[BtS]40 civs-allows colonies AND 34 civs

Lt. Bob

Jul 26, 2007
Now packed to the gills for v3.19!

Moderator Action: The current download for 3.19 can be found here.
Thanks to modifieda4 for the reupload :).

NOTE: The latest version available is V6.0. I haven't deleted versions 5.0 as rapidshare apparently only lets you download things 10 times now. As 5.0 is grandfathered in before that rule, I figure I'll leave it up until it dies.

There are alot of > 18 player mods out there, but because of the way the game checks, none of them let you spawn colonies if you're playing with every civilization in play. With the new colonial costs it can really kill you on maps with multiple continents.
I have changed the checks for spawning a colony removing the check that prohibits a colony to spawn if the team is or has been in play. I kept the limit on leaders though so you won't get two of the same leader.
I also set the civilization limit at 40 so that with all 34 players you can get six additional colonies. I think that should cover almost any map.
In versions 3.0 and up there is an optional change to global warming that allows you to get fallout instead of deserts when it strikes.
Because this mod is just a modified dll you can combine it with other mods pretty easy (just dump it into the mod folder). I'm currently using it with the expanded total war mod and it's working great.
Have fun with it, and feel free to post any questions here.

Lt. Bob

Change log:
V6.0 (07/11) - Updated for BtS 3.19
V5.0 (07/05) - Updated for BtS 3.17 - Includes solver's fixes as of today (v019)
V4.0e (11/05) - Alternate Build - Updated to include Bhruic's 1.11
V4.0d (10/25) - Alternate Build - Updated to include Bhruic's 1.101
V4.0c (10/17) - Alternate Build - Updated to include Bhruic's 1.09
V4.0b (10/14) - Alternate Build - Updated to include Bhruic's 1.08
V4.0a (10/05) - Alternate Build - Added Bhruic's unoffical patch 1.012
V4.0 (10/4) - Updated for BtS 3.13, Removed governed colonies - See post #70 or the readme for details
V3.1 (8/29) - Updated with today's solver changes
V3.0 (8/16) - Added ability to enable an alternate global warming technique (adds fallout to tiles instead of converting them to desert)
V2.1 (8/15) - Added solver's unofficial patch changes
V2.0 - Added option to decrease colony costs on gonverned continents (contain versilles/forbidden palace)
V1.0 - Original Version

Old C4F Link (V1): http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=6225
Latest Version (V6.0): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8ZOVBA6F
V5.0: http://rapidshare.com/files/127496239/40CivsV50.rar.html
V4.0 Source: http://forums.civfanatics.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=161942&d=1191946571
V5.0 Source: http://rapidshare.com/files/127496331/40CivsV50Source.rar.html
Doesn't work with maps. :dunno:


Oops! It does work! A thousand pardons.

I think I've figured out what I've been doing wrong with these >18 civ mods. In the scenario map file, you have to add slots for the extra civilizations, even if those slots are not in use. This is probably a basic, simple mistake that some people make.

It's been a while since I've done any CIV4 modding. I think I had forgotten about this.

Sorry again!
I've been looking around the forum for an answer to a question I have about colony maintenance, haven't found one so maybe you can help me out :)
Is there any way to make another continent NOT count as a colony? I recently built the forbidden palace in the, aparently misguided, belief that it would eliminated colony expense cause... well its not really a colony anymore if I have a palace on the continent? :)

So is there any way to mod this? So that a continent with versailles/forbidden palace does NOT count as a colony?

I've been looking around the forum for an answer to a question I have about colony maintenance, haven't found one so maybe you can help me out :)
Is there any way to make another continent NOT count as a colony? I recently built the forbidden palace in the, aparently misguided, belief that it would eliminated colony expense cause... well its not really a colony anymore if I have a palace on the continent? :)

So is there any way to mod this? So that a continent with versailles/forbidden palace does NOT count as a colony?


I actually tried the same thing in my first BtS game. :)
I was actually thinking about making a mod to do this very thing. Add the option to count the forbidden palace as a second palace. It might be too powerful to entirely eliminate the colonial expenses with the forbiden palace/versailles like the palace does, but something like a 1/2 multiplyer would probably work out pretty good.
I actually tried the same thing in my first BtS game. :)
I was actually thinking about making a mod to do this very thing. Add the option to count the forbidden palace as a second palace. It might be too powerful to entirely eliminate the colonial expenses with the forbiden palace/versailles like the palace does, but something like a 1/2 multiplyer would probably work out pretty good.

Any idea how it could be modded?

Thanks for the reply :=)
Any idea how it could be modded?

Thanks for the reply :=)

It would have to be anoter change to the dll file, I don't think it would be that hard, I'll look into it.
I find it kind of lame that they didn't put some of the game functionality into different files. Almost any serious modding has to modify the CvGameCoreDLL at the code level making it hard to combine mods of different types. :(
I can't load maps. I made a 30 civ map in the worldbuilder while the mod was launched and saved it. But when I go to load it from the scenario screen it crashes. Am I alone on this one?
I can't load maps. I made a 30 civ map in the worldbuilder while the mod was launched and saved it. But when I go to load it from the scenario screen it crashes. Am I alone on this one?

I just tried this (I saved a map in worldbuilder and then loaded it as a scenario) and it didn't crash for me, are you using another mod at the same time?
Vanvhelon: I made some modifications to my mod exposing a new variable to the globaldefines.xml file which allows you to make the forbidden palace/versilles decrease colony costs. I uploaded the file to rapidshare:
Just change the value of the GOVERNED_COLONY_MULTIPLYER from 1 to whatever you want it to be and it'll work.
I can't load maps. I made a 30 civ map in the worldbuilder while the mod was launched and saved it. But when I go to load it from the scenario screen it crashes. Am I alone on this one?

I have the same problem, i mad a 40 civs map in the worldbuilder it was saved successfully, however i can't load it from the scenario, i got a runtime error
having the same problem here too, we made a map with 34 civs, saved the map, then went to try and load it and got a run time error. any ideas?
Just posting up the saved map me and a friend made. we think we might be having a problem using fixed start points. We removed all the teamreveal= information but this error is still happening.


I have this issue as well when working with Genghis Kia Giant Earth map and trying to set 34 Civ's. Now this mod does work with the Map when using the "Custom Scenario" option. So you get random Civ palcement in the set starting plots on the map, so it does make for an interesting alternative World History.

Now I can get 30 Set Civ's using the same map with the 34 Man Mod though when I try to use this Mod with the 30 Set Civ's and 10 "extra" defaulted ones I still get the problem.
Okay I just looked into this and this is what I came up with. I created a 34 player WB save and it wouldn't load as you guys are saying. But when I dropped the number of players to 18 (still using the mod) the file loaded fine.
The problem is occuring when the choose your civ menu is supposed to pop up. Tomorrow I'll see if I can nail down exactly what is causing this to happen. Right now, I'm going to sleep. (like I should've down LONG ago) :)
Ok, I did some serious testing on this worldbuilder problem everybody seems to be having with the >=34 player mods (mine included). I created worldbuilder saves with players from 18-34 and began working my way up until I ran into a crash. I hit that level at 31 players but when I did more testing I ran into a very bizzare piece of information. I can make 30 player maps when I use a specific set of civilizations as the players, but from what I can tell only when they're in a specific order.


When these specific leaders are placed in this specific order I seem to be able to save and load worldbuilder saves with reckless abandon, but if I reorder them (I tried alphabetically) the worldbuilder save will crash on load. This has crossed a threshold to the point where I don't think I can figure it out without A: lots of people to try different cases to nail down what the problem is, or B: a copy of the source code that can run in debug mode.

If anyone else wants to try my worldbuilder save with this combo I've attached it to this post. (In an ironic twist my first worldbuilder save testing 30 players was the one that had this working combination)


It is annoying, and I wish I could do something about it. While I can merge code from the same DLL versions alright, bug squashing recalitrant code is a skill I'm lacking in.
I'm new at this forum and i don't know much about moding but I'm not so sure that this is only firaxis's error. O.K. , all modpacks that allow 34 civs or more have the same kind of error but with different modpacks you have problems with different number or kind of civs. Here's the thing as you tried in this modpack you can have at most 30 civs ,but with first modpack that allowed 34 civs (from dj_annion) I managed to have 32 civs without babylon and ethiopia. When i tried to change any of civs with those two it didin't work as it didn't work with other modpacks.
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