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boycott of civ 4 in UK NOW!


Oct 26, 2005
I am really pissed off at Firaxis and Take2. Making us wait even longer, which is really not necessary. They did the same thing with civ3 and as a result I didn't buy it.

All UK people boycott Civilisation 4, don't buy the game. They don't support us fans, we don't support them in return......

Flame me if you will but thats my part. If we don;t buy the game then the next time it comes around, they won't be so quick to leave us waiting..
Shift happens. Games get delayed. And waiting one more week really isn't that much, all things considered. You will survive it.
Now you're taking it too far. Yes its frustrating and annoying (especially as I had Monday to myself to play it), but there is nothing anyone can do except be patient and wait for the delivery man to pop it through my door when stock does turn up.
I suggested this weeks ago. However, I think you're just cutting off your nose to spite your face.
id rather just wait & play...rather than not play at all...are you crazy, its civ4 were talking about :p
Don't play it if you don't want to, Troy, but I'd have to say your efforts up to this point would be a complete and total waste. If they honestly didn't want you in particular to not have the game, why give them the satisfaction of refusing to get it when it finally is available?
I've said it in another thread, and I'll say it here. I would like to boycott game companies that screw me, but if it's a really good game, like I expect Civ 4 to be, I cannot help but buy it.
Bit difficult to avoid Take 2 really and get the game elsewhere. And you can't blame Play as from experience they are a very decent site.
Also, some sort of angry petition send to Firaxis, and the actually to teh staff there would alos do, unless they really dun give a rats ass for the gamers. But i dont think theys true.

Boycot is in my opinion it bit extreme, but letting them know you are very displeased with this is curtainly a good idea and hopefully they will learn from this and think beter in the future. Since there have been more problems in teh past.

Like the release of Civ3: Conquests. Took more then 3 months to make it to the Netherlands comapred to the US release, not to sure about the rest of the world. But i think also Belgium and other "smaller" countries and australia got it really late, in terms of several months. This made me really pissed about the whole situation since its really stressing my patience when you hear all these people with there pretty stories and screenies and cool maps and whatnot and you simply cant do anything but sit back and listen to another anouncement of delay.
troyDoogle7 said:
Theres a lot we can do. And not paying them is the start. Give them your money, and this is what you get in return.

All I can say is "Grow Up!" Will you get any less of a game just because you are going to get it one week later? It is still the same game, for the same price. One week isn't going to change that.

We as consumers shoudl bite back.

So far, I don't feel bitten by Firaxis. By all accounts, they have created a fantastic game, one that I will be glad to play. That the release date was delayed for one week is frustrating, but I am sure that they did not do this intentionally. I will survive that delay.
troyDoogle7 said:
I plan on getting it elsewhere.... nuff said. I am tired of this.

You mean, prirating it? To protest the delay of a game by one week - One week - you are going to engage in criminal activity?

My opinion of you has sunk even lower.
TerraHero said:
Also, some sort of angry petition send to Firaxis, and the actually to teh staff there would alos do, unless they really dun give a rats ass for the gamers. But i dont think theys true.

They are probably as unhappy about this state of affairs as you do. But these things happen, as anyone who has worked on any business projects is well aware.

And a delay of a mere week is certainly nothing to write about it - in fact, it's rather low, all things considered. All the complaints here are more of a testament to the game's addictive nature than anything else. ;)
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