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Oct 13, 2023
G Section, checking radiation shields (USA)
This is a topic devoted to the story behind your avatar. Or a story you can just make up about it.

Klaus Hergersheimer is a relatively minor character in Diamonds Are Forever (Eon Productions, 1971). Personally it's my least favorite Bond movie, but Klaus the lowly scientist was still very humble in allowing the famous British secret agent to sneak right into the top secret laboratory after he claimed to be a new employee there. Simple, but effective, piggybacking off of him through they keycard entry. Klaus then regales him with the enthralling story of G Section, and the importance of checking radiation shields. Because, frankly, radiation shields aren't going to check themselves. Despite what simpler minds would have us believe. He even gives Bond a radiation tag to warn him of any such leaks, which Bond openly admits makes him feel much safer with it on. (Eat your heart out, Q Branch!)
Bond is so impressed by the hidden unique knowledge of G Section that he uses it to bluff his way even further into the lab, claiming to be poor Klaus himself, so he can get a peek at the diamond laser satellite thing. Not to forget good old Klaus, though, the intrepid spy tells the oblivious staffers questioning him: "We may not be as important as the other sections, but we do have our orders." A comment I'm sure that would've made the diligent Klaus happy.
When Bond is finished snooping, the real Klaus stumbles in right after in order to...you guessed it...check on those radiation shields!! And the staffers find out that they have been bamboozled, their famed G Section having been thoroughly infiltrated. When the alarm sounds, instead of admitting to his outright plagiarism of G Section's fine work, Bond has the unmitigated gall to steal a moon rover and escape the laboratory with it.
I don't know where Klaus is now, but I'm sure if he had the chance, he would give that imposter a lesson in radiation without any shielding and see how he likes it. And there's no amount of courting beautiful women by poolsides or gunning down henchmen in matching jumpsuits that could get him out of it.
William Shakespeare was embarrassed about his receding hairline, so he put a cap on.

I'll write you up a blank verse version.
My current avatar is one of the best photos I've ever taken while diving. Not just because it came out in focus and in vivid colour, but also because this particular critter, the Indo-Pacific stonefish, is notoriously well-camouflaged, making it difficult to spot in the first place.

So ... yeah ... basically just stroking my ego.

I vaguely recall uploading a reduced-res version of the original pic to one of the "Cool pictures" threads, but it was likely in one of the years BC, and I'd need to do some digging to find it again. If I can track it down, I'll add a link below...

EDIT: Finally found it:
And just realised a week later that @Gori the Grey had already found it for me...
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thank you, I always thought those were snakes :O
Valka found it for me. In the version she supplied, the cap is multi-colored (so probably easier to make out as a jester's cap). But I thought it looked weird half color, half black-and-white. So I just greyscaled it all. Maybe I should have found some way to colorize Shax instead.
My role in life: a tester for things strange, wonderful and worrisome.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, war was beginning I was making silly Copy+Paste comics for DYOS here while going through several different avatars trying to settle on one, and at one point my avatar/DYOS character was a confused smiley face in a military uniform, which became a zombie, which @GenMarshall represented in Garry's Mod as a Watermelon with eyes painted on it glued to one of the headcrab zombies from Half-Life 2, and I'm fairly certain my current avatar is a still from one of his comics from around 2011 (I've long forgotten exactly what comic, though)
Valka found it for me. In the version she supplied, the cap is multi-colored (so probably easier to make out as a jester's cap). But I thought it looked weird half color, half black-and-white. So I just greyscaled it all. Maybe I should have found some way to colorize Shax instead.
It was actually rather surprising to me how this all worked out. I remember you saying you'd like Shakespeare wearing a jester's cap as an avatar, and just for the heck of it, I put that into a search engine.

To my surprise, I found one (in color, as you related). So I feel rather pleased to have found an avatar that someone else liked. :yup:

I've had a variety of avatars over the years. Spud was a favorite (sunglasses-wearing potato, riding a motorbike/scooter, with a smug grin on his face).

I went political for a bit, during the 2015 federal election, with an orange "Keep Calm and Heave Steve" avatar (making it clear which party I supported and my fervent wish to get rid of the then-incumbent Prime Minister). I also used a Carl Sagan one for awhile, when NDT's new Cosmos series was on. I use that avatar on a couple of other sites (Sagan sitting in front of a radio telescope).

But for the most part, I've gone with a cat theme for my avatars here, usually black cats. My current one is a needlepoint picture depicting Bastet, the Egyptian cat-goddess.
There it is
There what is? :confused:
When I joined up I was really into skiing, and this was the one I clicked on.
My role in life: a tester for things strange, wonderful and worrisome.
I remember when you had a picture of hands on a keyboard with a blue filter on top. Goodness, just how many years ago was that? :p
I remember when you had a picture of hands on a keyboard with a blue filter on top. Goodness, just how many years ago was that? :p
Quite a while ago, maybe 10 or more years. And before that I had the Mayan glyph for the name of Bird Jaguar IV, king of Yaxchilan 752-768.


In 629, Bird Jaguar III was enthroned as king of Yaxchilan.[20] In 646 or 647 he captured a lord from the still unidentified site of Hix Witz (meaning "Jaguar Hill"), somewhere on the north side of the Usumacinta.[20] Yaxchilan reached its greatest power during the reigns of King Itzamnaaj B'alam II, who died in his 90s in 742, and his son Bird Jaguar IV.[21]

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