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Boff-05 Izzy Wizzy was unBearable (Izzy,Emp,Cont/Is)

I think that mega religion game was interesting, but this is on a much more difficult level than the previous, plus wasn't it Vanilla?

Anyway, really looking forward to this, I actually downloaded the map and I am going to play along on my own (too afraid to put my poor play up for critique at this point) plus you have a great roster.

I suffer in a couple of horrible areas which doom me when things go afoul, it will be interesting to watch this unfold.

someone get those turns up already and lets get this thing going!!!:D
Waiting on de!!. Also, grover up 2nd to play until our wonder whore plan wins or loses hehe.

Oh and RB-1 was the original spain on a lake. The first big Civ4 SG from the true luminaries of the game. The RB-1 thread will always be bumped to the front page despite it being from 2005.

For those of you who do not know the title, you need to listen to more Shakira!

I start out with Polytheism, working a 2F2C (Clam or Lake will both do) tile:

To the disappointment of some, I stroll south with the first few warrior moves. He finds a hut before hitting ocean. To the west is Jungle Proper, and to the east seems to be a long, slim peninsula.

Noticed something odd about the screenies? That would be our glorious leader, IZZY! But it'll be much worse, I promise...

Finally turns scouting North, where our luck surely lies:

Yup, definately our luck (read on to catch that):

And the gross Izzy-fixation reaches a climax when a scout arrives from the SE peninsula: We've found a friend!

From Jungle Proper, ladies and gents, Everyone hates him! Iiiiiit's ZARA:

... No way we're going to be his friend. He loves to found religions. And that is our domain!

Talking of founding religions:

And now, if you caught the comment to Churchill above, I decide to create a little, gruesome, Boff-0 Set Up (TM):

The RNG gods love us! If this is your average Emperor game, bring it on, I say!

Decided for last option; No pop lost, but we got +2:health:!

We meet someone else (from south, prolly Jungle Proper aswell):

Now, for the fantastic Boff-0 Worker Punt (TM)!

... Before this, I noticed that:

But nevermind, Zara can go to hell! (Pray that Alex rubs the floor with him).

... So, people, to continue a trend:

Notice that Buddhism is founded late!

And I promise the first five turns of the next set to be exciting:

... Tech went Poly ->Mining ->Agri (partial).

Build went Workboat ->Warrior (partial)

And we want to push out a settler for the gold/cow/floodplain spot to our NW!

Hope I didn't let your expections for the Boff-0's down!
Wow, that was ALMOST as funny as slumming the 'Attacko Guide to Shifting Blame Using Name Games' threads in strats. Almost... Intended humor is nothing compared to genuine idiocy.:lol:

Ok so we are not in the slightest bit alone, screw Stone Henge and convert to rex mode eh?

Let me open the save etc and see the damage. Judging from events alone though, cannot be that bad; obviously our Beloved Izzy taught her admirers that Smoking Shrooms promoted long life.

So lets get a few people hinduized fast eh?

Oh and proof that Liq has no business postintg crap when the sun is up... was just thinking hmm settler before building a worker? Obviously images of Izzy were clouding a Liq's judgment :blush:

wow nice land.

So I take it Izzy dot is the proposed gold/cow/floodplain + clams spot? It's coastal, innate plains hill hammer bonus, cow clams and GOLD! It skips the desert altogether plus it blocks England for good.

Fizzy pinkish dot dove tails nicely With izzydot as it picks up corn in it's home row + lots of grassland and the two remaining plains hill gold :eek: That's a total cottage town if I've ever seen one haha. Helps that there's a river hiding in the fog to the west/south for irrigation options and well towns don't need to be on the river since we are up 4 health.

So assuming we can just say eff off to zara as he's most likely the guy to convert to non hindu, play the ceasefire worker farm from England and rack up the - dip from the jungle.

Need next warrior to scout so another warrior would be wise I'm thinking. Next tech is definitely BW to locate a defense. I don;t honestly see land based barbs being too much of an issue with this many people packed in so setting those two dots is important.

Wonders we should aim for is the GLH imo, if only to get it out of the other civ's hands hehe.

You are up grover, screw the henge.

Good work, DE. I've opened the save and taken a look, but I don't think I should play until we've come up with a plan.

We probably don't need to build a worker right away now, since we've stolen one from Churchill and he doesn't have much to do just yet, anyway. Our stolen worker can mine the river/grass/hill, I guess, until ag comes in in 5 turns and he can farm our corn. After that, he's not pressed to do much until we get BW.

So, we finish the warrior currently in production, and then what? We're at war, technically, so another warrior? I think I'd choose for a settler quickly to pen Churchill in. The site I like is 1S of our warrior in the save. It gets clams, wheat, and gold in its BFC, and we have two options for where to build a canal later to cut across the isthmus. Edit: 1S1E of the warrior gets all those goodies too, and maybe lets us build city number three on the river plains to the west, getting cows, floodplains, silk, and lots of gold. 1S1E of warrior seems best now, to me.

Can we see enough of the map to start dot-mapping yet?

Anyway, let's come up with a plan.

I can play tonight, late (maybe 15 hours from now). Somebody else can take it before then if you want. No matter to me.

Someone can take a proper screenie of the land around the gold so we can discuss dotmaps, I'm omw out the door now... But I think we should finish this Warrior and another one (one for Capi gar and one for next city gar/fogbust) before starting a settler. Techpath Agri->BW would be good, alternatively Agri->AH.

Uhm we might want to purposely drop out of the Oracle contest in favour of rexing since we certainly arent alone!

And as soon as possible, peace with Churchill (so we can nab a second Worker). It seems obvious to me that he is the first target (why do we always end up with those protective nutcases? This one even blocks a chokepoint! Argh!)
Seriously think play 5 turns then see where we are grover. Lots more land to scout and we need to see if budd popped close by. If not, grabbing jew after securing our defence might be a good idea as we can use organized religion to push out a few misses.

Screw Stonehenge and well do we want to pick up a few more workers via pissing off zara?

I think we should finish this Warrior and another one (one for Capi gar and one for next city gar/fogbust) before starting a settler. Techpath Agri->BW would be good, alternatively Agri->AH.

Uhm we might want to purposely drop out of the (Stonehenge) contest in favour of rexing since we certainly arent alone!

And as soon as possible, peace with Churchill (so we can nab a second Worker). It seems obvious to me that he is the first target (why do we always end up with those protective nutcases? This one even blocks a chokepoint! Argh!)

Agreed with all points, BW first as we have forests to chop. AH after I'm assuming if no copper.

ok a consolidated dot map post so one need not scroll up and down.

Liq's map

Izzy dot simply rocks. Coastal with only 5 coast tiles, one of which has clams. Plains silk and plains Gold in its home row as well as 3 floodz and a grass cow. City is on a plains hill for hammer + defense and has 2xplains +1xgrass hills to work. It can keep it's 3xplains+1xgrass forests should it be our HE town as we have the food to work it all. Its one crap plains tile is trivially irrigated.

Fizzy pinkish dot to the south picks up the two plains gold tiles and has the food to work them. The town itself lends well to cottaging as it only has 5 plains which can easily support chain irrigation post civil.

Imo that wheat is a marginal food source and if there's one resource to skip, that's the one.

Other mentioned dot map...

Gold dot is a marginal town until civil as its almost entirely plains. 2 grass forest, 7x coast with one being those clams and a peak. The plains wheat is a marginal source of food to help the town run it's 2 plains hills and shared plains gold. Town isn't really too great until it can leverage its plains after civil.

Orange dot is a classic one tile off the coast picking up 3 useless coast tiles and 2 desert. It has grass cows and 3 FP's to work as food to work 3 hills + 2 gold tiles. Orange dot also makes a town west of Madrid problematic since it's corn is also it's optimal grid placement while settling on the hill east limits the town's total hammers.

Rather have two Nice Towns than 3 Marginal Towns to be honest. We are going to be meeting cultural borders soon so getting pink and izzy dots settled posthaste is alot faster than the 3rd town the second map suggests.

By the way I intend to keep up the Shakira theme for my reports. So expect more whack reports from me once the save gets back here.

I agree with the dotmapping, the first map is best. IZZY dot is simply awesome!
best to move work off the corn and onto the hill. Slows growth down and speeds up both tech and warriors.

If we can secure the two dots mapped, we have enough to work with imo. Obviously we are going to annex england come construction time but until then lets get peace and lay off the worker snatching. Pissing Zara off isn't going to help us. Condolence is nice though =)

The RNG was quite generous, with those tests coming so early and the abundance of happy resources as well this map is looking to play nicely.

I agree that the GLH is a smart move because it looks as if the AI might squeeze there typical crap 1-2 tile cities up against your borders...why give them an edge.

I like the first dotmap as well, as those city sights are far superior and I assume the worker pinch is going to be in effect much of the game with Churchill? Too me when I try that multiple times, I end up pissing in other civs cornflakes too much and they get very angry.

Your diplomacy is much superior to mine...

Madrid will be an early culture whore, which should help blocking off and roaming troops if indeed it is tucked away in the corner (as it appears) however, is there more land down that way?
3200bc, turn 32, inherited turn

I try to get a ceasefire with Churchill. I am pleasantly surprised that he agrees to talk with me. He will not accept a cease-fire, though. I do not offer peace, because we wouldn't be able to re-declare quickly thereafter, and we're hoping to grab another worker.

Our capital is at its happy cap already. "6>6", with 2 unhappy coming from the +health event on DE's turn, so the next warrior we crank out will remain as garrison.

I work the river/grass/hill instead of the corn, as Liq suggested. Our stolen worker gets his name spell-checked, and he'll head towards that hill to mine it while we're waiting for Ag to come in. The warrior we're producing drops from 5 turns to 3, and growth rises from 5 turns to 7.

Churchill has a scout on the hill 1E of our capital, and I have no unit to clobber him with.

I hit enter.


Madrid's cultural radius expands. We can see a little further...

The peninsula to the southeast may actually be an isthmus. Sharper and more experienced eyes than mine can hopefully tell us more.


Quiet turn.


Warrior finishes, start another warrior. We have that +2 unhappy for 22 more turns. The newly minted warrior stays home to increase our happy cap by 1. We're due to grow back to the new cap in 4 turns, after which we'll consider working inferior tiles.

That truffle tile rocks, by the way...3f/1h/1c for a grass/forest.

Churchill still will not accept a ceasefire.


BW is next, 17 turns.

Some quiet turns follow.


Madrid grows to its happy cap and size 4. The new citizen works the forest/grass/hill. I unwork the clams and move to the lake. Growth is slowed to 40 turns, so we'll come out of our event-induced unhappiness first. The warrior is due in 2, and BW is 14 turns away.


The warrior finishes. I go for a settler. I rework the clams and the corn (which is in the process of being farmed), and I dial a settler. I realize that I should probably have stayed on the clams last turn. I send the warrior SE to check out the possible isthmus.


Carthage gets a nice event:


Indeed, there is some more land southeast of our capital.


Churchill still won't take peace.


Our warrior scouting SE beats a panther and earns a name. Howie.


The corn farm is done.

Our +2 event unhappiness drops to +1, with 10 turns remaining, and so we're now 1 below our happy cap. I wasn't expecting that drop.

Our settler is due in 8 turns.

2800bc, turn 48

I save before doing anything this turn. I realize I was supposed to take about 5 turns, and I took 13. Not much happened, on my watch, though, except for failing to get a ceasefire from Churchill.

All our units can still move this turn. The biggest reason I called an end to my set was that I wasn't sure what to do with our worker now that the corn is farmed. I guess maybe he can mine a southern hill, but maybe you guys would rather have him farm some norther river/grass or do something else. (Not much else he can do, though.)

Anyway, the settler is in 7, BW comes in 3.

Here's a picture of the southeast. We seem to have that sealed off, although at least one other civ has a scout cruising around in that area.



  • Boff-05 BC-2800.CivBeyondSwordSave
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hmm ok this is interesting.

Hannibal just got the free shock promo axes and we are .3 % of his power... erk. Add to that we don;t even know where he lives as we are no better knowing what lies to our west and south.

This could be a very short game hehe. So once BW finishes and we don;t have copper in the meager land we have scouted, I would suggest we just bite the bullet and go Hunting/Archery.We need military to scout as well as defend and Axes are ot going to do much against Hanni.

This is the main reason I hate worker/workboat first btw, far too much scouting is lost to prepare. Alas we all agreed on this path.

Lets lay off England btw hehe, there are much bigger fish swimming under us.

I know you guys are playing the game, is it all right if I chime in with ideas/questions? I certainly don't want to annoy anyone with my commentary or overstep my lurking boundaries.

Since my game lacks in the skill department, by asking while following I hope to understand more strategy thus not second guessing my own abilities as much.

If it's a problem I can always just lurk quietly :)

Hannibal must be relatively close by exactly where, were not sure, which means if someone is closer, you should be fine early on. Is IW going to be a huge priority if there is no copper? Especially since the jungle is everywhere below you guys? (I realize Hunting/Archery is a must first)

It would appear you might get pinned pretty quickly if your not careful?
Indeed, it looks like we could be in serious trouble. I suggest we try our very best to convert Hannibal before he gets too... Restless. If he goes into Wheoohrn mode before we get him to pleased, we're screwed. So perhaps we want Writing for OB (or let him get Writing?), for increased spread chance?

Seems like we're in a pretty rough spot diplo-wise if Hanni goes nanners on us.
yup the main issue with this sg so far is the utter failure to scout the area. one thing Liq and Silver do on start is focus on proper scouting but well it's all about learning eh?

No shame in getting our asses punked like in boff 2 and boff 1.

quick silly question. I notice you love renaming your units! How does one do this?

Oh and btw, I must have been living in the dark ages, b/c BUG mod makes the whole "whip" thing waaaaaaaaay easier to follow now in your games. Feeling very noobish
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