Boisclair resigns PQ leadership.

What, forcing the national government to pay for everything in Quebec because your party holds the balance of power? That's probably the fastest way to Quebec independence -- get your province kicked out of Canada!

Except thats never gonna happen, so meanwhile it means a bigger (or fairer?) piece of the cake for us.
Fairer? Quebec already gets more federal money per capita than does any other province.
Fairer? Quebec already gets more federal money per capita than does any other province.

Hence the question mark. Imo it's still unclear if we are getting too much or not enough. And there are hundreds of other inputs to add to the formula besides per capita return.
Hence the question mark. Imo it's still unclear if we are getting too much or not enough. And there are hundreds of other inputs to add to the formula besides per capita return.

No, it's actually really obvious that Quebec (and everyone but Alberta and maybe Ontario, but especially Quebec) gets much more than they deserve. The BQ likes to claim otherwise for votes, but they're lying.
No, it's actually really obvious that Quebec (and everyone but Alberta and maybe Ontario, but especially Quebec) gets much more than they deserve. The BQ likes to claim otherwise for votes, but they're lying.

And please tell me what you know about economical balance in Canada?
And please tell me what you know about economical balance in Canada?

Probably more than your average Quebecker, most of whom have been brainwashed by the BQ. Please don't make me argue with you about this.
The fact that you keep blaming the BQ for the fiscal imbalance stuff when it's far more the PQ that's been doing any brainwashing sort of doesn't exactly help your credibility, Cuivienen ;-).

(That said, you're mostly right on the basic issue, namely that Alberta and Ontario are the ones paying for the rest of Canada in general)
Latest News ... Duceppe has stepped down from the race for PQ leader and Lets Marois take it.

Smart Move IMO, Let Marois take the leadership and get Lynched in 1 or 2 years and then Take the leadership and be a new Rene Levesque.
Actually, perhaps not.

If there is no leadership race, Marois should stay in power for a good few years - appointed leaders tend to last, in the PQ.

It's the elected leaders that wind up on ejector seats.
There's a difference between the fact that Québec benefits from the perequation and the fiscal imbalance that Bloc mps and every party in the National Assembly (not just evil brainwashing separatists) has been fighting for. The fact that too much money goes to Ottawa when most services are provided by the provinces is the problem, for every province.

As for Duceppe's withdrawal: good move. The fact that he entered the race before making sure he'd get the proper support was a big mistake tough. He's going to get ripped tommorow in the House of Commons! :lol: Marois is a good choice. She's a good politician who was at the helm of the big three (Finance, Education, Healthcare) for some time and will probably become our first female prime minister. Good for the PQ and, dare I to say, good for Québec.
Especially as, as I recall, she (unlike some other I could name) is willing to acknowledge the fact that all will not be rosy perfect on day 1 of independance.
Not only that, but her declarations today about the need to stop pushing the electorate and the party itself with a referendum timetable following an election was gold to my ears. There's no need to pressure our electorate that has fences lodged up their asses with this sword of democles in every elections. The party needs real reform, real modernization. I think she can do it.
I liked what I heard too, and so did many people probably. The next step is to realize that PQ style social democracy needs to be adjusted to our era, and to the economical reality of today's Quebec. They live on principles established in the late 70's.

If they achieve that I might actually think about giving them a chance.
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