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[BtS MOD] Wolfshanze 1850-1920 Enhancement Mod v2.0

Was playing as germany in 1947 and the whole world was about WWI tech. Russia created a second Polish Colony and then a turn or two later...crash. Could this be a similar issue to the Mongol, Ottoman deal? I love this mod more than anything but it hurts to get these crashes that you can't get around.
Nevermind I went back to the latest auto save and the game was smooth sailing from there so not the dreaded game ending CTD that cannot be gotten around. :)
Was playing as germany in 1947 and the whole world was about WWI tech. Russia created a second Polish Colony and then a turn or two later...crash. Could this be a similar issue to the Mongol, Ottoman deal? I love this mod more than anything but it hurts to get these crashes that you can't get around....

...Nevermind I went back to the latest auto save and the game was smooth sailing from there so not the dreaded game ending CTD that cannot be gotten around. :)
There should be no-more mysterious CTD issues with the Wolfshanze Mod... it should be smooth as silk now. When I located and squashed the Ottoman & Mongol late-game CTD problem(s), I also checked the other 33 Civs for possible late-game CTD issues... after checking all 35 civs, only the Mongols and Ottomans had that problem... I'm very confident the Wolfshanze Mod is very stable now... assuming your computer has the power to run with all the new added graphics, as my mod is a bit of a resource hog with all the new unit graphics... as long as you have a decent system (and my computer was last re-built in 2005), the Mod should run stable.

Of course all bets are off when/if I update to v3.17 of BtS! :crazyeye:
I still have to try and see whether 3.13 works with the 3.17 patch as I have just downloaded that. It should I think without the custom .dll as they mentioned that saved games from 3.13 wouldn't be broken by this patch...
I still have to try and see whether 3.13 works with the 3.17 patch as I have just downloaded that. It should I think without the custom .dll as they mentioned that saved games from 3.13 wouldn't be broken by this patch...
That would be nice to hear a report on... heck... check it with the custom DLL too, just to be sure.... I'm 99.9% confident the game will crash with the custom DLL, but wouldn't it be interesting if it didn't? Of course, the main thing is to see if the Wolfshanze Mod runs with v3.17 without any changes at all to my extensive XML work... in-theory... I think it will (without the custom DLL)... but I don't yet know for sure.
My nephew place the 3.17 dll in your mod. The game loaded up. (Before it was giving him a run time error.)

He's going to get his sister to do the same and test it out.

I'll post more when I know more.
I don't see why it wouldn't be stable... should be just fine... that's good to hear though.
Over an hour and a half, all well.

I guess I'll be down loading the patch and swapping out the dll as well to play on line again.

That is until you've updated to 3.17 with your dll ;)
Over an hour and a half, all well.

I guess I'll be down loading the patch and swapping out the dll as well to play on line again.

That is until you've updated to 3.17 with your dll ;)
Yeah... at a minimum I'll want at least to include 40-civ support, and probably the Nuclear Fallout option again. I'll also probably wait a little while to see what fixes there are for v3.17 (solver has already started).
It seemed to work without the custom .dll. I have tried the very opening stages of a game but haven't really got that far so that could change next week...
You are using my arwork for Akula Sub, Astute Sub, Xebec and Bronenosets, a bunch of Buildings, as well as the HoChi-Minh Leaderhead, without as much as a credit. Those are for sure not as many units/artwork as Snafu, Matt and some others have contributed, so i guess you can't be bothered with proper credit on every tiny tidbit. But those are still my and i want them gone. Thank you.
You are using my arwork for Akula Sub, Astute Sub, Xebec and Bronenosets, a bunch of Buildings, as well as the HoChi-Minh Leaderhead, without as much as a credit. Those are for sure not as many units/artwork as Snafu, Matt and some others have contributed, so i guess you can't be bothered with proper credit on every tiny tidbit. But those are still my and i want them gone. Thank you.

Wow... Let me guess... 10 years old?

File the lawsuit please.

What a baby... grow up.

Using the graphics made by Elhoim, kodzi, Danrell, Hadrean, Snafusmith, Bernie, GeneralMatt, Houman and others (I lost track... lots of folks though!).
I seen it. If you use other peoples work, keep track.
I would actually prefer the art and the name gone, to beeing one of the few privileged ones, who actually got mentioned, among many others who didn't. But i guess i can't have everything.
I would actually prefer the art and the name gone, to beeing one of the few privileged ones, who actually got mentioned, among many others who didn't. But i guess i can't have everything.
Well, we can start a forum witch hunt... I can assure you, not every model maker is listed for every mod on this forum that has their work in it... especially considering that half the mods on this forum tend to borrow from other mods as opposed to a direct link from the author of the model, there's few mods here who actually do list every author for every model in every mod on this forum... because it's impossible to know the source of every model when only a fraction are even in the model upload section (many are just borrowed from other mods)... so let's start the witch hunt now...

Odd, that out of all the mods on this forum, you randomly stumbled across mine as being the only mod that doesn't, by-name, list every single model maker that has a model in the mod... because Lord knows every single mod on this forum has a complete reference list at finger-tip.

Despite all this, I somehow think that your motives are less about quoted references (I'm having a hard time believing all community mods list every single author for every single model) and more about some sort of other, less-sincere motive. Of course, you can easily prove me wrong by tracking down all the other violators of the quoted reference, as I'm sure there are countless offenders out there... odd I was the first outed without a complete list, eh Refar?
hey, when i try to play as hitler in the terra singleplayer map the game keeps on crashing. Any reasons?
You are right, i singled you out, because i am mad at you, and not happy with my art beeing in your mod. I would kind of expect of you to keep your own courtyard clean, after all you beeing Mr. Right on a crusade against what you feel to be a misconception.

I do keep track of where my stuff is going and i know of a couple of mods which use my art (and that of others) without giving credit. As you said it became habit around here. And this actually sad. But that's another story.
You are right, i singled you out, because i am mad at you, and not happy with my art beeing in your mod.
Odd that you have been okay with it since 2007... also odd that in some sort of attempt to flail-out in anger against me, because you don't like what I have to say about history (right or wrong) in a completely different thread that you deprive the rest of the civ community from your work. If you want to talk about attitudes, anger issues and "keeping one's own courtyard clean", I suggest you stop all these wild lash-outs and attempts to deprive community members of your work and reflect on why you are so disheveled over some stupid forum posts from a guy across the globe you never met.

In the end, I have a different opinion then you... and because of that difference, you have decided to try and target "hurting" me in some fashion. First by removing your motorcycle from the forum, and then, if that wasn't enough, by taking your anger to my Mod thread and trying to shut down either portions or the whole mod... whichever it is you seek.

In the end, your attempts to hurt me with your anger result (at best) in only these results:

#1) I already have your motorcycle units downloaded... so removing them from the forum didn't deprive me of them... but you did manage to keep the rest of the community from getting them who hadn't downloaded them.

#2) Assuming you were to be "victorious" in your angry lash-out by either removing your work or my mod from the forum, the only result you accomplish there is depriving your work from the members of this forum once again (lots of folks enjoy this mod).... I'll still have, use and enjoy my mod the way I want it on my computer.

I have no idea why you have become so infuriated over a difference of opinion or whatever you want to call it... whatever... but with all your angry lash-outs, you've managed to deprive just about everyone else of your work, but like a poor marksman you keep missing the target... the only person you won't effect by removing your downloads and attempts to shut-down the Wolfshanze Mod, would be ME.

I made the mod for myself... I freely share it with others in the community to enjoy. It's a different twist on Civ4 that others may (and often do) enjoy more then the default game, and it gets the work of many of the fine modelers in this community out to the public... which I thought was the purpose of making models in the first place. In the end, in all your outrage, anger and personal vendettas, the one person you can't deprive of playing Civ4 the way they enjoy it... is me. But you can go-on depriving the rest of the community if that is your goal. However you want to play it Refar. I'm not as worked-up as you are about a stupid internet difference of opinion.
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