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Biology and Plantations

I could understand +1:food: for plantations, or maybe even +1:health: but commerce..? Meh dont think so :)

Maybe the slavery civic should provide extra profit to plantations.

Or chemistry should replace a health bonus with a profit bonus?
If Biology provides +1:food: to farms, should it also provide +1:commerce: to plantations?

Hmmm, it's a good point about the small inconsistency. My first reaction was to say leave it as it is since the harvesting on plantations is more labor intensive than on farms, but then I realized I was comparing farming from entirely different eras. All farming was labor intensive in the ancient and nearby eras.

So, as one of the infinite number of possible tweaks, it sounds reasonable on second thought, not a major enough change to make a big difference. I use a self made micro-tweak mod, so I might add it.

I have actually made some of the plantation crops, and grapes as well, "accessible" (for the initial smaller bonus) earlier like wheat, etc; but it still requires Calender to build the plantation. I think that is another minor tweak that makes sense as well. It provides a nominal initial bonus, but the more significant happiness or health bonuses still have to wait.

Maybe the slavery civic should provide extra profit to plantations.

Or chemistry should replace a health bonus with a profit bonus?

That's the thing though. Spice and Sugar plantations, I could see with providing a health bonus instead. But Dye, Silk, and Incense? A minor commerce boost would be more universal.
Yea true, +1 :commerce: for plantations thats not giving a :food: bonus by default for example :)
That's the thing though. Spice and Sugar plantations, I could see with providing a health bonus instead. But Dye, Silk, and Incense? A minor commerce boost would be more universal.

I was thinking about sugar and fruit plantations...

Biology should provide advances in quality, yield, disease, and pest control.
There aren't that many plantations in the game. Commerce works for me
I'd say +2 commerce for Plantations with Medicine (able to turn those various spices, etc. into drugs)

Also plausible. Maybe this is the place to say something about getting a drug benefit from those surviving rainforest/jungle tiles after Medicine.
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