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Bombardment Complaint


Feb 6, 2006
i love this mod but have a complaint that really affects the accuracy of the game. i'm talking about the bombardment feature for ships and siege weapons. 75 percent of the time my ships and cannons miss their target. i think this is very inaccurate since they should do some damage(even if its small) every time. it seems that the AIs weapons do damage every time. think this needs to be changed for a more accurate game. thank you and once again, GREAT MOD.
I think it might be needed for balance purposes for field troop-vs-troop combat, but I'm not really sure.
I do think it's a bit silly that a bombardment can miss a fortress wall - it just makes the reduction process frustrating :) It's generally not one of the changes I liked in RoM either.
It has to do with the "ranged bombardment", any ship with the capability of attacking targets other than cities has a chance of missing. Sloops and Brigantines never miss.
I agree that bombardment takes way too long; 5 catapults might only be able to take down a wall by 1-2% per turn. The reported accuracy rates aren't even close to the actual reported rates that I get.

I'm guessing that some of this is supposed to be related to gamespeed. I'm playing at epic; I guess that at marathon bombardment would be relatively more effective, since the bombardment rates won't be affected by gamespeed, so each inidividual turn is relatively more effective at a slower speed.
I've also noticed the AI has WAY better odds of making successful bombardment attacks than human players, it's strange.
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