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Your avatar

Mine is the album cover from Sees the Light by La Sera, which was a big early gender feels album for me

I was thinking it might be Françoise Hardy,
My avatar has a lot in common with Donald trump and Julius Caesar
I don't actually see the resemblance... :hmm:
^It's in the signature. I did think at first, "What does Malcolm X have to do with Trump and Caesar?", but the answer appears to be an appreciation of the power of the media.

For me, nothing too exciting. I've always been fascinated with ancient Greek and Roman history, and bad at coming up with usernames and avatars for forums. I decided on a username inspired by an obscure Roman emperor, and from there the Civ3 legionary was an obvious avatar, solving the "which avatar to use?" problem. A few weeks later I'd start a Civ3 story, playing as the Greeks, but never did change to a hoplite avatar.

In retrospect, I'm surprised I never ran into other people using the same avatar, but I suppose I joined after most of them would have already moved on.

I've occasionally considered changing it over the years, but what to? And now that I have thousands of posts with the same avatar, there's that gravitational pull to keep it the same for the sake of consistency.
Your old posts would have your new avatar. The only time there's a discrepancy between old and new is when you change your username. The posts you make under a previous name stay under that name.
I'm pretty sure your old posts also change to your new name, but if somebody else ever quoted an old post of yours your old name would show up in the quote box because that's just text.
Oh yay, I did stumble across one of my old avatars:
Noticed that Civ fans outside of CFC are making fanart for their leader pairings, so I commissioned someone to make something similar for my still-unfinished story.

Spoiler Larger version, link leads to artist's Twitter :

Noticed that Civ fans outside of CFC are making fanart for their leader pairings, so I commissioned someone to make something similar for my still-unfinished story.

Spoiler Larger version, link leads to artist's Twitter :

Is that Ferdinand II? Christopher Columbus?

Red pilled in 1966. :lol:

EDIT: woof, woof!
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Where is this from ?
Originally-ish my avatars were of Rommie the character (played by Lexa Doig) in the tv series Andromeda. Then I found this pic of her, cooler than the Rommie pics, and so I started using it instead. No idea where or what show it was from, though.
Mirror Universe Spock from one of the my favourite episodes of Star Trek (The Original Series) Mirror, Mirror. In this episode we get to know what was to become a staple Star Trek story across some of the series the Mirror Universe. Deep Space Nine was the first series after TOS to expand upon the Mirror Universe cannon and to produce far more than just a one episode deal and these episodes were among the best for me...but I digress (Mirror Universe Kyra is a delight!:thumbsup:). The Mirror Universe presents the main characters of the series in a setting that differs much from the usual Treks and as such their usual demeanour changes...a lot, some of them become right down twisted:evil:. Mirror Universe Spock is an exception in that episode, logic still dictates his behaviour even if his goals and background are much different from his prime counterpart...I really liked this take on Spock, specially the "evil" goatee:D!
Its an old screen shot of my namesake on here, Tommy Vercetti, I like the 3D Era (PS2) GTAs a lot as a teenager when I created this account.
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