to make sense of it all. This cartoon is one of the precious few "checkpoint" moments. The Avatar Wars are over. The Combine has been routed from Earth. Mr. Toyoda hires CivGeneral to recover the "Gem". While being based on a foundation laid by lord_joakim, it is about as close to a 'fresh start' the story experienced... and of course set in motion the events that led to Part II.

Toyoda's expression in Panel 5 is a rarity. Besides after being punched in the gut, it is the only time he has had anything other than that faint smile on his lips.

And yes, the €200,000,000,001 is a deliberate snub to an earlier offer.
Ahh yes, the HL2 Rebel Armor wearin' me! :D

I had long considered beginning annotations of my hand-drawn pieces with my first pencil contribution to the threads... but I have come a surprisingly long way in a year, to the point where my old works almost shame me, and so instead I give you a highlight of my talent.

The larger the frames, the more detailed the cartoon, and ironically, the easier it is to draw. Also, with more room for text, we get one of the precious few opportunities for effort into the background.

The "<Person>'s Guide to _x" is a carry-over from my hobby cartoon; the very first one was actually a retirement gift for a friend, who allegedly has it photocopied and framed. The comic itself was borne from a discussion between another friend and I on the subject of zombie-fighting tactics.
I don't *think* I've posted this one, or at the least it's been so long that imageshack deleted it.


I think it looks fairly well done. The actual pictures, not the script :p I'm fairly proud of it that I think I'm gonna stick with it a while. At least for the next 11 comics...
My final-but-unaired comic for DYOS 6; three years later, at long last completed. It is almost vintage; I considered fixing the typos, but then I thought that would be historically dishonest; the only changes were the pictures of Goebbels and Themi.
...OK. I did fix one two three typos.


The Butterfly Effect. One little change can elicit a world of difference, and so I steadfastly believe would have been the case with this comic. The firefight that ultimately brought down the thread revolved around the Flying Circus, and had this comic gone to air that would not have been an issue. It may not have been the magic bullet, but it may have at least prolonged the story's life a little further into the new year.

All that I lacked during the Net downtime were the pictures of Goebbels and Themi.
Just two pictures, and it all might have ended differently.
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The Butterfly Effect. One little change can elicit a world of difference, and so I steadfastly believe would have been the case with this comic. The firefight that ultimately brought down the thread revolved around the Flying Circus, and had this comic gone to air that would not have been an issue. It may not have been the magic bullet, but it may have at least prolonged the story's life a little further into the new year.

All that I lacked during the Net downtime were the pictures of Goebbels and Themi.
Just two pictures, and it all might have ended differently.

Maybe, maybe the Circus would have been truly defeated and the flames doused for long enough to get a better ending.

It's about equally likely that Stylesrj would have just found a way to retcon that like he always does, make the flying circus return, and get the thread closed anyway.

Who knows.
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