• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Beta v4.X - General Discussion

If you encounter bugs, please check out the Reporting Bugs thread, it helps a lot to keep discussion organized. :thumbsup:

I started a thread for the Diplomacy Bug here. :)

That happens when a city has low food income and is relying on Maritime food. The game actually thinks it's starving even though it's not, and since the starvation notification is hardcoded in the C++ part. I can't remove it yet, so I just hid the icon that appears.

Are you using the What Would Gandhi Do mod? Take a look at this thread here.

Known bugs with v4.0:

There was a bug with the display of promotions over unit flags that I've identified will be fixed in v5.0.

Known compatibility issues with v4.0:

If using the "What Would Gandhi Do" mod:
  • Action: Rename "InfoTooltipInclude.lua" from the WWGD folder to "_InfoTooltipInclude.lua"
  • Reason: I've included the important parts modified by the WWGD mod in the Unofficial Patch version. With the automatic tooltip system in the Unofficial Patch, I've begun a complete rewrite of the tooltip code. This is a work in progress I've completed for building tooltips, and will extend to units, promotions, etc. The auto-tips system solves all current and future tooltip typo errors, and will eventually allow automatic translation of most mods into all languages.
If you encounter other mods modifying this file, please post about it in this thread and I'll see what I can do.

If you aren't using that mod, could you do a search for "InfoTooltipInclude" in your Mods folder and see if duplicates show up?
Thal - Where did the instructions go if we are using WWGD? There was some file that had to be renamed...

Also, I think you might have gone a little overboard with the threads. They cycle around to each other or they self-reference. It makes it confusing for someone stopping by and trying to find something.

In the Unofficial Patch directory, the filename convention at the root follows "UP - *.xml". One file does not follow this: "UP_General.lua". I point it out in case it was accidentally renamed and no longer being loaded or some-such.
In playing v4.22 beta today, I noticed that I was able to build lumbermills on forested hexes, even though I had not yet researched the Engineering tech.

This was a pleasant surprise, but I don't think it was supposed to happen.:lol:
Also "Allows bridges over rivers" was visible on both construction and engineering.
And it doesn't actually have any effect until Engineering. I think this is intended and the feature on Construction just needs to be removed.
I'm not really sure what the best way is to explain things... been trying a few different formats. Basically what I want to explain is:

Reporting Bugs = information on how to report bugs
Beta Download = has the beta download link
Known issues threads = details known issues
Beta v4.X - General Discussion = miscellaneous beta discussion
Thal's Balance Mods forum = for specific topics

The reason I split discussion up is the general discussion thread here is quickly becoming huge! :lol:

A 100-page thread like the combined one is just impossible to read all the way through.... so ideally each topic can be in its own thread. I'm thinking other threads might eventually get super-long so I'm trying to solve the issue this time before it happens.

Do you have an idea for how to make this a little less confusing?

Lumbermills and bridge building are swapped in the next official patch, so that's what I did for the beta here.

Bridge building still shows on construction because of a vanilla bug. Any 'special ability' like that which is moved by a mod still shows up on the old tech.


v4.22 beta

  • Worker improvement "turns until completed" vanilla bug fixed (fixed some bugs in alpaca's bugfix for the bug the devs need to fix :crazyeye:).

  • Internal code rewrite for building tooltips. Most of the info for each building is now calculated 1 time when the game is loaded, instead of each and every time the tooltip is needed. Also, each time a building tooltip is created it now knows what stats it has beforehand, and doesn't check for every stat in the game.

    This should offer a minor performance increase (probably unnoticeable) and makes the code easier to work with. I think I'm happy with the code for this now, and will expand it to units and other tooltips when I have time, to improve game performance.
Based on your feedback doktorstick, I've re-organized the threads and information about them:

  • Beta Download - Moved to the main CivFanatics download center, and created links to it from the beta threads.
  • Known Issues - Merged both these thread into the "Reporting Bugs" thread.
  • Rewrote introductory information at the start of each thread.
  • Rewrote my signature with direct links to the Balance - Combined thread, CiVUP thread, and each of the three forums.
Hopefully information is now easier to find! :thumbsup:


v4.24 beta

  • The clock now remembers if you change it between 12/24hr time formats.
  • I've re-organized the mod package to clearly distinguish between CiVUP and TBM. Each one has a distinct goal:
    • CiV Unofficial Patch: minimal gameplay impact like BUG from Civ 4, fixing bugs, missing information or critical problems with the game and its user interface.
    • Balance mods: increase the choices and interesting decision-making opportunities available to the player by tweaking the power of various strategies.


v4.25 beta

  • Added a potential bugfix for the diplomacy screen freeze (thread here).
Thal - Shouldn't the DLC - Inca Spain be a sub folder of the unofficial patch..? AFAIK it is after all a fix for those who have that DLC and not necessarily a game play change..?
It is not a fix, but a rebalancing of an improvement, so it belongs where it is.
Notsure where to ask this but...

In my Capital city Berlin I looked to see how many turns it would take to build a settler and it was 12. So I then adopted the first Liberty policy which offers a 50% speed increase in creating a settler. It then went down to 9 turns.
My maths is not very good at its best but that doesn't seem to make much sense to me..?

Could anyone enlighten me please..?

BTW I'm running build 4.25 of the unofficial patch
That is a 50% speed increase.
50% increase implies doing something 1.5 times the previous rate.
So, if you previously were accomplishing 1/12 completion a turn, you are now accomplishing 1.5/12 completion a turn.

Don't confuse that with a 50% time decrease, which this is not.
Isn't it actually a 50% production increase while producing settlers? That might have just been the "in all cities" version at release though, not the "in capital" version.


v4.26 beta

  • Added a fix for the research bug
    (This bug was where "turns until complete" for techs showed incorrect numbers, and research went faster than indicated with a DoF active).
  • 40%:c5gold: from Bazaars (was 35%).
  • Siege units rebalanced:
    • Weaker attacking units.
    • Stronger attacking fortified units and cities.
    • Promotions more important.

Siege units had the v2 numbers in this mod, and now are v3. The bold-faced numbers are change from vanilla. For example, siege units are ~40% weaker vs normal units compared to vanilla, and ~60% stronger vs cities.



  • Siege.PNG
    13 KB · Views: 670
Thal, include my new custom notification code! (There is a post in this subforum for the file. It fixes a typo in your code to boot!)

(Also, jump on the chat if you have a sec)
Heh, I've actually been playing lately... thus all the bugfixes. :D


v4.27 beta

  • Added a fix for a bug with citystate capture notifications.
A developer breaking procedure and involving themselves in deployment-phase QA testing, my boss would have a fit! :lol:


v4.28 beta

  • Fighters/bombers now require aluminum. (Cumulatively, all aircraft now require aluminum while modern land/sea units require oil.)
  • Size of aluminum deposits increased.
  • Land units deal half damage to ships.
  • Submarines can get the Scouting and Survivalism promotion paths. Rank III of either one unlocks Supply (like Targeting III does).
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